Bcc: FYI
rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org
Building the new in the shadow of the old
I hope the holidays find you in good health and good spirits.
Speaking of health, I’d like to hear from you as regards how Obamacare is treating you. Have you been able to sign up? How much are your premiums going to be? How good is the coverage? If you haven’t signed up yet, please send a response when you do. Thanks, this is just a little research project of mine. I’ll post a summary of what I learn.
My main interest these days is to move forward with the co-op ideas I described in the ‘Building the new’ posting (above). A few people have expressed an interest in helping to organize a workshop, but nothing is definite yet. If anyone else is interested, please let me know.
My article, NWO – the endgame has begun, was picked up by global research.ca and from there spread all over the net. Below, I’m pasting in some of the hits I got from a google search. The cleanest version online is on News Beacon Ireland, which is maintained by my friend Rudi Teichman. I got lots of responses from people who came across the article. Below is one I’d like to share. I’d like to express my thanks to David Jones, editor of New Dawn magazine, who requested the article. Having a deadline forced me to put in many hours to get the article ‘just right’.
best wishes to all,
Hello Richard,I have been doing much globalism micro-research since 2010, and will say your much clearer “big picture” identifying finance as the precursor controller even outweighing government and military in a national sense creating an inevitable shift to globalist overall control hence world sovereignty is really an improvement of insight many other researchers I come across have not nailed quite as clearly as you. .I feel you are taking a complex issue and simplifying the basic “engine” at work, as often when others also research such things but do not connect the dots but leave the puzzle still in pieces, it thus remains complicated. Without understanding the financial control first “dot”, many are then distracted by what follows in politics, government an d military minutia. Your nuclear sense of the core framework is thus the way to settle this minutia into context of logic and histories.Even complex system have a basic pattern, and I feel you are nailing that pattern and explaining it a clearer way than any others I have read the analyses of. And I feel your globalized financial nucleus awareness allows any of those other researchers scattered pieces to be connected as well, to the bigger picture of the coming decade. Meaning you have a logic in identifying the core driving power, that many could benefit from when analyzing their own subjects.Keep up the insightful work. Truly, understanding the basic skeleton is crucial to understanding the “body” built on it and aiding it’s concealment, while plainly present when explained properly.Best Regards,Mark
New World Order – the endgame has begun