Donald Trump and The New World Order

For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicised incidents … to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and over economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
—David Rockefeller, Memoirs, Random House, New York, 2002, page 405

Conspiracies, conspiracy theories, and the ‘secret cabal’

There are many unfounded conspiracy theories, and there are also some very real conspiracies at high levels, like the one Rockefeller is bragging about – the project to create a new kind of world order. This is a project that has been going on, as Rockefeller says, for more than a century, involving planning and organizing on a vast scale, including the orchestration of two World Wars. We are now in the final stages, the endgame, of that project, and many of the globalist institutions – the proto world government – are already in place.

I’ll be saying more about the history of the project, about the nature of the envisioned new order, and about how the orchestrated Trump Episode will result in a major step forward for this globalist agenda. But first we need to understand how such a project is even possible, how coherent plans on such a scale can be made and carried out – in what seems to be a complex, pluralistic world with many divergent forces at work.

The ‘secret cabal’ that Rockefeller refers to is made up of the central-banking dynasties, which essentially means the families and close connections of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. The direct power of this cabal is immense. With their central banks they control the finances of nations and the fates of economies. And over the centuries the Rothschilds, and later the Rockefellers, have found ways to extend their power in indirect ways.

Some of the biggest men in the United States are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere, so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.
– Woodrow Wilson

Wilson himself is an example of this indirect power. He was an unknown university professor when he was approached with an offer he didn’t refuse. He’d be launched into the Presidency by a well-financed campaign if he’d agree, when the time came, to sign legislation to create a Federal Reserve bank. Thus, in 1913, was the USA brought under the central bank system and the control of the dynasties. A momentous result was achieved by cultivating an agent, and placing him into a position of political power.

That’s the general pattern. People who show leadership potential, or who might be useful for other reasons, are recruited early in their careers with financial favors, or by compromising them with young-girl ‘honey traps’, or by various other means of coercion or persuasion. The CIA specializes in such recruitment activities on behalf of the cabal. Once the ‘loyalty’ of someone has been assured, they are seen as an agent who can be tapped when needed, and their career is helped along in various ways.

In this way, the cabal maintains an extensive network of agents who hold key positions of influence wherever the cabal wishes to have influence, whether it be in the halls of government, in the editorial boards of the media, among the leaders of NGO’s and popular movements – or anywhere else that matters – from a social-control perspective. This network, together with the cabal that uses and controls it, is what Wilson was talking about in the quote above.


The project to create a new world order

Ever since the Treaty of Westphalia (1648), the sovereign nation state has been recognized as the basis of world order. And ever since the republican revolutions of the late 1700’s, the recognized political model, at least in the West, has been based on governance by representatives, who are selected by the people in periodic elections. These are the basic principles of the existing world order. In theory, each nation state has sovereign control over its own affairs, and elections ensure that each nation state is governed according to the will of its citizens.

As we have seen, the cabal has found ways to infiltrate and manipulate this nation-state system and to corrupt its political processes. In this way the globalist elite has been able to pursue its objectives, despite national sovereignty and regardless of popular will. They would prefer, however, to have a system where their control is more direct, where they don’t have to work around a set of institutions and principles that were designed for other purposes back in the 18th Century.

The pursuit of such a system, one more to their liking, is what the new-world-order project is all about. In their new system sovereignty and authority are to be centralized in global institutions, and the theory of governance will be based on ‘what is good for the people’ rather than ‘the will of the people’. The reality of governance, however, will be based on ‘the will of the cabal’, as the cabal will have no problem exercising tight control over the upper echelons of the globalist system. The cabal will no longer need to use their covert network to subvert institutional structures; instead they will be able exercise power directly, using official institutional structures.

The project to achieve this new system has been proceeding as two sub-projects. First, there has been an ongoing project of destabilizing the existing order, so as to create an ‘urgent need’ for something to replace it. Second, there has been a project of establishing preliminary globalist institutions within the existing system, institutions that can be rapidly integrated into a global government, once the world becomes convinced of an ‘urgent need’ for a new system.


Technocracy and tyranny

When the guiding principle of governance becomes ‘what is good for the people’, then there is no longer a need for any kind of political process, or for any kind of popular representation or popular inputs. Experts, not ordinary people, are the ones who know ‘what is good for us’, and so policy should be based on the advice of scientists and other experts, regardless of what the masses might think they want.

This is the mindset, the world view, that will be declared as one of the principles of the new world order. Indeed we see the mindset already being accepted by wide segments of the population, as demonstrated by the recent ‘March for Science’, where thousands turned out in cities all over the USA, demanding that ‘science’ should supersede the political process.

There is of course a fundamental problem involved, in the principle of ‘rule by experts’. That is, who selects the experts? In a globalist government set up by and for the cabal, I don’t think we need to look very far for an answer to that question. Indeed, we already can see what ‘rule by experts’ looks like if we consider the globalist institutions that have already been established.

