query to subscribers: our connection to CPSR


Richard Moore

Dear readers,

There has never been a very close link between CPSR, the organization, and
the cyberjournal list.  CPSR has been gracious enough to host the list for
some years now, I guess because someone liked what I was doing at some
point in the past, but that's pretty much been the extent of the

As you can see below, they are now a bit uncomfortable with what the list
is being used for, which I have no reason to contest or debate.

Does anyone have any feelings/thoughts about this?

Shall we thank them for their support up until now and move the list over
to cadre's cyberjournal.org server?


To: •••@••.•••
cc: •••@••.•••
Subject: CyberJournal and CPSR
Mime-Version: 1.0
Date: Sat, 25 Apr 1998 11:45:42 -0400
From: Harry Hochheiser <•••@••.•••>


I'd like to discuss with you the future of CyberJournal and CPSR.

As you may know, we've recently been configuring a new server which
will be handling all of CPSR's net presence. As part of this move,
we're migrating all of our mailing lists to new software. This
transition will be accompanied with all of the usual housekeeping
that goes with this move: we're trying to trim unused
mailing lists, and generally straighten things out.

As part of this process, the future and status of CyberJournal has
come under discussion. I'd like to see if we can work together to
assure CyberJournal's continued success..

You might be guessing where this is going, so I'll issue a promise.
CyberJournal will _not_ become homeless, & we will take no unilateral
action regarding the list.

However, there is a feeling in our community that the time may have
come for CPSR and CyberJournal to part ways.  Basically, the feeling
is that your content and efforts and those of CPSR are essentially

Personally, I appreciate the areas that you're stressing, and I think
they are of the utmost importance. However, CPSR has a reluctance
(for better or worse) to get into these larger issues.

Given this perceived divergence, I'd like to see if we can work
together to help CyberJournal move to a new home. Should this idea
prove acceptable to you,  I'd be glad to provide whatever technical
and logistic assistance would be necessary.

I've noticed that you're advertising another list @cyberjournal.org.
Would it be possible to move the CyberJournal list to that host?  If
this is not a suitable option, Carl Page (CPSR board member) has
suggested that you might try his facilities available at
www.makelist.com.  If neither of these options work, I'll work with
you to find another.

Please let me know how we might work together to find a solution that
everyone would be comfortable with: I look forward to hearing from



Harry Hochheiser
Director at Large
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
•••@••.•••    http://www.cpsr.org
