friends, i'm saving up your responses until the series is complete - the feedback is much appreciated. rkm ============================================================================ Achieving a Livable, Peaceful World Part II - Chapter 5 Copyright 1999 by Richard K. Moore Last update 26 September 1998 - 5780 words comments to: •••@••.••• ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part II - Envisioning a livable world: an inquiry into democracy, sustainability, and world order ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapter 5 - Democracy: collaboration and harmonization instead of competition and factionalism ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is democracy? -- a functional definition ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Democracy is, to put it mildly, an overused word. In the parlance of neoliberal globalization, democracy is equated with laissez-faire capitalism, as in democratic market reforms. In more general parlance, democracy is typically equated with multi-party elections, and for that reason Western nations are generally referred to as democracies -- even though citizen satisfaction is generally poor and steadily declining. For our purposes -- envisioning a livable world -- we need a functional definition of democracy: democracy is not a mechanism; democracy is a result. If people generally believe that they are involved in their society's governance, that their concerns matter, and that society is serving their interests as well as can be expected, then that would be strong evidence for a functioning democracy. If people are more inclined to say that government doesn't listen to them, and avoid political participation out of impotent apathy, that is strong evidence that democracy is absent. Such a citizens' test would not certify very many Western nations as being democratic. Any formal system, whether it be elections, political parties, or constitutions, can be corrupted and subverted. I have argued in earlier chapters that Western democratic institutions have in fact been corrupted by capitalism and that effective power has become concentrated in the hands of an elite oligarchy. I further argued that Western republics were set up intentionally to favor established wealthy interests over popular interests. In a functional survey of modern nations, I submit, the West would show up in the oligarchy column, not the democracy column. In this chapter we will look more closely at Western political systems, and try to identify why they do not lead to functional democracy. We will also look at other models of governance, ask how they pass the "citizens' test", and see what they may have to offer us. My goal in this investigation is to develop enough insight into the dynamics of political systems so that we can begin to get a feeling for how robust democracy might be achieved in modern societies. Recall from the previous chapter: If livable societies are to be achieved and sustained, the most fundamental requirement is that stable, locally-based, democratic governance be established. Only democracy is based on popular will, only stable democracy can maintain social well being in a dynamic society, and only locally-based democracy can adjust to local requirements. Competitive factionalism -- a failed paradigm ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There is a rationale for Western political systems, a theory by which they are supposed to work and achieve a rough-and-tumble version of democracy. The theory is that political parties will arise which represent various popular interests, and that by choosing among those parties people will be able to express their preferences. Competition among parties, the theory goes, will ultimately result in government agendas which reflect majority sentiments. In looking at how these systems work in practice, it becomes clear that they fail to live up to the theory at every single phase of their operations. The leading parties in the West are dominated by wealthy interests, and in recent years the policies of most major parties have converged into a single stream: corporate globalization. Little real choice is offered to the voters. Citizen preference itself has become generally meaningless because public information and debate are controlled by corporate-owned media. Elections, instead of being a way for policy priorities to be determined by voters, have become instead a way for corporate-beholden candidates to be sold to the electorate by sophisticated advertising campaigns. Such are the mechanisms of oligarchic rule in a paper democracy. There are so many things wrong with these political systems that a strong case can be made for reform almost anywhere you want to look. There are hundreds of citizen groups and organizations in the West pushing for reform of media, of campaign financing, or of corporate lobbying. There are groups pushing for proportional representation, others for minor political parties, and others who want everyone wired into some kind of online system of electronic "direct-democracy". The problem with such reformist approaches is that even if they were implemented, we would still be left with only a rough-and-tumble democracy, a competitive democracy based on factional politics. In what follows, I will endeavor to establish that competitive politics is itself incompatible with functional democracy. Rather than being aberrations, the various corruptions plaguing Western political systems are inherent in those systems. Already in the classical Roman Republic, before Roman Emperors arose, most of the modern Western corruptions could already be seen. Election districts were rigged to favor wealthy interests, and huge fortunes were typically expended in carrying out political campaigns. Roman politics evolved from republican democracy, to oligarchy via corruption, to direct rule by an Emperor. As we have seen in previous chapters, this same pattern is now being played out globally, with corporate bureaucracies (IMF etc) instead of the Emperor and his court, US and NATO elite forces instead of the Roman Legions, and television instead of circuses. Competitive politics, by its very nature, invites corruption. The goal of a political party, or faction, is to win power, and politics becomes a competition for power among societal factions. Alliances-of-convenience are formed to achieve majorities, and a