Consider for example the World Trade Organization (WTO), made up of experts who presumably know what’s best for us. The WTO’s tribunals have the power to make decisions that can have adverse consequences for the environment and for the health of populations. And who are the experts that run the WTO? All are from the top echelons of the corporate and financial worlds, where the only consideration is always maximizing profits.

Or consider the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Among its proclaimed objectives are to ‘secure financial stability’ and to ‘reduce poverty around the world’. That sounds like it would be very good for the people. But in actual fact, as John Perkins revealed in Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, the IMF has pursued policies intentionally designed to destabilize economies and increase the spread of poverty.

This kind of system, where experts and supporting bureaucracies are responsible for policy, is called a technocracy. With the cabal running things at the top, a technocracy becomes an easy way to impose whatever agenda the cabal desires, simply by finding ‘experts’ who claim to support the desired agenda, and who are known to be ‘loyal’. Technocracy is a formula for absolute, unaccountable tyranny, hiding in the robe of science, and claiming all the while to be doing what’s good for you.


The destabilization project

We could go back centuries to tell the full story of destabilization, but let’s start more recently, say 1980, when loyal agents Reagan and Thatcher were placed in power in the US and UK. The objective of the cabal, in placing these agents, was to begin the destabilization of the US and UK economies – by putting the economies on an unsound fiscal basis, and by encouraging industry to move offshore. An ‘expert’ was found, Milton Friedman, a free-market fundamentalist, whose wrong-headed advice would naturally lead to the outcomes desired by the cabal. Reagan and Thatcher loyally supported and followed the disastrous Friedman line, and the destabilization project was now well under way.

The next milestone in the destabilization project came in 1995, when the WTO was established, and the process of globalization, or what some call the neoliberal project, got into high gear. Under the guise of ‘free trade treaties’ an aggressive program was launched aimed at transferring power and wealth from nation states to corporations, while at the same time accelerating the transfer of manufacturing facilities to low-wage parts of the globe. Globalization has served very well to further undermine the integrity and the economic viability of the nation state.

Our next milestone came on 9/11/2001, when the cabal arranged for a dramatic false-flag event, and used that event to achieve two major destabilization objectives, under the guise of a phony ‘war on terror’. The first objective was to destabilize international law, by creating an excuse for the US to go off and start wars anywhere it wanted to, as long as some claim could be made related to terrorism. The second objective was to effectively remove the Bill of Rights from the Constitution, thus moving us closer to the kind of regimented regime we’ll be living under when the tyranny of technocracy is introduced.

The next milestone came in 2008, with the orchestrated collapse of the banks, and the heavy-handed tactics used to bully nations into undertaking bailouts that the nations couldn’t afford. The objective of the cabal in this case was to put Western nations into unrepayable debt, so that their assets and infrastructures could be privatized.

Greece fell first, because it was the most vulnerable, but the same fate will eventually come to many more Western countries, as unrepayable debt will remain even after everything has been privatized. The widespread economic chaos that will be achieved in this way will contribute strongly to the sentiment that there is an ‘urgent need’ for a new system, in particular for a new economic system.


Economics under technocracy

In the era of technocracy there will indeed be a new economic system. There is in fact a real need for a new economic system, because capitalism has passed its use-by date – it can no longer deliver a long-term return to investors. We always knew that economic growth could not go on forever on a finite planet, and a system based on something other than growth is long overdue. Rather than market economics, the new technocratic system will be based on centralized economic planning.

Rather than a money-based economy, we’ll have a resource-based economy. Rather than buying what you want or need, you’ll be allocated what you deserve, based on an overall assessment of what is the most optimal use of various resources. Rather than seeking to make a profit, producers will seek to meet their production quotas without exceeding their resource allocations. Very much like the old Soviet system. We’ll miss the creative dynamism of capitalism, despite all its faults.

The most critical resource to be budgeted and allocated will be energy. And the primary planning criteria will be to minimize the use of energy. Why? Because more energy use means more burning of fossil fuel, which causes life-threatening climate change! This line of reasoning turns out to be the whole motivation for the Big Lie of human-caused climate change. That scam will enable the cabal to keep us peasants in a perpetual state of unnecessary austerity, in the name of ‘saving the planet’.

The fear that has been successfully implanted in the mind of the masses around climate change has created an ‘urgent need’ to ‘do something about it’. When the right time comes, and the technocratic solution is offered, accompanied by appropriate PR spin about saving the planet, it will be greeted with popular acclaim. The ground has been carefully prepared. We are being successfully led down the garden path to technocratic tyranny and regimented lives.


Russia and the emergence of multi-polarism

The mighty Soviet Union collapsed in a flash, catching all of us by surprise. Equally surprising and dramatic has been the recent rapid rise of Russia into prominence on the world stage, along with the emergence of Vladimir Putin as a world leader of the first rank.

Russia has mounted a serious challenge to America’s traditional hegemony over geopolitical affairs. In the Crimea and in Syria Russia has shown that she has the will and the means to protect her legitimate interests, using her first-class military if necessary, and even if it means going toe to toe with Uncle Sam. Such upstart boldness would have been unimaginable only a few short years ago. As regards superpowers, we find ourselves once again, for the first time since the fall of the Soviet Union, in a multi-polar world.

