Friends, I've finally completed a rewrite of Chapter 1. It's a bit long, and I want to trim it back some, but other than than that I think the book is about ready for production. If anyone would like to review the chapter, let me know, I can send an MSWord version. As you may have noticed, I've been concentrating recently on posting lots of items to newslog. Most are current events - as those are developing at alarming speed - some are background analysis, and some are expanding into new realms of inquiry, such as the origins of humanity. The summaries I post here enable you to pick and choose what is of interest, for reading and for forwarding. It's a lot of work to format this material for email, and in many cases you'd be better off going to the original URLs. Unfortunately, the links in newslog are not live, so you'd have to copy and paste them into your browser. If any of you feel inclined to contribute to 'the cause', you are welcome to use PayPal to send to '•••@••.•••', or checks to: Quay Largo, Selskar Street, Wexford, Ireland Below are a few recent comments from readers. rkm -------------------------------------------------------- From: JFadiman Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2005 15:02:34 EDT Subject: Re: RE oil, EU etc To: •••@••.••• an excellent review of larger blocks moving slowly into new spaces on the board. thanks Jim ------ Hi Jim, I'm amazed by how little 'big picture' analysis we get from any sources, other than in books by the likes of Huntington and Brezinsky, which are of course biased. Most independent sources are limited to a single domain, such as economics, environment, or military affairs. The Matrix version of reality is so pervasive that it severely constrains independent analysis. thanks for staying in touch, rkm -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri, 07 Oct 2005 08:24:13 -0700 From: CC Subject: RE: RE oil, EU etc To: <•••@••.•••> Hi Richard, Wow. I am just stunned to hear from Alex Jones and Joe Vial that peak oil is yet another disinformation scam. If they are correct, isn't it true that we are really in trouble? If there is unlimited oil, then in the context of unlimited capitalism and carbon emissions, what will the future hold for us all in terms of climate change? Or is that a scam too??? Thanks for all the great articles lately - incredible stuff! -------------------- Dear CC, I'm not sure what the real story is regarding petroleum reserves. Vials and Jones are often the only sources for their stories, and Jones is sometimes a bit loose in his assertions. I select items from them that I believe have a high credibility rating, but we need to keep our eyes open for other sources, either corroborating or contradicting. Even if peak oil is real, we need to keep in mind that the reserves are still vast, and our immediate experiences of shortages and price increases are entirely manipulated by oil and financial interests for their own benefit. I also believe that there are other sources of energy, lots of them, that are being suppressed in order to facilitate control by current elites. If any of you know of articles in this domain, let me know and we can cover some of them. A search on "Tesla" would be one place to start. In terms of 'what the future holds', I believe the effects of both oil supplies and global warming will be trumped by geopolitical and financial manipulations. As indicated by the PNAC program, and by historical precedents, I think it is clear that elites intend to manage the collapse scenario, rather than to simply let it run its course according to capitalist-corporate dynamics: planned demolition makes more sense to them than uncontrolled decay. If we want anything like a decent future for humanity, our only course is to oust elites from power and transform our societies from bottom to top (not top to bottom). best regards, rkm -- "Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World" List archives: Subscribe to low-traffic list: •••@••.•••