politician class arises which is skilled at making deals and running election campaigns -- the game of politics becomes the game of power brokering. Wealthy interests would then be blind not to see the opportunities available from buying into the power game, concentrated as it is in the hands of power brokers and politicians, thereby gaining control over society's policy agenda. A political system based on factional competition ideally suits the purposes of the best-organized and best-funded faction, and the faction with the best access to media: the elite oligarchy. Even if some magical means were available by which such corruptions could be prevented, competitive politics would still be an unsound basis for functional democracy. If a majority can dictate policy to a minority, and ignore the interests of that minority, then a significant portion of the society, at any given time, is effectively disenfranchised. In a functional democracy, people generally, not just some temporary majority, must feel that society is responsive to their interests. From a societal perspective, the purpose of politics is to adjudicate among interests and to provide a mechanism by which societal decisions can be made and societal problems solved. In a functional democracy, the adjudication process must be inclusive; it must involve the harmonization of interests, not the defeat of one by another. As any modern organizational consultant will readily tell you, a "win-lose" approach to business, or negotiations of any kind, is not as productive as a "win-win" approach. Overall benefit is greatest when the interests of all parties are served by an agreement or a contract. Just as business practices provided useful models for sustainability, so do organizational practices provide useful models for democracy: a win-win (inclusive) approach provides the most overall benefit. Only with an inclusive political process, which harmonizes among diverse interests, can a functional democracy be achieved. Only then can the societal problem-solving process take into account the interests of citizens generally. Ultimately the goal of politics is to enable societal problem solving. In a functional democracy the problem-solving process must be informed by the full range of societal interests. A profound paradigm shift occurs when you start thinking about politics as a problem solving process rather than a power competition. Any good corporate manager will tell you that problems are best solved when all viewpoints are carefully listened to. Often an unpopular minority view reveals problems that are critical to the success or failure of an endeavor. A competitive political paradigm suppresses minority views; a problem-solving paradigm welcomes minority participation. The contrast between the paradigms of problem-solving and power-competition can be best understood in microcosm, by comparing the processes of decision-making meetings in Western politics with those in modern corporations. The paradigm for political decision-making meetings is based on competitive factionalism, and is embodied in Robert's famous Rules of Order. Discussion continues, under these rules, until some faction feels that it has assembled a majority for its side. A vote is then called, and if a majority assents, the matter is settled and debate is ended. There is no incentive to pursue harmonization of interests beyond that which is required to achieve a majority block. And there is no incentive to listen to minority views at all. The failures of Western democracy can be already seen in the process of a typical meeting, as it might occur in a municipal council hall or on the floor of the US Congress. The competitive system, from bottom to top -- from meetings to elections -- is simply poor at solving societal problems. It merely provides a forum in which factions can battle over previously-determined partisan agendas. The paradigm for a decision-making meeting in a modern corporation is one of collaborative problem solving. A good manager listens to all views, attempts to harmonize conflicts, and seeks a solution that everyone can support. Corporations are in the end hierarchical, and the manager may make the final decision, even if it's unpopular -- but at least he or she, if competent, will listen to all views and seek consensus wherever achievable: that makes for a more effective team. Important work gets done at such a meeting; human creativity is exercised for collective goals; effective problem-solving is accomplished in pursuit of agreed objectives. Functional democracy, I suggest, must be based on a problem-solving paradigm rather than on competition and factionalism. Once again, sound business practices provide better societal models than do traditional Western political practices. This should really be no surprise: in our capitalist societies businesses are expected to operate effectively, while governments are set up to be subverted. Centralism vs. localism ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Another essential flaw in Western democratic systems is centralism. By centralism I refer to two characteristics: (1) the making of most significant societal decisions at the center -- in the society-wide governing body, and (2) the failure of politicians to represent the interests of the constituencies that elected them. In Western societies, parliaments and congresses have nearly unlimited power to make micro decisions for all levels of society, and the elected delegates are only nominally obligated to represent the interests of their constituencies -- in fact delegates generally represent the interests of party politics and of the corporate community, which dominates campaign funding. To survive in politics, a politician must get elected. What this means in today's world is Can the politician be sold to the constituency at election time? Achieving an affirmative answer to this question has much more to do with campaign funding and favorable coverage by media, than it has to do with the voting record of the candidate. The career imperative of a successful politician in the West is clear: serve the interests of the oligarchy, which has unlimited funding and media access available as needed. Both characteristics of centralism are inherently counter-democratic, according to our functional definition. By making most decisions at the center, popular will is diluted; no matter how