cj#665> Nazis and the NWO (fwd) – 1/2


Richard Moore



Original Publication Date:   4 July 1996
This Re-Publication Date: 10 January 1997

"Shadow of the Swastika:

The Real Reason the Government won't Debate
Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp Relegalization"

By R. William Davis


The three posts which follow this brief introduction contain
the results of my three years of research into backgrounds
of the prime suspects in the "hemp and marijuana conspiracy,"
namely William Randolph Hearst, the du Ponts, and Andrew
Mellon.  This document, published as an Open Letter to all
Americans, reveals the evidence I have gathered that these
three Americans, prominent in the Media, Petrochemical, and
Banking industries in the 1930s and 1940s, were involved in a
much larger conspiracy as well, during this same time period.

This larger conspiracy, which is extensively documented in
Congressional Records, criminal indictments, and Justice
Department files, involved a secret business and financial
alliance between several major American corporations, and
the Nazis, during World War II.  This is not a conspiracy
"theory."  It is fact, and I have included a listing of all
my sources. ...

**** Shadow of the Swastika - Part 2 of 3 ****


     "The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not
safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point
where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself.  That,
in essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual,
by a group, or by any other controlling power.

     "Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in
history is growing."

                          -- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1)

     As mentioned earlier, the secret U.S./Nazi corporate alliance
during World War II was the result of substantial American investment
in post-World War I Germany.  In order to protect these investments,
and the accumulating profits, the U.S. multinational corporations
remained an important part of the Nazi war machine until the final
defeat of Germany in 1945.  What effect did the end of World War II
have on this faction of American Nazi collaborators?

     In this section we will review the evidence, much of it from
recently de-classified documents, that this pro-Nazi faction, rather
than facing charges of high treason, became an integral part of the
United States national security apparatus, extending its fascist
influence in both foreign and domestic policies and, in effect,
creating what has been referred to as America's "Invisible
Government."  The excuse, of course, was Communism.


     Aarons and Loftus' research, which documents the Dulles brothers'
pro-Nazi activities, did not go unnoticed.  "Before his death, former
Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg granted one of the authors an
interview.  Justice Goldberg had served in U.S. intelligence during
World War II. Although he said little in public, he had collected
information on the Dulles boys' activities over the years. His verdict
was blunt.  'The Dulles brothers were traitors.' They had betrayed
their country, by giving aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war."

     Much of what is now known about the activities of the Dulles
brothers and other American Nazi collaborators in banking and industry
came as a result of a top-secret joint U.S.-British intelligence
program known as the Ultra Project.  "Prior to the United States'
entry into the war," write Loftus and Aarons, "Roosevelt permitted
British intelligence to wiretap American targets.

     "According to our sources in the intelligence community, the area
of coverage included a good bit of the New York financial district,
several floors of Rockefeller Plaza, part of the RCA Building, two
prominent clubs, and various shipping firms. . . .

     "The wiretap unit reported to Sir William Stephenson, a Canadian
electronics genius better known by his code name, 'Intrepid.'  From
his headquarters in the Rockefeller building, Stephenson's job was to
identify U.S. companies that were aiding the Nazis." (3)

     "Several months before the United States declared war," continue
Loftus and Aarons, "Bill Donovan invited Allen Dulles to head up the
New York branch of the Office of the Coordinator of Information (COI),
President Roosevelt's new intelligence agency and the precursor to the
Office of Strategic Services (OSS).  Its primary mission was to
collect information against the Nazis and their collaborators.  In
other words, Dulles was asked to inform on his own clients in New
York. . . ."

     "Roosevelt had approved his selection as head of the COI
Manhattan branch because he wanted Dulles where the British
wiretappers could keep an eye on him. . . .

     "One floor below Dulles was Stephenson's wiretap shop. Inside
Dulles's  operation  was  one  of  Roosevelt's  spies,  Arthur Goldberg . .
." who, "confirmed . . . that Dulles's appointment was a setup. . . .

