dialog re/ NWO & Shadow Government

“No doubt money is power. I still prefer not to believe in any vast, coordinated plan to screw commoners, at least not until I personally meet the control group allegedly responsible and get convinced they are overpowering the many good and yet powerful folks I have met and worked with.”
From a practical perspective it makes no difference what we believe on such matters, as there seems to be no way for us to change the situation. Perhaps it’s best for peace of mind to believe whatever makes us comfortable. Some us however are cursed with a need to know what’s true, even if the seeking can at times be painful and discouraging. I would also prefer to believe there were no ‘vast, coordinated plans’, but having seen overwhelming evidence to the contrary, I am compelled to acknowledge the facts.
If you (or anyone else) is motivated to dip their toe into the vast sea of evidence regarding elite machinations, I think a good place to start is with the very readable and well-researched book by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor, Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War. There’s also online a very informative recent essay by the same authors, Fake History. How The Money Power Controls Our Future By Controlling Our Past.
There is a ‘consensus narrative’, a ‘mainstream perspective’, that determines what we learn in school and academia, and what we see in the mainstream media. In that narrative there are no secret elites and democracy is real. I refer to that manufactured narrative as ‘Matrix reality’. Most people are entranced by the Matrix, and some years ago I wrote a widely circulated essay, Escaping the Matrix. My writing now is intended mainly for those who have managed somehow to escape.
Susie J. wrote:
“Hi Richard,
Thank you for the laugh – you put it perfectly, I can just picture the political cartoon.
‘The struggle between him and the Democrats is like a TV wrestling match, dramatic but all fake. What we need to be looking at is our response to that theater.’
Warm regards from Hawaii.
Susie Jenkins”
Yes, I think that could be an effective cartoon. Strange, isn’t it, that the only place in a newspaper where you might find an attempt at philosophical insight is in the comic section.
Most people however think the struggle is real. For liberals it’s a struggle between good and evil, with Trump being seen as the personification of both evil and ignorance. Everything bad that’s happening is Trump’s fault, and nothing will get better until he’s out of office. That’s basically the message of the liberal media these days.
In reality Trump has no more role in policy making than did Obama or Bush. US policy is far too important to be left to amateurs. Trump is serving as a sacrificial tweeting lamb, taking on the blame for an elite policy agenda, and giving people a way to accept that the agenda is a disastrous one: it’s not that the system is bad, it’s that we’re stuck with Trump. The ‘Trump Project’ is a psy-op, an exercise in mind control.
Peter Webster wrote:
“Trump has achieved something that the wicked witches of the west (Clinton & Nuland) would never have done:
This is Trump’s great achievement – there is nothing the world needs more than drastically diminished power and influence of the USA – considering William Blum’s Master List of U.S. atrocities:
…I hope that no one here harbors the least delusion that America has merely committed a few well-intentioned mistakes and will somehow begin to live up to it’s self-declared status as a beacon of democracy and all that bs so often heard.
If Trump has  done this intentionally, bravo, he is a genius, but alas, one might have some doubts.”
Yes, the image of the US as a world leader has indeed plummeted under Trump, but the process began earlier, under Obama. In my mind, the turning point came back when the US and Britain decided not to attack Syria directly, and instead Russia stepped in and disposed of Syria’s chemical weapons. Ever since then Russian influence, leadership, and prestige have been on the rise, as US prestige declines, and US influence is mostly focused on warmongering, terrorist-sponsoring, and other kinds of trouble-making.
However these are not achievements of Obama or Trump, but are rather the outcomes of elite planning, aimed at achieving their longed-for world government. Before nations like Russia or China will cede any meaningful authority to a world government, the US must first be dislodged from its hegemonic, imperialist role. Only then will the globalists be able to seduce the nations of the world into their technocratic global regime.
 For security reasons I’m loath to activate this link.  Can you briefly tell us what Shipp is saying?
 Be well,
The image in the posting pretty much tells it all. He talks about the different secret agencies and how they do all kinds of unaccountable things. Probably nothing new to you. The question of course is why this intel-insider has been given this ‘whistle-blower’ assignment. The answer, as above, is that the US needs to be dislodged from its hegemonic, imperialist role. Part of that process involves dismantling the domestic mythology around democracy and the soundness of the political system. The external decline and the internal loss of spirit need to proceed in parallel. Dynamic balance is essential to sound planning.
Thomas Greco wrote:
Very good, I’ve embedded it, along with a great talk by Andreas Antonopoulos, in my latest post: Fake News, Fake Money, How to Tell the Difference
I’m glad you found the Shipp video useful. I looked at the Antonopoulos video. I’m open to learning more about bitcoin and block-chains generally, but so far I find myself not on the bandwagon. For one thing, I see too much of a role for speculators. And for another, I worry about what would happen if a state-sponsored hacking project were launched to disrupt the bitcoin system.