conscientious the delegates may be, they must consider problems at the society macro level, and concerns of minor localities tend necessarily to be overlooked. And with no real obligation to represent constituencies, there is every incentive not to be conscientious at all, but to instead represent other interests, interests that provide greater benefit to the political career of the delegate. When centralism and factionalism are combined, as they are in leading Western nations, then functional democracy becomes all but impossible. With factions vying for power, wealthy interests busily buying influence, political power concentrated in a central governing body, and delegates free to support whatever policies they choose, it is little wonder that the will of the people plays little role in societal decision making and problem solving. One can hardly imagine a system better suited to the usurpation of power by an elite oligarchy. In the previous chapter, when focusing on societal feedback mechanisms, I argued that democracy must be locally based. Unless the solutions to local problems are agreed to locally, society lacks the feedback necessary to sustain democracy, to pass the citizens' test. In a functional democracy, we can assume that there must be some system of local governance which is inclusive of all local interests, employs a collaborative approach to problem solving, and which has considerable sovereignty over local affairs. Such local governance eliminates one of the characteristics of centralism: the making of most decisions on a society-wide basis. There are, however, many problems which cannot practically be dealt with locally. Transportation, communications, energy, allocation of scarce resources, trade policies, finances, and others, require society-wide problem solving, albeit with room for local variations in the implementation of solutions, and perhaps local approval of proposed solutions. After perhaps intermediate levels of government, there must be some kind of society-wide governing body that has responsibility for addressing society-wide problems. In a functional democracy, the problem-solving approach used by this central body must be aimed at harmonizing the wishes of the various localities, as represented by their delegations. The delegates do not come to the central body firmly committed to particular solutions, but rather with an informed understanding of the desires and requirements they are bringing to the discussion. If each delegate reliably represents their constituencies in the central deliberations, then the consensus solutions that are arrived at are likely to successfully harmonize the overall interests of society. But how to assure that delegates reliably represent their constituencies? In today's systems of democracy, delegates are selected, theoretically, on the basis of character, judgement, experience, integrity, intelligence, good sense, and other personality traits. When a candidate is elected, the presumption is that the electorate trusts him or her personally to do the right thing for the constituency. Needless to say, this system does not work very well. The problem is not that the wrong person might get elected in these systems, but rather that localities are focusing on delegate selection rather than on problem solving. In order for the locality to be represented properly in the central body, the locality must take the time to consider what position it wants taken to the central body for the important issues of the day. Without local deliberations on societal issues, the delegate lacks the information necessary to adequately represent the locality in central deliberations, regardless of how responsible and conscientious he or she might be. Even at the local level there are diverse interests, and no one person embodies the knowledge and needs of the whole community. Problem solving at the local level requires the participation of the whole community. Only by that means can the locality even become aware of what position it wants to be represented centrally. If the locality has no awareness of what it wants, as a community, then how could any elected official possibly be expected to represent its will? For this reason alone, it is no wonder that Western societies are not democracies. Local deliberation of society-wide issues is a necessary feedback mechanism in a functional democracy. The local governance system, then, is concerned with solving local problems itself, and with identifying its priorities regarding wider issues, as its contribution to society-wide governance. The role of a delegate in this system is clear: it is to take the local agenda to the central body and to represent it in the deliberations. It is not the judgement or character of the delegate which is of central importance -- although poor judgement or character would hardly be a recommendation -- but rather that the delegate can and will represent the local agenda, as articulated locally. In today's democracies, people represent localities, and society-wide policies are determined by the dynamics of centralism and factionalism; in a functional democracy, agendas represent localities, and society-wide agendas are harmonized from those through the collaboration of delegates. At the local level, a community agenda is harmonized from the interests of all; at the central level, a societal agenda is harmonized from the various local agendas, with the process possibly repeated at intermediate levels. This is the meaning of localism in the context of a functional democracy, and localism eliminates the counter-democratic characteristics of centralism. Functional democracy -- is it a utopian vision? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So far this chapter has been an investigation into functional democracy, an attempt to identify why Western systems fail to be democratic, and an attempt to identify the processes necessary for functional democracy. In this investigation, perhaps ironically, models from sound corporate management practices have proven to be particularly useful. In this investigation, I have not simply invented models -- my goal is not to be a creative designer of societal systems. What I have tried to do is to look closely at the problems to be solved, based on the requirements of functional democracy, and to seek to identify how similar problems are routinely solved in today's societies. I have tried to follow a scientific approach: analysis followed by synthesis, with each step carefully argued and substantiated by due consideration of all relevant issues. An interesting question at this point can be asked regarding the uniqueness of the solutions that have been articulated. Are there other systems which would be equally promising or more promising, in the achievement of functional democracy? In some sense this question is difficult to answer -- who can guarantee, in any situation, that better approaches might not come along? But in another sense, I don't think there is that much room for fundamental variation in solutions to the problem of achieving functional democracy. Our citizens' test is a very strong requirement, and certain basic characteristics must be present in a society for that requirement to be satisfied: Necessary characteristics of a functional democracy ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If a general sense of participation is to be assured to the members of society, then local communities must, as communities, have a similar sense of control over their own destiny. In order for communities to develop such a sense, the people must work together as a community in addressing the problems they face as a community. In order that the wider society include the needs of all in its problem solving, localities must work out their agendas regarding society-wide issues and those agendas must be represented at society-wide (central) collaborative sessions. It is difficult to see how functional democracy could be reliably achieved without at least the above fundamental characteristics being present in the solution. If any one of these characteristics is not in some way satisfied, there is a clear feedback problem: the information necessary to achieve functional democracy either won't be generated, or it won't be reliably delivered to where it is needed, or it won't be appropriately incorporated into societal problem solving. If indeed we have succeeded in identifying the essential and necessary characteristics of a functional democracy, several questions naturally arise. There is the question that heads this chapter: Is functional democracy itself, along with the characteristics that have been identified, utopian? Or can such systems be realistically implemented, and will they function as intended? These kinds of questions can only be answered empirically -- by testing in the real world. Fortunately, there are real-world examples we can look at, and even better, the examples are current ones. There are societies today in which the fundamental elements that have been identified above have in fact been implemented, and where very promising results have been achieved in terms of functional democracy and certification by the citizens' test. The first example is one most readers have probably never heard of, and the second example is one that most readers have heard about frequently in the mass media, but most of what they've heard has been untrue. The first example is a participatory budgeting project ("PB-POA") that has been going on since 1989 in Porto Alegre, capital city of Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state of Brazil. The second example is the political system of Cuba. These examples will be presented in the two following sections. Both are based on local citizen collaboration in problem solving, both have achieved remarkable results in terms of sound societal operation, and in both cases general citizen satisfaction with the system is very high. These examples demonstrate that the principles of functional democracy developed in this investigation are neither utopian nor limited to theory: the principles can be implemented, they can perform as intended, and they can achieve functional democratic governance. The claim being made in this chapter is a rather strong one: There are certain principles of democratic governance, enumerated above, that are both necessary and sufficient to achieve functional democracy, provided that the principles are appropriately implemented, and that surrounding conditions permit them to operate effectively. In other words: functional democracy is achievable, its implementation must incorporate certain essential characteristics, and those characteristics have been identified. If this claim is a valid one, then these characteristics can be of considerable value in informing a movement to overcome elite domination and move toward livable, sustainable societies. The characteristics can guide the operation of the movement itself, making it both democratic and effective at solving movement problems. And an understanding of the requirements of democracy and of sustainability informs the political agenda of the movement, so that it can focus its efforts on achieving systemic societal transformation, and avoid the pursuit of reforms which may be superficially appealing, but which do not lead to functional democracy, and hence can never overcome elite domination nor achieve sustainable societies. PB-POA -- local democracy in Brazil ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Following the adoption of a new Federal Constitution in 1988, and spurred by the inability of the central government to provide adequate services, Brazil has experienced an unprecedented period of decentralization during the nineties. There has been a strengthening of civil society and a good deal of innovation in the development of local, participatory, democratic systems. [footnote to be provided to a paper by Zander Navarro] Of particular interest to this investigation are the experiences of the Participatory Budgeting project (PB) in Porto Alegre. In this project, community associations and other organized social sectors were mobilized to solve the problem of how to best utilize municipal funds. The project has been a considerable success in several different ways. First, the mobilization itself was successful. The level of participation has been high enough that the entire city feels itself involved in the process. Second, the problem-solving process used is collaborative and inclusive, rather than factional. Mechanisms have been developed so that city-wide policies can be harmonized from the requirements determined by the various constituencies. Third, the results for the city were outstanding. Porto Alegra has a solid record of healthy financial management, and