Cc: César Roberto <•••@••.•••> Dear cj, Here is an example of what I meant by _amazing_ progress in our revolution initiative. CADRE's Manifesto was received by Senhor César Roberto of Brazil in exactly the way it was intended. The Manifesto is a call to unity, an appeal to the world's people to recognize that elite corporate global hegemony FORCES a common basic agenda on all of us who want a decent future for humanity. César resonated with this. He says: ...some subscribers, including myself, are keenly advising the other mates on the concomitant need to make INTERNATIONAL NON-DISCRIMIN- ATORY ALLIANCES all over the world, what constitutes the very pragmatic objective of the workshop "Seeking an Effective Demo- cratic Response to Globalization and Corporate Power". "Non-discriminatory alliances" is a very good characterization of what CADRE intends by its call for a "Global Coalition for a Democratic Renaissance." Jan - rebel jan - Slakov, cj subscriber and inimitable CADRE liason chief, was quick to rise to this opportunity for collaboration. She wrote to me: I suggested asking César Roberto to be in charge of delegate selection at least for Brazil, but probably all of S. America, maybe Central America too. César, I hereby extend that invitation formally from CADRE to you. Please let us know if Jan's suggestion makes sense for you, and indicate what territory you feel comfortable covering. Let me say that I consider a delegate from Cuba and another from Nicaragua (a veteran Sandinista) to be essential to achieve sound balance at the Workshop. Finally, with some regret, let me say that all delgates must, for this small initial workshop, be fluent in English. The enhanced intimacy provided by a common language among delegates we consider essential for success. Later CADRE-organized conferences will "bite the bullet" and find some way to accomodate multi-lingual participants adequately. CADRE intends to be neither Anglo-centric nor Euro-centric in its coalition endeavors. Yours in revolution, Richard K.Moore (US Citizen) Editor: •••@••.••• Chief: CADRE PO Box 26 Wexford, IRELAND mailto:•••@••.••• BTW> Since this message contains accented characters, it might be converted to gibberish by our listserv. If that happens, I will immediately re-post with those characters replaced by standard ascii. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 To: •••@••.••• From: •••@••.••• (Jan Slakov) Subject: César Roberto's message From: •••@••.••• Date: Thu, 19 Mar 1998 21:31:35 -0300 To: •••@••.••• Subject: Demo.Renaiss. in Portuguese and Spanish Cc: •••@••.••• (Jan Slakov), •••@••.••• Rio de Janeiro, March 19, 1998. Dear Richard, Jan and Chris: Thank you for your prompt answer, although you are being "deluged". Richard K. Moore wrote: "You are the first to translate our message into a non-English language. Please forward your translation so we can post it to website." Let's recapitulate, in order to be clear. In the PT (Workers' Party from Brazil) newsboard I gave a general notice on the coming workshop. I sent the same notice to its very active discussion list together with the translation of the Manifesto for a Democratic Renaissance and the entire original message (in English) received from Cyberjounal. Both the newsboard and the discussion list may be found in the official home page of PT, called PTNet < >, which also bears a version in English. You will find below the translation of the Manifesto for a Democratic Renaissance into both Portuguese and Spanish. The translations of the entire original message will take a longer while. I will send them attached to other letters by the week beginning on Monday 30, OK ? I'm aware that translators are deemed to be traitors, as they say in Italian: "traduttori, traditori", but at least I make my best efforts to not deserve this old motto ... :-) The same material that I had sent to PTNet was today sent to the news list kept by the Gallicchio Hansen Family from Porto Alegre, Brazil <•••@••.•••>. They lead a group of progressive Catholic activists very interested in globalization issues. Although they only accept texts written in Portuguese or Spanish, I have successfully overcome their rule as to the original message received from Cyberjounal, accompanied by a presentation notice and by the translation into Portuguese of the Manifesto. They have already sent it nationwide once more, since I received it back from another list that I subscribe, called "Socialismo". Ah ! And PTNet, by its own initiative, has just sent the referred material once more today. One issue that is being hotly debated in the listapt (the above mentioned PT's discussion list) is the making of alliances with other parties from the left and the center in order to elect new Federal and States' governments able to manage the globalization issues in a humanist way. Although this debate is mainly focused on Brazilian particularities, some subscribers, including myself, are keenly advising the other mates on the concomitant need to make INTERNATIONAL NON-DISCRIMINATORY ALLIANCES all over the world, what constitutes the very pragmatic objective of the workshop "Seeking an Effective Democratic Response to Globalization and Corporate Power". Enjoy a happy deluge ! in solidarity, César Roberto •••@••.••• 1848 / 1998: Proletarier aller Länder, vereinigt euch ! =============================================================== SPANISH VERSION OF THE MANIFESTO FOR A DEMOCRATIC RENAISSANCE Manifiesto para un Renacimiento Democrático ~-==============-<snip>-==============-~ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~-===================================================-~ "Seeking an Effective Democratic Response to Globalization and Corporate Power" - an international workshop for activist leaders - *>--> June 25 <incl> July 2 - 1998 - Nova Scotia - Canada <---<* - modest fee including room and board will be announced soon - > Organized by: Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance < ~-===================================================-~ ~-===============================================================-~ Manifesto for a Democratic Renaissance - CADRE - Ides of March, 1998 (1) Corporate globalization is leading the world to disaster and something MUST be done about it. Corporate influence has corrupted our democracies, undermined our sovereignties, bankrupted our governments and is destroying the very earth our survival depends upon. (2) The very success of corporate globalism in subjugating everyone to its agenda has created the potential for a massive counter-movement, a peaceful democratic counter-revolution on a global scale. (3) Political activists must rise to the challenge of this strategic opportunity -- it is time to move beyond our special- interest causes and find a path to solidarity and the collab- orative pursuit of shared objectives. Foremost among our tasks is to build bridges cross the gulfs dividing factions such as liberals & conservatives, believers & non-believers, labor & environmentalists, etc. We are all in this together! (4) Overcoming corporate globalism calls for more than protest or resistance -- it requires a different vision for the world, a coherent agenda which can provide sustainable prosperity and which avoids chaos during the historic transition. (5) That vision and agenda must be based on the establishment of healthy democratic processes in our individual nations and on the realization that sustainable economics and respect for the environment are not just good ideas, but are rather necessities for human survival. ~-===============================================================-~ ~================================================~ Restore democratic sovereignty. Create a sane and livable world. Bring corporate globalization under control. * CITIZENS FOR A DEMOCRATIC RENAISSANCE (CADRE) * mailto:•••@••.••• ~================================================~ ~=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by: Richard K. Moore | PO Box 26, Wexford, Ireland mailto:•••@••.••• | * Non-commercial republication authorized - incl this sig * ~=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~-~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=~