     "Roosevelt was giving Dulles enough rope to hang himself. From
Stephenson's Manhattan wiretaps, it is known that Dulles was
continuing to work with his German business clients, who wanted to
remove Hitler and install a puppet of their own who would make peace
with the West while forging an alliance against Stalin.  It was to be
a kinder, gentler Third Reich, favorably disposed to American
financial interests. . . . (4)

     "The wiretap evidence against Dulles originally was collected by
a special section of  Operation Safehaven, the U.S. Treasury
Department's effort to trace the movement of stolen Nazi booty towards
the end of the war.  Roosevelt and Treasury Secretary Henry Morganthau
had set up Dulles by giving him the one assignment - intelligence
chief in Switzerland - where he would be most tempted to aid his
German clients with their money laundering."

     Roosevelt had one thing in mind:  "The sudden release of the
Safehaven intercepts would force a public outcry to bring treason
charges against those British and American businessmen who aided the
enemy in time of war."  Among the targets were Allen Dulles, Henry
Ford, and other U.S. industrialists. (5)

     The plan failed, however, due to Dulles being "tipped off . . .
that he was under surveillance" in time to cover his tracks.  One
possible source of the leak was Vice President Henry Wallace, "who
constantly shared information with his brother-in-law, the Swiss
minister in Washington during the war."

     "Wallace," the authors reveal, "gave many details of his secret
meetings with Roosevelt to the Swiss diplomat."  The problem was that,
at the time, the Nazis "had recruited the head of the Swiss secret

     It is, perhaps, no coincidence that Roosevelt dropped Wallace
during the 1944 election, choosing instead Senator Harry S. Truman as
his new running mate. (6)


     "After the Nazis' 1943 defeat at Stalingrad," write Loftus and
Aarons, "various Nazi businessmen realized they were on the losing
side and made plans to evacuate their wealth.  The Peron government in
Argentina was receiving the Nazi flight capital with open arms, and
Dulles helped it hide the money. . . .

     "The Guinness Book of Records lists the missing Reichsbank
treasure [estimated at $2.5 billion dollars] as the greatest unsolved
bank robbery in history.   Where did it go? . . . .

     "According to our source, the bulk of the treasure was simply
shipped a very short distance across Austria and through the Brenner
Pass into Italy.  Dulles's contacts were waiting at the Vatican.  The
German-Vatican connection was how Allen Dulles and the Nazi
industrialists planned to get away with it. . . ." (7)

     The effort was successful, according to the authors, who state
that the "vast bulk of the wealth of the Nazi empire" which
"disappeared before the end of World War II" reappeared "within a
decade in the hands of the same men who financed Hitler's war against
the Jews.  Allen Dulles's clients were not defeated, only
inconvenienced."  The authors identify two of Dulles's accomplices as
James Jesus Angleton and his father, Hugh Angleton.  The Angletons
were members of X-2, the OSS counterintelligence branch in Italy, in

     Like Dulles, Hugh Angleton was financially involved with Axis
powers.  He was the European representative for National Cash Register
in Italy before the war and business associate of Dulles.  When World
War II broke out, the authors write, ". . . Angleton was crushed
financially as all his investments were in enemy hands."

     "Like Dulles's clients, he wanted his money back.  Like Dulles,
Hugh offered his services to the OSS."  With high-placed contacts in
Mussolini's Interior Ministry, Hugh was accepted and "promoted rapidly
in U.S. intelligence.  He became second in command to Colonel Clifton
Carter, the OSS commander in Italy at the end of World War II." (8)

     Perhaps the most controversial information which is now emerging
with the release of recently declassified documents concerning World
War II, is the role of the Vatican, both in its pre-war German
investments, and its role in helping Nazi war criminals escape justice
after the war.  Concerning the Vatican-German investments, Loftus and
Aarons are quite clear:

     "That the Vatican encouraged such investments and even donated
money to Hitler himself cannot be denied.  A German nun, Sister
Pascalina, was present at its creation.  In the early 1920s she was
the housekeeper for Archbishop of the Vatican-Nazi connection . . .
Eugenio Pacelli, then the papal nuncio in Munich.  Sister Pascalina
vividly recalls receiving Adolf Hitler late one night and watching the
archbishop give Hitler a large amount of Church money."

     In addition, Eugenio Pacelli "later convinced the Vatican to
invest millions of dollars in the rising German economy, money from
the Vatican's land settlement that ended the Pope's claim of
sovereignty over territory outside the walls of Vatican City.  It was
Pacelli who negotiated the Concordat with Germany and then had to deal
with the consequences of his own mistakes when he became pope on the
eve of World War II."

