Bcc: personal correspondent XX 3/12/97, XX wrote (in response to one my NWO articles): >...I too agree, a political solution is best, but many of my >compatriots realize that the lines of demarcation have been >clearly drawn by the ruling elite. Many of us are prepared to >break rather than bend. As I write you, our beloved King Herod >(Bill Clinton) has used every opportunity to disarm and >alienate firearms owners in America. >...Yes, I feel your basic concepts of opposition are admirably civil, >but these my friend are not civil times any longer. >Please respond at will. Dear XX, This is my long-promised response to your message. Did you have a chance to look at any of the material I forwarded to you? (So much to read, so little time.) In any case... Since you have posed "the problem" in, shall we say, military terms, allow me to respond in those terms. In facing an enemy, it is necessary, if one hopes to prevail, to understand the strategy, tactics and resources of that enemy. The resources of the elite, in military terms, are limitless; the tactics are uttlerly ruthless; the strategy is both sophisticated and pro-active. You mention that the elite has clearly drawn the lines of demaracation - but this may be an overly-static characterization of their tactics. You are of course correct that they are the ones mounting the attack, they are not on the defensive - but they haven't simply drawn a line in the sand - they're advancing constantly and launching novel forays regularly. Their battle-plan strategy, at root, is classicly simple: Divide And Conquer. Not only do they exploit existing differences (racial, regional, socio-economic, religious, political orientation, gender, age-group...), but they covertly expand factionalism, and especially extremism of all kinds. The Klan, the Christian Right, the Militia, Muslim "terrorists", the Illegal Drug Trade, and the numerous Cults are for the most part encouraged, infiltrated, and closely monitored by the Feds/FBI/CIA. This not only divides the population up into ineffective enclaves, but it compartmentalizes ideas themselves. Let me give one example... In the last election, corporate power should have been a central issue in the campaign. Naturally, both major parties ignored that issue, but it remained in people's minds. So, to drive such concern to ground, a "Buchanan Candidacy" was contrived - he was allowed to espouse an anti-corporate line which many of us found quite sensible, but he was such a known fascist/racist/xenophobe (or was the media deceiving us?) that his advocacy besmirched his platform rather than advancing it. This is what I call sophisticated, pro-active tactics on the part of the elite. --- The primary objective of the battle-plan, as you have indicated, and is obvious from events, is the scrapping of the Constitution, leading to an elite-dominated world government. And who, in the media, is allowed to voice this perspective?... only the Militia. This is a longer-term echo of the more temporary Buchanan tactic. The scheme, which is working effectively, is to identify the Constitutional perspective with "paranoid gun freaks" and thereby remove it from "responsible public debate" and cause people to doubt its validity. To pursue an armed response, at this stage, is to play directly into the hands of the elite. The number of people ready for non-civil radicalism is so small that they are easily isolated and destroyed, along with their ideas. Waco stands as a metaphor for the fate of premature armed resistance. Before armed resistance can be politically effective, there must be a much broader public sympathy for the objectives of resistance. With such sympathy, governmental repression only fans the flames of broader resistance - without such sympathy, govermental response is perceived by most folks as "keeping the peace". The necessary sympathy is far from having been achieved at this point. Trotsky said, correctly in my view, that revolution is never caused by revolutionaries, but is instead made inevitable by governments, through the destruction of all alternatives. If the alternatives have not been pursued, then revolutionary conditions have not been achieved. Difficult as it may be, the building of a constituency - the education and radicalization of a large segment of the population - must precede effective resistance to, and change of, the system. Ironically, with the existence of such a constituency, the armed part of resistance may never be necessary. I personally believe armed resistance is no longer possible or desirable in a modern state. Look at how governments fell in Eastern Europe. First you had half the population marching in the streets, then you had brutal government repression, then you had everyone marching in the streets, and finally the army refused to kill any longer its own people. It wasn't rifles that brought down the governments, it was public consensus. --- In martial arts there is a principle of aiming beyond the target, a power-phenomenon also known in baseball as "follow-through". One breaks a brick with a fist by focusing ones energy a couple inches below the brick. In political terms, the police/military are a shield serving the government, and the government is a shield serving the corporate elite. The media is a shield serving that whole system. My belief is that to really change the system, we must aim beyond all the shields, even beyond corporatization, and focus on the society we want to create. Otherwise we're sparring with guard dogs, never getting beyond the moat, let alone into the castle. Regards, Richard ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: ftp://ftp.iol.ie/users/rkmoore/cyberlib (USA Citizen) ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~