Ladies and Gentleman please: note that the PRIMARY immediate motive for the Oklahoma bombing was accidently omitted from the article... note "A.d" below. ~-===================================================================-~ ... 2.6.5 INDICTMENT COUNT: arrangement of bombing of Oklahoma Federal Building A. Immediate MOTIVES: a) See: 2.6.4.A a & b. c) demonization campaign against US militia organizations who heroically and courageously oppose Federal assault on US Constitution *---> d) passage of so-called "Anti-Terrorism" Bill, which in fact is an Anti-Constitution Bill B. OPPORTUNITY: a) agents and informers in group that executed bombing C. MODUS OPERANDI a) See section 2.2: Conspiratorial Incidents b) See 2.6.3.C.b: CROSSING THE RUBICON D. DIRECT EVIDENCE a) clear seismographic evidence of military-grade second explosion b) clear evidence that BATF agents knew in advance * of bombing | c) highly suspicious bulldozing of explosion | evidence before adequate investigation could be v carried out QUERY to people of the world: When shall we initiate a GENUINE war-crimes tribunal? By that, of course, I mean one where the leaders of NWO, GOVT, and INTELCOM (past and present) are brought to account for their murderous and treasonous atrocities... allow me to suggest Nuremberg as an appropriate venue. [END OF DAY 3 - TO BE CONTINUED] ~-===================================================================-~