     "The Vatican and the Dulles brothers had the same problem. Once
their money was in Hitler's hands, how would they get it back?"

     The authors interviewed "a former colonel in U.S. Military
Intelligence who specialized in tracing enemy assets.  He claimed that
only a tiny portion of the Reichbank's gold ingots actually reached
the Vatican Bank, while the rest was held in cooperative banks in
Belgium, Liechtenstein, and especially Switzerland."  It was only
necessary to transfer the paperwork on the gold, not the gold itself.
Since, by that time, Dulles knew his telegraph communications were
being monitored by the British wiretap operation in New York, he
instead used couriers to "ensure absolute secrecy in moving the
foreign currency and the ownership documents out of Switzerland . . .
special agents of the Vatican who had diplomatic immunity to move back
and forth across both Nazi and Allied lines. . . ." (9)

     ". . . . The Vatican's eminence grise for Balkan intelligence,
the Bosnian-Croat priest Krunoslav Draganovic, was involved in
transporting large quantities of Nazi booty, especially gold bullion,
from Austria to the safety of the Holy See with the help of the
Dulles-Angleton clique in Rome.  Some of the booty was transported in
truck convoys run by British troops. Other shipments were carried in
U.S. Army jeeps provided to Father Draganovic so that he could conduct
pastoral visits' on behalf of the Vatican.

     "Another ardent Nazi propagandist and agent, Slovenian bishop
Gregory Rozman, was sent to Bern with the help of Dulles's friends in
U.S. intelligence.  Declassified U.S. intelligence files confirm that
Bishop Rozman was suspected of trying to arrange the transfer of huge
quantities of Nazi-controlled gold and Western currency that had been
discreetly secreted in Swiss banks during the war.  For a few months
the Allies prevented Rozman from gaining access to this treasure, but
then the way was mysteriously cleared.  In fact, the Dulles-Vatican
connection had fixed it, and before too long the bishop obtained the
loot for his Nazi friends, who were hiding in Argentina.

     "Such instances turned out to be only the tip of the iceberg.  It
has long been acknowledged that it was Allen Dulles who tipped off
General Patton about the buried German treasure that lay in the path
of the U.S. Third Army.  Patton explicitly urged General Eisenhower to
conceal as much of the gold as possible, but his advice was refused.

     "Our sources claim that Dulles and his colleagues exerted a great
deal of influence to ensure that Western investments in Nazi Germany
were not seized by the Allies as reparations for the Jews.   After all,
much of  'Hitler's Gold'   had originally belonged to the bankers in
London and New York.   The . . . captured Nazi loot went underground. . . .

     "In the cause of anticommunism, and to retrieve its own
investments in Germany, the Vatican agreed to become part of Dulles's
smuggling window, through which the Nazis and their treasure could be
moved to safety." (10)

     On April 12th, 1945, Roosevelt died, and Truman became President.
May 7th, Nazi Germany surrendered after the suicide of Adolf Hitler.
September 2nd, Japan surrendered.

     World War II finally ended, but at the cost of more than
35,000,000 lives, over half that amount civilians.  The death toll for
the United States was 294,000. (11)


     "Dulles and some of his friends volunteered for postwar service
with the government not out of patriotism but of necessity," according
to Loftus and Aarons.  "They had to be in positions of power to
suppress the evidence of their own dealings with the Nazis. The
Safehaven investigation was quickly stripped from Treasury . . . and
turned over to the State Department. There Dulles's friends shredded
the index to the interlocking corporations and blocked further

     "Dulles had this goal in mind: Not a single American businessman
was ever going to be convicted of treason for helping the Nazis.  None
ever was, despite the evidence.  According to one of our sources in
the intelligence community, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps
had two large 'Civilian Internment Centers' in Occupied Germany, code
named 'Ashcan' and 'Dustbin.' The CIC had identified and captured a
large number of U.S. citizens who had stayed in Germany and aided the
Third Reich all through World War II. The evidence of their treason
was overwhelming.  The captured German records were horribly

     "Yet Victor Wohreheide, the young Justice Department attorney
responsible for preparing the treason trials, suddenly ordered the
prisoners' release.  All of the Nazi collaborators were allowed to
return to the United States and reclaim their citizenship.  At the
same time, another Justice Department attorney, O. John Rogge, who
dared to make a speech about Nazi collaborators in the United States
was quickly fired.  However, the attorney who buried the treason cases
was later promoted to special assistant attorney general.

