@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Thu, 13 Mar 97 From: Ian Goddard <•••@••.•••> Subject: TWA 800: Paris-Match is OUT To: •••@••.••• If you can read French, here's the latest TWA 800 report from Pierre Salinger, Dr. Mike Sommer, and yours truly: http://www.parismatch.tm.fr/actualite/twa800/framedepart.html The radar images the FBI has been working overtime to keep out of your sight is also to be found there. I suspect that we will be attacked in the press soon. To print this with the FBI foaming at the mouth about any release of evidence or wrong thinking about TWA 800, Paris Match proves it has more guts than the entire U.S. major media. I just heard over the news that the FBI told NYANG Captain Chris Baur to stop talking to the media. Here's what Baur is saying that they want silenced: Pat Milton, for the Associated Press reports (03/12/97): NEW YORK (AP) - An Air National Guardsman who witnessed the explosion of TWA Flight 800 repeatedly told authorities he thought a missile had struck the plane, a source said. After searching for survivors the night of the crash, Capt. Chris Baur, a helicopter pilot, returned to his base and ``told officials immediately he thought he saw a missile,'' said the source, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. Baur ``saw a track of light and saw a hard explosion, then another explosion,'' the source said. The pilot then shared his observations with the FBI, the National Transportation Safety Board and investigators from the Joint Terrorism Task Force. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IAN GODDARD (•••@••.•••) Q U E S T I O N A U T H O R I T Y ----------------------------------------------------------------------- VISIT Ian Goddard's Universe -----> http://www.erols.com/igoddard _______________________________________________________________________ TWA 800: THE FACTS --> http://www.erols.com/igoddard/twa-fact.htm WACO - WTC - OKC ---> http://www.erols.com/igoddard/facts.htm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ To: •••@••.••• Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 Subject: TWA 800: Salinger updates friendly fire From: Parveez Syed <•••@••.•••> Friday 14 March 1997, London-UK From: Parveez Syed Global Media Monitoring Unit Shanti Communications One Stuart Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 8RA1 UK Tel: London-UK 44-0831-196693 Fax: 44-0181-665 0384 E-Mail INTERNET: •••@••.••• Copyright 1997 (c) Shanti Communications news agency. All rights reserved. The following feature may not be republished or redistributed, in whole or in part. Copying, storing, transfer, redistribution, retransmission, publication and exploitation of this information is hereby expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of Shanti Communications UK. TWA 800: Salinger updates friendly fire by Parveez Syed (c) Shanti RTV news LONDON [SCN] - Pierre Salinger, who fueled the TWA flight 800 friendly fire debate with a "secret" document that turned out to have come from the Internet, now has an expanded theory that a US navy missile downed the jetliner, killing 230 people on Tuesday 17 July 1997. This time, the former ABC newsman and press secretary to the US president John F Kennedy is co-leader of a team that claims the jet was shot down during a US navy training exercise when a missile "lost its lock on to its original target". The 62-page report, coinciding with "Paris-Match" magazine's publication of radar images showing a mystery blip racing toward the TWA plane. The Paris-bound 747 exploded and crashed minutes after leaving JFK airport. The FBI seized on Tuesday 11 March 1997 a videotape, showing the radar images, from the Florida home of retired United Airlines pilot Richard Russell, who wrote the Internet memo and is listed in Salinger's report as a member of his investigative team. US official investigators say three possible crash theories remain - a bomb, a missile or mechanical failure - but they insist that investigation has ruled out an errant missile strike by the US military. Navy officials claim no missile tests were underway at the time of the crash, and an inventory of the navy arsenal turned up no evidence of friendly fire. Salinger's report says witnesses monitoring secret Navy anti-terrorism exercises reportedly heard a male voice say "Oh, my God, I just hit that plane," and another sailor reportedly confessed to his father, "Dad, we shot it down". US federal investigators also received an advance copy of the report, dated 06 March 1997 and authored by Salinger, Mike Sommer and Ian Goddard. The report contains documented facts, technical jargon as well as information about missiles, aircraft, ships and secret US navy activities at the time of the crash in the