cj#965> Part II – Introduction – Is there any hope for humanity?


Richard Moore


The three parts of the book stand independently of one another...

    - Part I is about "the problem" - today's capitalist world
    - Part II is about "the vision" - sustainable, democratic societies
    - Part III is about "the how"   - a transformative global movement

The analysis in Part I may be useful to you, even if you don't like the
'vision' or the 'how'.  Similarly, the 'vision' might be useful, even if
you don't agree with  the analysis of the 'problem'.  And the 'how' might
be of value, even if you have a different analysis and different goals.

But the three together, hopefully, have a value which goes beyond the sum
of the parts.  The dire conclusions in the analysis provide a _motivation
to consider alternative visions.  The appeal and practicality of the
'vision' give _hope that a better world is possible.  The strategic
considerations in the 'how' provide _guidance so as to avoid the pitfalls
that have defeated so many movements in the past.

One publisher - who was generally supportive of the project - rejected the
book proposal on the basis that a single book simply could not cover this
much ground.  He may be 'right' in some sense, but I just can't bring
myself to separate them.  Even though they are academically independent -
as a political document they form an organic whole.

Part II is sketchy.  It will probably double in size in order to have
sufficient examples, references, etc.  However, for this audience (you
all), it is probably better in this sketchy form.  The basic thread of
argument is complete, and you can see it more plainly (and with less
reading) in its current form.  _Please, if you have criticisms or
suggestions, _do send them in, either to me or, if appropriate, to the list.

best regards,


                    Achieving a Livable, Peaceful World

                    Part II - Introduction - preliminary

                     Copyright 1998 by Richard K. Moore
                        15 September 1998 - 509 words
                    comments to: •••@••.•••

Part II - Envisioning a livable world: an inquiry into democracy,
sustainability, and world order
Introduction - Is there any hope for humanity?

Part I examined the path on which the world is currently headed under the
control of the well-entrenched, Western capitalist elite oligarchy.
Societies and economies are being systematically and intentionally destroyed
by free trade polices and by interventions of the IMF. A global economy is
being imposed on the world which is rapidly being dominated by a handful of
TNC megacorps. A de facto world government has been established which serves
TNC interests, has no democratic representation whatever, and which is
backed by Western military power.

The Earth is being poisoned and its irreplaceable resources are being
squandered in the pursuit of never-ending capital growth. Poverty,
starvation, and disease are becoming rampant worldwide while a global regime
of KulturKampf is being established to maintain world order in the midst of
ongoing tension and strife. As the mass-media is being concentrated into the
hands of a few global conglomerates, populations are being fed a steady diet
of disinformation, escapist entertainment, and neoliberal propaganda.

As Western societies are being dismantled and refashioned in the mold of the
Third-World, police-state regimes are being established to contain popular
unrest. Factionalism and fundamentalist ideologies are being systematically
promulgated worldwide so that groups and nations will struggle against one
another rather than uniting in opposition to the global capitalist regime.

As the Earth's fragile ecosystems are being pushed to the breaking point,
the world is faced with the very real possibility of the total breakdown of
civilization and the massive die-off of populations. Alternatively, if the
capitalist oligarchy decides to change course and cease the pursuit of
unmaintainable economic growth, the world faces a bleak future enslaved
under the thumb of global tyranny.

Is there any hope for humanity? Can capitalist domination be overcome? Is it
too late to change course, restore our environment, and establish livable
societies? No one can answer these questions with certainty, but we, the
world's people, _must make the effort to save ourselves and the Earth. If we
fail to do so we are betraying everything decent in humanity's heritage and
we are condemning our progeny to either death or subservience. We have
nothing to lose and everything to gain by standing up for ourselves and
courageously challenging our oppressors.

Part III of this book will examine the history of social movements, and of
revolutions, and will endeavor to outline a practical strategy for
non-violent, global, democratic revolution. In Part II, we will develop the
goals of such a revolution -- we will investigate the nature of livable,
sustainable societies.

A livable society is a society in which people are happy to live -- a
society in which people are reasonably well off and in which they feel in
control of their lives and destinies. A sustainable society is one that is
not living beyond its means, where resources are not being used up faster
than they can be replaced. Livable societies are the birthright of men and
women everywhere; sustainability is the means by which livable societies can
be passed on to our children.



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                          crafted in Ireland by rkm
                             (Richard K. Moore)

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