re: localization etc.


Richard Moore

Bcc: FYI
James wrote re/ ’emergence of localism’:
Hi Richard, in considering community organisation, I strongly suggest
you look at models outside the West where community structures have
never died and are still vital to healthy social functioning. The one
that springs most immediately to my mind is the Balinese ‘Banjar’ and
its economic counterpart, the ‘Subak’ …
“Everyone who owns a rice paddy must join the Subak in their village.
The Subak controls who will plant rice and when (plantings are staggered
so that pestilence is minimized). As well and more importantly, the
Subak ensures that all farmers receive their fair share of irrigation
water since traditionally the head the Subak was the farmer whose field
was at the bottom of the hill and water first had to pass through
everybody else’s field before it was allowed to irrigate his. The other
important community structure is the Banjar that organizes all other
aspects of Balinese life (i.e. marriages, cremations, community service,
festivals and the like). When a man marries, he is expected to join the
village Banjar and must participate in community affairs. Meetings are
held at a large open-air building called the Bale Banja.”
The West suffers from a frightening lack of community. Except the ‘community’ offered by such things as workplace, school, pub, organised sport, mass media and, now, the internet. One suspects that the only way to regain a more complete communitarianism is, like the Amish people, via local bonds of mutual economic interdependence. There are baby-steps in that direction but as we know, there are very powerful forces in train to destroy regionalist/separatist movements (including attacks on the Amish themselves), and lock people ever more into a globalist system of control and servitude. Heaven help us!
Keep up the great work.

Hi James,
I agree very much about looking widely for social models. The Banjar system is very sensible for their situation. I wonder if you’ve seen chapter 2 of the book, ‘The Grand Story of humanity’.
There certainly are powerful forces arrayed against us. Courage and determination is needed. 
Anita Sands Hernandez wrote:
With the aid of a farmer, (who is having cash flow problems as the 3rd
world no longer wants AMERICAN GRAIN tied to food aid! It’s too costly
and local farmers are locked out…) develop the farmer’s back forty
acres as a few dozen cottages for low income city people ready to
relocate.  Imagine inexpensive,
charming new cottages but with an elfen style in FARM AREAS.

Hi Anita,
This is a promising development. Re-ruralization has a big part to play if we are going to achieve sustainability. Connecting non-economic farmland with those wishing to leave the rat race is a good point of synergy. Charming cottages are appealing, but the real focus needs to be on achieving economic viability. Concepts like ecovillages and co-housing can make a contribution. And not everyone can afford to buy into such schemes. The greatest synergy occurs if homeless and unemployed people can be given such opportunities in a way that leads to economic viability.

Diana Skipworth wrote re/ ‘Crossroads for Humanity’:
Yes, Richard, the rusty hinges groan with the weight of change, while opening the door.
Stealing from the title of Mr. Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, “Between Two Ages” I would say this is exactly where we are.  Except in Brzezinski’s case, he was talking about the NWO and controlling the “small people”– you know, us…
I feel very strongly, Richard, you are picking up the spiritual energy while composing this book.  Remember Shakespeare said about there,”being more” to this world than we could possibly comprehend.
In 2011 the entire world will go ga-ga about 2012.  The old dichotomy is ending and true harmony will in fact begin.  Depending whether you are unbending and cling to the old ways — there will your suffering be.  For the reason of my entire lifetime — has been preparing for this upcoming moment.  (I am a humble usher)

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