     "Dulles and his clients had won.  The proof is in the bottom line.
Forty years after World War II, Fortune magazine published a list of
the hundred richest men in the world.  There were no Jews on the list.
The great fortunes of the Rothschilds and Warburgs had been
diminished to insignificance by the Depression, the Nazis, and World
War II.

     "Near the top of the list were several multibillionaires who had
been prominent members of Hitler's inner circle.  A few even had
served time in Allied prisons as Nazi war criminals, but they were all
released quickly.  The bottom line is that the Nazi businessmen
survived the war with their fortunes intact and rebuilt their
industrial empires to become the richest men in the world.  Dulles's
clients got away with it.  President Roosevelt's dream of putting the
Nazis' moneymen on trial died with him."

     England also failed to see justice done, according to the
authors: "The British authorities in Germany ordered the U.S. Army to
release all of the VIP British Nazis and hand over the evidence
against them.  Even before Roosevelt's death, Churchill had already
begun to withdraw from his commitment to prosecute Nazis."  The
reason?  "Too many British industries might be seized as Nazi fronts.
Too many upper-class collaborators might have to be prosecuted.  The
Germans were defeated, and the Soviets were now the enemy.

     "Funding for British war crimes investigations suddenly dried up.
Nazi bankers such as Herman Abs were released from prison to work as
economic advisers in the British zone of Germany.  The history of
British 'efforts' to punish Nazis after the war is aptly summarized in
Tom Bower's book, 'The Pledge Betrayed'. . . ."

     "The pattern was repeated all over the remnants of the Third
Reich.  Despite direct orders from President Truman and General
Eisenhower, I.G. Farben, the citadel of the Nazi industrialists, was
never dismantled.  Dulles's clients demanded, and received, Allied
compensation for bomb damage to their factories in Germany.  Only a
few of the top Nazis were executed.  Most of the rest were released
from prison within a few years.  Others, . . . would go virtually
unpunished.  No one ever investigated the Nazi sympathizers in Western
intelligence who had made it all possible." (12)

     As we have seen, the American industrialists who did business
with the Nazis were in no way inconvenienced by war crimes trials, and
even received compensation for damages to their Nazi war plants.  Some
Nazi industrialists were charged and convicted by the Nuremberg war
crimes trials but, in their book, "The American Establishment,"
authors Leonard and Mark Silk observe that in the late 1940s "the
United States and its leaders faced an agonizing moral problem in
coming to terms with those German industrialists who had willingly
done business with the Nazis and who were now just as willing to do
business with the Americans in the reconstruction of Germany.  The
problem was dramatized when those German industrialists who had been
convicted of war crimes at Nuremberg were all released from Landsberg
prison in early 1951, their sentences commuted by the American High
Commissioner [of German Occupation], John J. McCloy.

     ". . . . Whatever the motivation," the authors continue, "the
blanket release of the convicted industrialists was taken within
Germany - and by them - as a sign that businessmen were not to be
seriously blamed for their involvement in matters for which others
were hanged or suffered long imprisonment." (13)

     The motivation for the mass release of imprisoned Nazi war
criminals is described in the book, "The New Germany and the Old
Nazis," by T.H. Tetens, an expert in German affairs.

     Tetens observes that in "1950, when Washington showed its
eagerness to create a new German army of 500,000 men, the SS [at that
time reorganized into a neo-Nazi front group called HIAG, which stands
for 'mutual assistance,' a so-called veterans organization], together
with the old Wehrmacht officers, started an all-out campaign for the
immediate release of all war criminals.  It was a superbly organized
blackmail action, enjoying wide support from the public, from all
parties, and carried toward success by Dr. Adenauer's astute

     "The Chancellor suggested an inconspicuous way to solve the
problem with 'parole,' 'sick leave,' and other roundabout methods.
The more the U.S. High Commission in Germany showed leniency, however,
the stronger the pressure became: either 'all so-called war criminals
are released or there will be no German army.'  American diplomats
followed Dr. Adenauer's plan to feed the nationalistic monster
piecemeal.  Every few days we quietly released one or two more from
prison - the Krupps, the I.G. Farben directors, and dozens of former
Wehrmacht Generals.  On friendly advice from Washington, the British
and the French, extremely reluctant, had to follow suit.  When the
supply dried up, there remained behind bars only the SS, the mass
murderers from Dachau, Belsen, and Buchenwald, and the toughs from the
Waffen SS who had massacred American, British, and Canadian prisoners
of war.  This put High Commissioner John McCloy in a most embarrassing
position. . . ."

