Dear cj, It's about time to take apart the computer & pack it up for sunny California, or rainy, as the case may be. I'll be in the Bay Area until Jan 5, and then Kauai until Feb 2. Email may be intermittent, or maybe not, so if you're in either of those places then, let me know re/possible real-world get-together (a beaming-down experience). Thanks again to all those who've helped with the book... it has evolved considerably during this recent collaborative regime. Proposal is going out today to 30 publishers who handle that kind of material. There's an on-line version of the proposal on our website, if you care to check it out. It has the Intro and Chapter 1 built in, and it's got a forwarding button in case you have a publisher contact you'd like to recommend it to. a publisher contact you'd like to recommend it to. I'll pick something from the queue to post today so you won't get too lonely during upcoming transit. (;>) Happy Holidays to all, rkm