cj#808> reader dialog on recent topics


Richard Moore

Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998
To: •••@••.•••
From: David Cameron/Nancy Sherwood <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: cj#806> a poem for our times

>    ...- just had to do something -
>        and the time will come when I will want to
>        once again
>        but just now
>        I would simply like to cry.
 >                -Jan Slakov, Nova Scotia, 1998

Me, too. Sadly well put. My daughter gives birth to our first grandchild in
a few weeks. I find myself trying to write that unborn letters to describe
what life was like here in Nova Scotia 25 years ago & feel so impossibly
old and bereft.

I remember well the awe in grandfather's voice when he told me as a young
boy of the wonders of change he had seen in his years-how very sure he was
that by now everyone would be living in absolute paradise. He envied me the
future I would live to see. Every time I visit the places that were special
to him, I cry and tell his spirit how wrong it all turned out.

Ah, but the whales are out in our front yard chasing the bait-fish and we
did get peach, cherry, apple and oak trees planted safely in this first wet
summer we've seen in a while. Maybe that about to be born child will
harvest those fruit, and catch the mighty cod once again. In the mean time
a hug for Jan and all of us that have noticed, seems in order.

David C

Box 95 Riverport
NS  Canada BOJ 2WO
902 766 4129

Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998
From: Antonio Rossin <•••@••.•••>
To: David Cameron/Nancy Sherwood <•••@••.•••>,
        "•••@••.•••" <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: cj#804> re: building a movement for a Democratic Renaissance

David Cameron/Nancy Sherwood wrote (privately):
  > Dear Antonio, just a small point & hopefully irrelevant! The year 2000
  > problem is very real & may have huge consequences for us all....

Dear David C,

first of all, accept my apologies for replying your appreciated post
publicly. The reason is, as you said, if we do not want to waste our little
time before the "Year 2000" crash-down danger, we must put our eggs into as
many baskets as possible.

Well now, about our eggs:  I think almost each one of us is offering any,
that is, a project or proposal aiming at solving "the problem".
Unfortunately, each one of us looks to be fond of one's own solution, so
that all of us are going on competing for the pole position, no one reaches
it of course, and in the meanwhile our precious time runs away into

Maybe, if we had a meta-project aimed ad increasing open-mindedness in
people,  *in ourselves first of all*, we could become able to check-in and
compare all  the offered projects and proposals, select the most viable,
and put it into  action.  Otherwise we do keep on being talkative but
inactive -- as we are doing  so far, to the only advantage of corporate
conservative lobbies and powership.

I am an outsider, 62, in a far Italian village where connecting is a
miracle, my  English lang is limping and my computering and net-surfing
skill is near to nul.  So I ask all of you:  do you know about any such
meta-project?  Maybe you are able to find any somewhere in the web.  I am
not able - except mine.

But, -- _if_you_wont_be_able_to_find_any_,  then, let me offer my humble
effort,  The "LFS project" to be, if not the final step, at least a
starting point for  opening the research for suacha meta-project.

The LFS Proiect is disposable, free, at:
<http://www.mripermedia.com/Rossin/> Maybe, it is worth being quoted on
some journal..

From: <•••@••.•••> Bill Blum
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Re: cj#805> re: building a movement

Dear Richard, Thanks for your reply to my comment.  You make a valid point
about conservative nationalists, although since I myself am not a nationalist,
that's not a point of comraderie for me with the likes of Pat Buchanan.  You
also say that you don't really consider yourself a socialist.  This impels me
to ask you: When you envision your future ideal society, do you see the profit
motive still king?

Bill Blum


Dear Bill,

I presume your question is rhetorical, since the "profit motive being king"
is the very thing that needs to be overcome.  That phrase, by the way, is a
very good descritpion of the mission of the globalization project,
opposition to which has been the central focus of my work.

I believe that democracy, genuine democracy, comes first and that economics
follows from that.  The people of Chiapas may want a different system than
those of Mexico City, or Denmark, or Japan.  "Socialism" is a rather
general term, meaning different things to different people, and it carries
a connotation of centralized planning.  One can be shy of the "socialist"
label without needing to embrace the capitalist ethic.

In the broader sense, if `socialism' simply means that economic affairs are
organized to the needs of society, instead of an elite, then I would place
myself in that camp.  But I shy away from endorsing any "ism", because
labels always carry connotations in readers that cannot be predicted.

And I'm not against the profit motive, I'm just against it being forced on
people who don't want it, and I'm against that motive being "king", being
the primary basis of society.  At the low end, say a Mom & Pop grocery
store, or a farmers market, I think we'd all agree the profit motive is a
sound thing, and has been a productive part of societies for thousands of
years.  At the high end, with TNCs running the world, I think we can all
agree it's gone too far.  Where to draw the line, it seems to me, is for
people in different circumstances to decide for themselves.

My personal mission, and that of CDR (Citizens for a Democratic
Renaissance), is not to `sell' a particular `solution', nor to design the
perfect society.  Our hope is rather to inform, to build connections, and
to encourage people everywhere to wake up to their own personal empowerment
and to build democratic societies.

Thanks for asking such a provocative question!  (:>)

Stay in touch,

cj: Incidentally: William Blum's book, "Killing Hope" (1995, Common Courage
Press) offers an excellent and comprehensive treatment of US military and
CIA interventions since WW 2.

From: <•••@••.•••> (Bill Blum)
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998
To: •••@••.•••
Subject: Re: cj#807> Rwanda: it all started with the IMF... a perspective

Dear Richard,

You may be interested to know that Michel Chossudovsky wrote an
article on the Rwanda and the IMF, which appeared in Covert Action Quarterly,
which which I'm associated, issue No. 52, Spring 1995.  This article is only
one page, a sidebar to a longer article on Rwanda, but worth reading.  People
can order the magazine by sending $8 to CAQ, 1500 Massachusetts Ave., NW #732,
Washington, DC 20005-1833.

Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998
To: •••@••.•••
From: Sheila Goldner <•••@••.•••>
Subject: Re: Rwanda: it all started with the IMF... a perspective

rkm had written, about Chossudovsky's book:
  >I have the following contact information for the publisher:
>        Third World Network
>        228 Macallister Road,
>        10400 Penang, Malaysia
>        Fax: 60-4-2264505
 >        Email: •••@••.•••

I am a Resource Person for the Third World Network in the United States.  For
brochures, subscription forms, etc., feel free to contact me.  The Third World
Network publishes Third World Resurgence [to which Professor Chossudovsky
contributes frequently] and Third World Economics [published out of the Geneva
Secretariat and primarily authored by Chakravarthi Raghavan] and many books.

My information is:

Sheila Goldner
P.O. Box 57982
Sherman Oaks, California  91413-2982
Phone and Fax (323) 877-7925

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        the people control their means of communication.
                                  -- Frantz Fanon
