Friends, It occurred to me after sending out that last posting that I wanted to say something more about the role of GW Bush in our recent and soon-to-be history. Bush has done the job he was sent in to do, and now he is expendable. The neocons articulated the elite agenda, Bush was brought in to run point, and the foundation for imperial expansion has been laid down. Kerry will carry the program forward with intelligent-sounding rhetoric and a smiling face. Bush can now be thrown to the wolves the same way Nixon was. Already Richard Perle, lead thinker of the neocons, has distanced himself from the White House and found a haven safe from the fallout. The folks who operate from behind the scenes know how to watch their asses, unlike juvenile wannabe's who still think running point is a privilege. Nixon stole an election and resigned in disgrace, but the invasion of Cambodia was not undone, his right wing judicial appointees were not expunged, and he was given a pardon as a golden parachute. He had done his job and he enjoyed a distinguished retirement. His show-trial resignation acted as purgative for the electorate, leading them to believe there had been a regime change. Far from it. With damage control handled, the regime battened down its hatches and laid its plans for its neoliberal revolution. Let us learn from history. rkm