US navy exclusion zone. Salinger said the final version of his report was nine pages longer than the draft but contained the same material, including: + A claim that after the crash "a Navy ship involved in the disaster was sent out to sea via the Middle East and its crew dispersed around the world, the investigation reveals"; + The missile "probably'' carried a type of warhead "reportedly banned" by a former US-Soviet arms treaty, SALT I; and + "A computer error between the USS Normandy and other participating Navy and US Coast Guard vessels, may also have led to the tragic shootdown". The report repeatedly refers to a "Tomahawk cruise missile" serving as a target drone. The US $1 million weapon is never used for that purpose, a US navy source claimed. The US navy confirmed that there was a P-3 Orion, a submarine hunter, on a routine training mission 55 miles away, and claimed the USS Normandy, an Aegis-type missile cruiser, was 180 miles to the south and not conducting missile drills. The navy claims it would be impossible to cover up such an incident, given the hundreds of people who would know about it within minutes. However, the FBI had seized a copy of an FAA radar image tape showing a blip rapidly closing on TWA Flight 800 just seconds before it exploded. The tape was seized from retired United Air Lines pilot Richard Russell, who has been independently probing the disaster since 17 July 1996. The FBI has placed a ban on federal employees speaking about the investigation, preventing many witnesses from sharing their accounts with the public. Russell and other independent investigators and journalists have theorised that a US navy cruise missile, possibly an unarmed "dummy" missile, inadvertently brought the plane down. Air National Guard pilot Captain Chris Baur is one of many witnesses who said to have seen something in the sky just before TWA 800 went down. Baur, a trained military pilot who witnessed the explosion from the cockpit of his helicopter, believes he saw a missile strike the plane. He reportedly saw a track of light and a hard explosion, followed by another explosion. The US navy was conducting scheduled exercises in the area surrounding TWA 800's flight corridor and was first on the scene of the crash. A Navy P-3 Orion anti-submarine plane flying without its transponder activated passed 10,000 feet above TWA 800 just before the explosion, according to a recent article in the Riverside Press-Enterprise (RPE), a newspaper in southern California. RPE also reported that a special exercise area reserved for the Navy went active at 8pm on 17 July 1996 just as TWA 800 was leaving its terminal. According to the RPE report, exercises routinely involve missiles and live fire. The tape seized by the FBI showed "three [radar] hits... one every four seconds," Russell told the Westchester County Weekly, a New York newspaper. "The last hit was three miles from TWA. Nineteen seconds later the plane dropped off". Russell said he obtained the tape from a confidential, high-level government source. He said that he had shown the tape to a professional radar controller, who concluded that the blip may be more than a mere anomaly. If the radar image on Russell's tape was, in fact, a missile which destroyed TWA 800, it would have been travelling at 568 miles per hour to cover three miles in nineteen seconds. The cruising speed of the Tomahawk missile is 550 miles per hour. Assuming a slight margin of error, the blip on the radar tape was travelling at approximately the same rate of speed as a Tomahawk cruise missile. The Tomahawk is a common munition on Navy warships, used against submarines and surface targets. An anonymous source told Shanti RTV news agency that a Brooklyn grand jury may examine the radar tape. In the mean time, Russell is not a happy camper. "I'm offended by it," Russell said. "They took my property away, but that's the way they operate. I knew that they would be doing this. It's a cover-up." The FBI seized Russell's radar tape after the RPE ran an article on the TWA 800 disaster, citing the tape as evidence. The FBI and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) immediately issued an unsigned statement claiming, "The articles' resulting conclusions are not supported by the facts". FBI Assistant Director James Kallstrom compared the RPE article to former ABC correspondent Pierre Salinger's statements last November that the plane was brought down by friendly fire. But in fact, it was Russell's early reports on the downing of Flight 800 that led to Salinger's revelations. Last August, Russell emailed a group of friends claiming that TWA 800 was shot down by a US navy missile fired from military exercise area W-105. His message quickly made the rounds on the