municipal services are indeed carried out according to the democratically determined priorities. In this example, the functional democratic process occurs outside of the electoral political system. The various community organizations, and the overall PB organizing structure, have no official governmental mandate. They are institutions of the civil society, and the validity of the budget they develop arises solely from the fact that everyone knows that it expresses the will of the people generally. The elected city officials routinely accept the PB-developed budget; any other course would make little political sense. Porto Alegra is an example of what we have been calling a locality within the larger Brazilian society. Within its borders, and within the domain of budgeting, it seems fair to say that Porto Alegra has achieved a functional democracy, and one that has the essential characteristics previously identified. The system in Porto Alegra is multi-level, so it even demonstrates, in microcosm, that it is possible to harmonize problem-solving among several smaller localities by appropriate use of delegates. If Brazil as a whole employed a similar system. Porto Alegra would be well-prepared to make its contribution to problem solving in the larger society by sending a representative delegation. Some readers may be skeptical at this point, asking themselves if there is a dark side to this Brazilian story, if there are failures in this PB system. There may be some failures, but that misses the point. No system is perfect, but a system that has the basic formula right is capable of being improved over time. A system that has the basic formula wrong, as do Western democracies, can never be made right, although there are infinite opportunities for would-be reformers to expend their energy in pointless attempts. Cuba -- functional democracy on a national scale ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I must assume that many readers, when they see the name Cuba, immediately think "dictatorship" and "refugees". To such readers it must seem absurd to cite Cuba as an exemplary democratic system. I can only say that Cuba has been the subject of decades-long disinformation campaign, particularly in the US media. The successes of socialist Cuba show the lie of capitalist rhetoric, and a defamatory media campaign has been the chosen rebuttal, along with embargoes and all other manner of harassment by the US. From sources outside the mass media one gets a quite different picture of Cuba, one that can by no means be characterized as a dictatorship. One particular observer, Charles McKelvey, has investigated Cuba's political system and discovered remarkably effective democratic processes at work. He is a Professor of Sociology at Presbyterian College, in Clinton, South Carolina, and has been to Cuba several times. He describes his experience as follows: "I have been to Cuba four times since 1993. Last summer, I was there for ten weeks, and my activities included in-depth interviews of university professors and leaders in the Popular Councils concerning the political process in Cuba. In addition, I talked to many different people that I met informally, sometimes through families with which I was connected and other times with people I met as I traveled about Havana by myself. I do not consider myself an expert on Cuba. I would describe myself as someone who is knowledgeable about Third World national liberation movements and is in the process of learning about the Cuban case. My general impression is that the revolutionary government enjoys a high degree of legitimacy among the people. Occasionally, I came across someone who was alienated from the system. There disaffection was not rooted in the political system but in the economic hardships that have emerged during the "special period." The great majority seemed to support the system and seemed very well informed about the structures of the world economy and the challenges that Cuba faces. Many defended the system with great enthusiasm and strong conviction. I had expected none of this prior to my first trip, recalling my visit to Tanzania in 1982, by which time many had come to view "ujamaa socialism" as a faded dream, at least according to my impressions during my brief visit. But to my surprise, I found much support for the revolutionary project in Cuba. I could not help but contrast this to the United States, where there is widespread cynicism in regard to political and other institutions. "The Cuban political system is based on a foundation of local elections. Each urban neighborhood and rural village and area is organized into a "circumscription," consisting generally of 1000 to 1500 voters. The circumscription meets regularly to discuss neighborhood or village problems. Each three years, the circumscription conducts elections, in which from two to eight candidates compete. The nominees are not nominated by the Communist Party or any other organizations. The nominations are made by anyone in attendance at the meetings, which generally have a participation rate of 85% to 95%. Those nominated are candidates for office without party affiliation. They do not conduct campaigns as such. A one page biography of all the candidates is widely-distributed. The nominees are generally known by the voters, since the circumscription is generally not larger than 1500 voters. If no candidate receives 50% of the votes, a run-off election is held. Those elected serve as delegates to the Popular Councils, which are intermediary structures between the circumscription and the Municipal Assembly. Those elected also serve simultaneously as delegates to the Municipal Assembly. The delegates serve in the Popular Councils and the Municipal Assemblies on a voluntary basis without pay, above and beyond their regular employment. " [source document to be noted] For those who remain skeptical regarding Cuba, I can suggest looking at some of the material in the bibliography. Especially notable are the achievements of Cuba in the areas of human rights, health care, and education. My own conclusion after reviewing material from many sources, is that McKelvey's report above can be essentially accepted at face value. On that basis, it appear that Cuba has achieved a general functional democracy at a national scale. It passes the citizens' test, and it has each of our essential characteristics: local problem solving, delegation to central bodies of agendas instead of personalities, and a collaborative, harmonizing approach to solving societal problems. Functional democracy -- how can it be achieved in the West? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For Western nations, the situation is comparable to Brazil: there are pre-existing electoral structures around which a functional democratic process would have to be created. In the West, then, the path to functional democracy is the path of a strong civil society. As in Brazil, local organizations need to be mobilized and frameworks need to be created so that these constituencies can collaborate in addressing local and societal issues. These structures then need to be repeated at various levels, right up to the national level. The output of this process is the development of a comprehensive policy agenda for every level of governmental policy, an agenda which has the overwhelming support of the society generally, and which includes variation in solutions depending on local needs and preferences. The role of Western elected officials, given a strong and universally supported civil society, would simply be to implement the articulated agenda, in the same way that the officials in Porto Alegre implement PB's budget. The role of an elected official becomes that of a civil servant, with a job to do; the game of power-brokering disappears and with it the professional politician. Candidates would presumably be active and recognized participants in their local civil societies, and their loyalties would be firmly in line with the consensus that had arisen from the collaborative process. The problem of achieving functional democracy in the West is not a technical one. As described above, and as exemplified in Brazil, there is no inherent reason why a strong civil society cannot be developed and operate harmoniously within existing constitutions and electoral systems. And as exemplified in Cuba, the processes of functional democracy can work effectively even when there are several intermediate levels of government involved. The problem in the West is not technical, it is motivational and organizational. Before people in the West can achieve functional democracy, they must be motivated, they must feel an urgent need to change the existing system. (It is noteworthy that both of our examples were developed only under great pressure -- the poverty of Brazil and the US enmity which confronted Cuba.) If a sense of general urgency does develop in the West, then the creation of the civil society structures will be a formidable organizing task. These observations suggest directions for the efforts of those citizens, activists, leaders, and writers who are already motivated to achieve democracy, and who would like to bring about the conditions necessary for the creation of strong civil societies. In order to generate societal motivation for change, the problem is one of public education. People need to be made aware that global capitalism is destroying our societies and that economic and social conditions are only going to get worse. They need to understand that national sovereignty is being transferred to corporate-dominated bureaucracies, and that police state laws and infrastructures are being systematically developed to control populations. They need to see that the little democracy we have in the West is being rapidly taken away, and that only a brief window of opportunity remains in which to rise up and make our democracies work. Most of all, they need to realize their own empowerment, to become aware that they have a much bigger role to play in running society than to mark a ballot every once in a while. All their lives they've been told they are a free people; it is time for them to believe it. Organizing the civil society is a task that can begin immediately, and what it amounts to is primarily a shift in perspective on the part of those activists and organizers who are already involved in the hundreds of reformist movements and citizens organizations currently in existence. Their perspective needs to be strategically informed: there can be no small victories over the capitalist system; there can only be a general victory. Activist energy must be directed toward the development of collaboration between different organizations, and the creation of the infrastructures of a civil society. Education and organizing contribute synergistically to one another. As more people become motivated, their participation strengthens existing organizations, and as organizations begin to collaborate with one another, the growing movement begins to take on the characteristics of a strong civil society. Presumably a point of critical mass will occur, a turning point, where the wider society becomes generally aware of the budding civil society. After that, the movement could be expected to grow very rapidly, and the quality and integrity of the infrastructures developed would be put to the test. In Chapter 7, the problems of movement building and public education will be investigated in more detail. For now I would like to summarize the results of this chapter's investigation: Functional democracy is achievable, and it must be based on the principles of localism, collaborative problem solving, and inclusive harmonization of all societal interests. In Western societies, the process of functional democracy can be achieved through a well-organized civil society, working within the constraints of existing constitutions and electoral systems. In order to move toward the achievement of functional democracies, people in the West need to be educated as to the dire threats posed by capitalism and globalization, and activists and organizers need to focus their attention on building the infrastructures for a democratic civil society. ============================================================================ ======================================================================== •••@••.••• a political discussion forum. crafted in Ireland by rkm (Richard K. Moore) To subscribe, send any message to •••@••.••• A public service of Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance (mailto:•••@••.••• **--> Non-commercial reposting is encouraged, but please include the sig up through this paragraph and retain any internal credits and copyright notices. 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