newslog postings: 11 Oct – 13 Oct – some new themes


Richard Moore


As part of our ongoing investigations, several of you have
been doing creative research, and sending in some very
interesting articles and URLs, as reflected below. I consider
these lists to be a cooperative effort, and such contributions
are much appreciated.



Re: 'Peak Oil' as scam - The McGowan article is a must read,
from several perspectives. * Still needed from research: some
solid scientific or industry-sourced articles that discuss
abiotic oil and Russian success with 'deep oil' -
    12 Oct - Oil : Internal memos : intentional shortages
    13 Oct - Jerry Mazza : Abiotic oil
    13 Oct - * David McGowan : Beware the 'Peak Oil' Agenda  *

Re: Human evolution - These articles bring up some challenges
to traditional views of human evolution that deserve serious
consideration - bizarre as they may at first seem to me. I
challenge anyone to read Sitchin's "Twelfth Planet"  without
having their beliefs shaken. * Still needed from research: a
solid scientific article that discusses the anomalies in the
genomes of humans and domesticated plants and animals, as
summarized in the 'genetic evidence' article below -
    11 Oct - Human origins : The Eve-bottleneck evidence
    11 Oct - Human origins : The Archeological evidence
    11 Oct - Human origins : The genetic evidence

Re: Neoliberalism - What happens to those of us who don't 
have a market value? -
    11 Oct - Neoliberalism : Aid agencies make earthquake plea
    12 Oct - Neoliberalism : U.S. Homeless : 727,304 people nationwide
    12 Oct - Police State : slavery : U.S. prisons

Re: War - The article on the Euro market is particularly interesting -
    12 Oct - War : Iran : ludicrous BBC 'journalism'
    13 Oct - Iran : Emerging Euro oil market

Re: The Federal Reserve, and the identity of financial elites
generally - These are good articles, but a few more from
different kinds of sources would be useful -
    11 Oct - Chart of who "owns" the Federal Reserve
    12 Oct - Federal Reserve : a history

Re: Evidence of false-flag incidents - 
    11 Oct - Police State : London bombings : view from a blog
    12 Oct - 9/11 : WTC Tower 7 : demolition
    13 Oct - 9/11 : foreknowledge : stock trading
    13 Oct - 9/11 : Don Paul : Story of the Towers

Re: Good news - a bit scarce these days -
    12 Oct - Good news? - Investigator of CIA leak seen as relentless


"Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World"

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