Internet, forcing the FAA to confirm later that area W-105 was "hot" the night TWA 800 was destroyed. The mainstream media ignored Russell's theory until Salinger announced it to an audience of airline executives in Cannes, France, according to Shanti RTV news agency. Although the FBI and the NTSB have repeatedly refuted "Internet conspiracy theories" on the downing of TWA 800, an official explanation of the disaster remains forthcoming after eight months. The government's US $29 million investigation is reportedly winding down, but investigators claim they are still unable to determine whether the plane was destroyed by a bomb, mechanical failure, or a missile. Kallstrom has already claimed that the friendly fire theory is a "very, very unlikely" explanation. As a related side note, Kallstrom spoke in favor of the notorious Clipper chip at a panel debate hosted by the Association of the Bar of the City of New York in January 1995. "The notion that technology is just some sort of snake that's slithering along, and it should go wherever it likes, wherever the brain trust is going to let that go, without a realization that there's public policy issues here - public safety issues here - is I think a very naive approach," Kallstrom said during the debate. "You know they're all these people that we are chartered to put out of business for the good of all of us," Kallstrom said. "For the good of society. One way we do this is with electronic surveillance". Last year Muslims were being blamed - by self-styled "terrorism experts" - for the crash. New, independent evidence indicates that a missile probably brought down the jetliner. This would give credence to the theory of an accidental shootdown by US forces training in the area. The evidence includes reddish residue found on several seat backs that laboratory analysis showed to be "consistent with solid missile fuel" ingredients. ends Presented by: Shanti RTV (c) 14 March 1997. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Parveez Syed's direct contact details are: One Stuart Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 8RA1 UK Tel: London-UK 44-0831-196693; Fax/tel: 44-0181-665 0384 E-Mail INTERNET: •••@••.••• ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food for thought?: "World-class, global air media is the only invisible member of the UN Security Council. The media invades billions of minds and hearts everyday," - Parveez Syed. ----------------------------------------------------------------- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 From: Charles <•••@••.•••> To: "Richard K. Moore" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#644> TWA news update Thought this reference from NB News might be of interest: NBNews Daily Electronic Journal Thursday, March 13, 1997 ************************************************ Delivering the BEST *new* NEWS SOURCES Online Monday - Friday -------------------------------------------------------------- RPRT> TWA Missile Theory Resurfaces http://www.washtimes.com/ The theory that a missile shot down TWA Flight 800 in 1996 has resurfaced. This thanks to 'new' theories from Pierre Salinger. The Washington Times Online (see above URL) is presenting Salinger's most recent statements, as reported by Times reporter Andrew Borowiec. Additional links of interest related to this story include: Paris Match Magazine TWA 800 Radar images (French) http://www.parismatch.tm.fr/actualite/twa800/twa1.html TWA Flight 800 Memorial http://www.nystate.com And as we reported in NBNews 11/08/96 issue, the 'original' missile theory Email can be viewed by visiting: <http://www.lsoft.com/flight-800.html> The homepage for LSOFT's Flight-800 List To view the full-text of 'the memo' go to the above homepage and: 1) Click on 'search archive' 2) Paste the below line into the 'Search For' line: Friendly Fire? 3) Don't type anything else in any other lines!! Click on 'Search'. You should be returned with 8 items. 4) The original memo is referenced as Doc. # 000933 dated 96/09/16 (15:17) 116 lines, subject: FLIGHT 800 ************************************************ TO SUBSCRIBE to NBNews (FREE), send an Email to: •••@••.••• SUBJECT: subscribe ************************************************ Please feel free to contact the Editors anytime at: [LT] Liz W. Tompkins <•••@••.•••> [JP] James Porteous <•••@••.•••> NBNews Corp. 8 Lone Oak Circle, Holliston, MA 01746 (508) 429-5416 http://www.tricky.com/liz/ http://www.interlog.com/~porteous ************************************************ Copyright 1996-97 NBNews Corp./Liz Tompkins/James Porteous @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: ftp://ftp.iol.ie/users/rkmoore/cyberlib (USA Citizen) ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~