my mission statement


Richard Moore

Bcc: FYI


Sorry not to have been posting to cyberjournal, but I’ve been very busy these days. Once again I urge people to follow my facebook page, which I post to daily, and which generates lots of conversation. 

A friend asked me to send him a concise summary of my thinking and my mission. I’d like to share that with you…


My thinking begins with an analysis of governance. On both systems grounds and historical grounds, I conclude that hierarchical forms always lead to power being concentrated in elite cliques, whether they be warlords, kings, emperors, power-brokers, or bankers. Competing-party electoral systems are no exception, because of the ‘lesser of two evils’ syndrome, and because the party apparatus becomes a target for power seekers. This observation has been confirmed wherever there have been such systems.

As long as we are ruled by elites then our fate is in their hands. Any gains won by popular movements are subject to reversal later, as we’ve seen with worker rights, banking regulations, environmental protections, civil liberties, etc. Elites have their own interests in mind, leading to exploitation of the people and and to an ever firmer grasp on power. Again, history confirms this observation. I applaud those who struggle within hierarchical systems to advance the interests of the people; we’d be worse off without them. But they are playing only a holding game, making only temporary gains.

My chosen mission in life is to do what I can to overcome elite rule. This leads to three courses of action:

(1) seeking to understand how a non-hierarchical system of governance can operate
(2) seeing to understand what kinds of popular movements could move toward such a system
(3) sharing my ideas as widely as possible
(4) actively supporting movements and initiatives that seem to show promise

As regards (1), I’ve come up with a model of self-governance, based on systems analysis, and based on studying non-hierarchical systems that have existed, such as those adopted by the Iroquois and Sioux nations. I welcome discussion of this model, to verify and improve it, but little response has been forthcoming:

As regards (2), my thinking is documented here:

Creating change


best wishes,