     Tetens explains how Chancellor Adenauer helped High Commissioner
McCloy and the U.S. State Department avoid this embarrassment:
Adenauer "suggested the formation of a review board, with three German
members sitting in and having equal voice in making recommendations.
The whole procedure was to be shrouded in secrecy, and it was decided
that the names of those released should not be revealed to the public.
In this way the last few hundred 'poor devils,' those SS mass killers
and sadists, were quietly set free within two or three years." (14)

     Christopher Simpson, in his extensively documented book on the
subject of U.S. recruitment of Nazis, "Blowback," goes into more
detail of the backgrounds of those released: "The beneficiaries of
this act included, for example, all of  the convicted concentration
camp doctors; all of the top judges who had administered the Nazis'
'special courts'" and dozens of similar cases.  In addition, "McCloy's
clemency decisions for the Landsberg inmates set in motion a much
broader process that eventually freed hundreds of other convicted Nazi
war criminals over the next five years. . . . By the winter of 1950-
1951 the most senior levels of the U.S. government had decided to
abrogate their wartime pledge to bring Nazi war criminals to
justice. . . . in the interests of preserving West German military
support for American leadership in the cold war.  While nazism and
Hitler's inner circle continued to be publicly condemned throughout the
West, the actual investigation and prosecution of specific Nazi crimes came
to a standstill." (15)

     One case merits special attention: Sepp Dietrich, "the organizer
of the Fuehrer's bodyguard.  Dietrich carried out Hitler's personal
murder assignments" and, Tetens continues, "was in charge of the
liquidation of the Jewish population in the city of Kharkov.  During
the Battle of the Bulge his troops committed the Malmedy massacre,
killing more than 600 military and civilian prisoners, among them 115
American G.I.s. He was sentenced to death, and the sentence was later
commuted to life imprisonment. In 1955 he was one of the last  poor
devils' quietly released from prison and greeted by the Bonn
government with the homecoming pay of 6,000 marks." (16)

     In a "New York Times" article published February 1, 1951, one
prominent American expressed support for the reduction of sentences
for those responsible for the mass murder of the 600 unarmed prisoners
of war at Malmedy, describing  the decision as "extremely wise."  The
American was Senator Joseph McCarthy, Republican from Wisconsin.

     Tetens observes that, despite the wide-spread fear by "the French,
the British, and the smaller European countries" of a re-militarized
Germany, "the outbreak of the Korean War (June 1950) brought a total
change. The provisions which banned all military and veterans'
organizations lost all their meaning and were no longer enforced.
Western Germany was allowed by the Allies to set up its own General
Staff, camouflaged under the name Blank Office.  Supported by Bonn
and tolerated by the United States, a nation-wide network was created
to reactivate the experienced officers and the man power of the old
Wehrmacht.  The short period of 1950-51 must be marked as the time
when Hitler's old officers, SS leaders, and [Nazi] party functionaries
returned to power and influence." (17)

      Tetens' comment that the Nazi's return to power in Germany was
"tolerated by the United States" was a historical understatement.  By
the time Tetens' book was published in 1961, hundreds of convicted
Nazi war criminals had already been smuggled out of Germany to avoid
prosecution at the war crimes trials at Nuremberg, recruited by, and
on the payroll of several U.S. government agencies, including the Army
CIC, the OSS, and the Office of Policy Coordination within the State

     Over the past fifty years, it is now documented, these
Americanized fugitive Nazi war criminals have been involved in, and in
many cases in charge of, many U.S. government covert operations --
international weapons smuggling, drug cartels, Central American death
squads, right wing anti-communist dictatorships, LSD mind control
experiments -- the Republican National Committee's Ethnic Heritage
Councils, and the Presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon, Ronald
Reagan, and George Bush.


Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26   Wexford, Ireland
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