Friends, Wow! So many responses. There were over twenty - and nearly all of them strongly supportive. I'll give you two examples and then continue with a few comments... ___________________________________________ Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 11:00:02 +0100 From: rm To: •••@••.••• Subject: rkm posting policy just a quick note in support of your last mail. i don't think that it is highly significant that there are other theories in abundance concerning katrina, if anything your postings are a welcome counterpoint to this abundance. even by drawing attention to inconsistencies within the corporate press' line you are doing a valuable service. i don't think you ever have claimed absolute truth, i don't personally believe in any truth external of emic reality, all theories will inevitably be shaped by the subjectivities of their authors. having an alternate theory, even if one is to reject it, reminds us of the contingency of any belief system. not only that, but it provides an exercise in intellectual freedom, something which i think is always healthy. absolutism of all kinds is very dangerous. keep up the good work ___________________________________________ From: BEGoodman Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 09:26:00 EDT Subject: Re: rkm posting policy To: •••@••.••• Richard, you are magnificent!! Even I have slipped into the trap of "incompetence" rather than it being part of an overall plan. We tend to not give enough credit to these people presently 'in charge' of our country! I like your perspective. Those who do not are to be pitied for their shortsightedness. I often come across people who are incredulous at what I reveal to them, and, even when faced with hard questions to back up these findings, still have to digest the extent to which this country has fallen into the traps set for them by the neocons. It takes awhile, but, I feel, little by little, we are getting through to them the extent to which we are all being 'taken for a ride' !! Again, I feel privileged to be emailing with you!! I have had EXPERTS in the field who have thanked me for what I forward to them, and yours is certainly high on that list! ___________________________________________ The fact is that I use my own judgement in what I write and what I forward. Even if most of the feedback had been negative, I wouldn't be able, in good conscience, to change what I do. My delight in your responses is not because I think they 'validate' my perspective, but rather because they show that my work is useful to you, or at least most of you. My intention is to continue with my work, and not take more of our time with posting-policy discussions. In closing, I'll share one negative response I received regarding the Hurricane Andrew posting, and comment on that... RS: Even category 5 hurricanes don't generate 214 mph winds, much less 350 mph. Why should we take seriously an article that makes such claims in its first paragraph? Where did the author obtain information about these wind speeds? The exactness of the first figure is also extremely dubious. Sorry, but this sure looks like fiction to me, and I refuse to waste time reading the rest of it. You seem strongly inclined to believe any wild conspiratorial view you come across, not bothering to consider its source or look for critiques of it or alternative views. The fellow who wrote about Andrew claims to be an ordinary resident, a survivor, and he is allegedly reporting his own personal experiences. He does not claim to be a weather expert or a journalist. His estimates of wind speeds might be uneducated guesses, or perhaps they were rumors he heard. I don't think such comments by him are relevant to, nor do they detract from, his account of his own eyewitness experiences. If anything, they add credibility because they indicate honest naivete. Similarly, if he had made racist comments as part of his report, I would ignore that in my evaluation of the report's credibility. What he writes may indeed be a hoax, but his comments on wind speeds would not be an important element in the case against him. A jury would probably be instructed to disregard such 'non-expert' testimony. RS's use of the word "wild" is interesting: it shows the power of the Matrix. The Matrix deluges us with its own interpretations of 'what the world is about', reinforced by news, films, documentaries, talk shows, and popular TV series. It is so all pervasive and consistent that we are encouraged to see anything that radically disagrees as being "wild". Our propaganda spinners are using cognitive dissonance as a means of thought control. I am inclined to consider seriously reports that are consistent with what I have come to understand about how the world really works, but you'd be surprised at how many of those reports I reject. Those I select do not represent a knee-jerk reaction in favor of anything conspiratorial. As regards knee-jerk reactions, it seems to me that dismissing as "wild", and not even reading, a story on such a flimsy basis (wind speed guesses) represents an illogical knee-jerk need to avoid cognitive dissonance. At the same time, I respect such reactions, and I'm glad people like RS are subscribers and that they take the time to send in their comments, which I usually respond to privately. rkm