Similarly, in the realms of finance and trade, Russia and China have mounted a serious challenge to the dominance America has enjoyed ever since it set up the Bretton Woods system at the end of World War 2. With the Silk Road, the settling of exchanges outside the dollar system, massive bilateral trade deals, and the establishment of various economic and security alliances, a multi-polar financial world is being rapidly established.

Russia has launched yet another serious challenge to American dominance – in the very important realm of global public opinion. RT (Russia Today) has become one of the most-viewed news sources in the world, producing its programs in several languages, and offering comprehensive coverage and analysis of events all around the globe.

Whereas the US media presents a propaganda narrative of world events, designed to justify US policies, RT tries to get to the bottom of stories, and reports what’s really going on as objectively as possible. RT has become the go-to channel, for anyone who wants accurate and timely reports of what’s going on in the world. The realm of global public opinion has also become multi-polar.

Finally, there is the realm of diplomacy and leadership on the world stage. It wasn’t that long ago that it was always the US that organized international peace conferences and the like, and typically Russia wouldn’t even be invited. That has all changed, and it changed the day that Putin stopped the planned attack by the US and UK on Syria, and took responsibility for disposing of Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons. Ever since then Putin’s stature as a sensible and effective world leader has continued on the rise. As regards global leadership, we find yet-another multi-polar world emerging.

The rise of Russia is destabilizing of the existing unipolar world order, which America has dominated ever since World War 2. From the cabal’s perspective, this destabilization is a good thing. Just as the nation state needs to be destabilized, to create a ‘need’ for a global system, so does US hegemony need to be destabilized – if the world is ever going to agree to give real power to a global authority. For that to happen, it would need to happen in a context of equal powers agreeing on a shared vision, not in a context where a dominant US is trying to sell a new system to the world.

A multi-polar world would be useful to the cabal, but only as a stepping stone toward their envisioned centralized order. They are quite happy for Russia to take the lead in creating a multi-polar world, and they may even be using their global network to smooth the way for him, without him necessarily being aware. For the time being, the interests of Russia and the cabal are aligned – but this alignment is strictly temporary.

Putin has said more than once that he’d like the UN to have the exclusive right to intervene in the affairs of nations, and to have the military resources to back up that authority. He sees this as a way to put a stop to America’s destructive unilateral interventions. As things develop further, on the multi-polar front, my guess is that Putin and Lavrov will end up taking the lead in a multi-nation diplomatic initiative, seeking to achieve a limited form of global authority that can maintain international peace.

For the cabal, it makes sense to encourage such a multi-polar agenda, right up to the establishment of a limited global authority. At the same time the cabal would want the US to continue and even increase its aggressive and dangerous behavior, so as to create an ‘urgent need’ for such a multi-polar initiative. For the cabal, it makes sense to use its network to nudge these two opposing sides along, bring things to a head, and get the initial global authority sooner rather than later.

However, once any kind of global authority is established, regardless of how limited it might be, the attention of the cabal will turn to other matters – to the task of overcoming the limits and expanding the power of that authority. This is a task that the cabal, with its corruption-based network, is more than capable of accomplishing. It’s mere child’s play, compared to the scale of the overall project to bring in a new world order, the project we have been reviewing in this article.


Donald Trump and the destabilization of democracy

The first thing that needs to be understood about Trump and the drama that surrounds him domestically, is that it is all theater, as is American politics generally. Trump is no outsider; he is as ‘loyal’ as they come. His presidency was set up to fail, and his job has been to ensure that certain objectives would be achieved when he came tumbling down. His erratic and outrageous behavior, both personally and officially, has all been an act, intended to give a certain meaning to his eventual demise, to justify some particular ‘solution’ that will be offered to us, allegedly aimed at preventing another such ‘crisis of governance’.

In order to get a sense of where this is all going, consider the kinds of attitudes that have been successfully generated in the liberal community by Trump’s performance and the orchestrated drama surrounding it. Beginning with Hillary’s quip about the ‘basket of deplorables’, there’s been a decidedly anti-democratic undertone in the liberal response to Trump. Like it’s more important to have a government that does the right thing, than it is to have a political system that works in a certain way, particularly a system that is prone to corruption. That’s the kind of sentiment I saw being expressed in the March for Science: ‘Let’s just do it, the right thing, the important thing, and cut through all the politics’.

In the cabal’s overall globalist project, no part is more important than the part about changing the basis of governance. Acceptance of the principle – that experts are more beneficial than popular will – is the critical key needed to unlock the path to their technocratic future. The ‘urgent crisis’ that has been created, and the social response that has been generated by Trump’s performance of his role, have created an opportunity for the cabal to come forward with a ‘solution’ that advances the technocratic agenda. As to the exact nature of that ‘solution’, we need only watch the impeachment drama, and see what comes out of it at the end.
