Begin forwarded message:
From: “Peter L. Thottam, Esq.” <•••@••.•••>Date: October 2, 2008 11:55:43 PM GMT+01:00Subject: (1) Oct ’08; (2) Congress Reps who VOTED NO but are on fence to VOTE YES – Please call; (3) Anti-Bailout VOA videoclipsSender: •••@••.•••(1) Updated – October L.A. Activist Calendar (click left)(2) Please contact the below House of Representative members and either get them to maintain a “No” vote or — in the case of Reps like Waxman, Harman, Berman, and Waters — lobby them to switch from “Yes” to “No”. The reason the originally scheduled Thursday vote was postponed to tomorrow is because they didn’t have enough “Yes” votes for passage.WE CANNOT ALLOW THE HOUSE OF REPS TO SELL OUT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE THE WAY THAT THE SENATE VOTE (75 to 24) DID DURING YESTERDAY EVENING’S VOTE – There is unprecedented Bush-Cheney Co./Wall Street ‘arm-twisting’ and smoke-filled room lobbying going on tonight in DC. . Updated coontact info for Capital Switchboard and House members who voted ‘yes’ and who might be swayed by public pressure viewable at & OTHER STATES’ CONGRESSIONAL HOUSE OF REP MEMBERS — PLEASE CALLPlease pick up that phone and call the Whitehouse (800) 828-8498 or Congressional Representatives today via the Capital Switchboard at 800-473-6711 or 202-224-3121 and say “No $700 Billion Wall Street Bailout!” Please also call Congressman Henry Waxman: 202-225-3976; 323-651-1040; Also: & Congresswoman Jane Harman (Dem/CA) T: 310-643-3636 ; DC #: (202) 225-8220. Also, please call local Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ DC office : (202) 225-2201. Please make your calls today and tomorrow morning. Please pick up that phone and act as soon as possible.
PS(3) My friend and fellow activist Sharona Smith has been frantically putting up videos with the latest and greatest on this GREAT AMERICAN SWINDLE
Peter Thottam (JD MBA)
Mobile: (310) 497-7255“We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.”
– Thich Nhat Hanh (Vietnamese Monk, Activist and Writer. b.1926)–~–~———~–~—-~————~——-~–~—-~
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