============================================================================ To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: rkm> The myth of human dominion and the birth of the Takers Beautiful! No problem can be solved without being seen in its proper context. We are finally putting all the pieces of the puzzle together so we can actually SEE the problem and its context. At last, the ways beyond this moment are before us! Hand in hand our newly informed visionaries and warriors, artisans and healers, scholars and artists can fruitfully alter what needs to be altered to bring real change to the human world. Blessings, Teresa Hawkes Publisher The Oracular Tree http://www.oraculartree.com Establish the habit of reverence! P.S. Send a copy of this to Daniel Quinn through his website, if you haven't already done so. It will warm him to see his vision spreading so fruitfully! He has carried this vision bravely into the world alone for a long time....not so anymore. ============================================================================ From: "John Pozzi" <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: dialog re: A change of vision: returning to the Garden Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 10:47:48 -0500 Hi Richard: Capitalism is a carnivore, and you can't turn it into a herbivore without killing it. We can't kill it because it is us. We can retire it and return to the garden. John http://www.grb.net ================== Dear John, Why do you say 'it is us'? What is the difference between 'killing' and 'retiring'? rkm ============================================================================ From: mango <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.•••, <mango list recipients> Subject: Re: dialog re: A change of vision: returning to the Garden Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 18:29:24 +0000 Hello Richard et al, A truly great post followed by some fascinating and profound comments. In reply to the sober piece by Jeff Jewel you say:- > The system just isn't fixable. Capitalism is a carnivore, and you can't turn it into a herbivore without killing it. Any attempt to reform it simply makes it function less effectively. You'd get total economic collapse before you'd get any significant benefits of the kind we would all like to see. Are we not now in the early stages of total economic collapse anyway? It would seem to me that there is no time like the present for putting all our ideas into practice; careful, compassionate peaceful anarchism (or whatever semiotic doesn't raise the hackles amongst all those yearning for a more dignified existence for the planet and its offspring). In England, fmd permitting, we are nearing another election farce - the ideal time for direct action from within the voting booths, by voting NOBODY - X: In the States, there are serious rumblings towards eruption over the president's legitimacy: The Zapatistas are in Mexico City. Quebec is preparing for siege: Agrarian revolt is underway in India etc etc ad inf. On the positive side, ethical investment, co-ops, eco-villages, Schumacher thought and other such buffers against collapse are all blossoming and energising more people daily. My view of that wonderful analogy of the man holding the balloons is that we are ~each~ of us grasping onto as many uplifting, connecting and practical memes as we are capable of encompassing, for the greater eventual benefit of all the world's Givers and those who wish to live simply, in peace. The trick now is to wire our hearts and minds together into a global practical demonstration of our real capabilities. Tomorrow (20th) is the first World Day of Planetary Consciousness [http://www.planetaryvision.net/page26.html] - the Dalai Lama's message [http://uk.indymedia.org/display.php3?article_id=2281] to the Club of Budapest seems particularly apt in this context for those who have experienced the power of concentrated collective thought. He starts by saying:- 'Many of the world's problems and conflicts arise because we have lost sight of the basic humanity that binds us all together as a human family. We tend to forget that despite the diversity of race, religion, ideology, and so forth, people are equal in their basic wish for peace and happiness. However, this will be achieved neither by merely talking or thinking about it, nor by waiting for someone else to do something about it. We each have to take responsibility as best we can within our own sphere of activity. As free human beings we can use our unique intelligence to try to understand our world and ourselves.' It strikes me that so many people are in tune with this meme now that tomorrow might just provoke an ongoing series of momentous events. Do we have any other choice now but to 'live in interesting times' and do all we can to dismantle the mechanisms that feed the greedy to the very best of our energies and abilities? Accent on 'live'. Thanks to you all for reviving me, mango http://www.environment.org.uk/activist/ 'One big plunge of the stock market could topple the corporate interests that run things' - Gore Vidal No taxation without representation! Why should we (organic farmers) finance our own destruction? ================== Dear mango, Thanks for your inspiring words. Let me just comment on: > Are we not now in the early stages of total economic collapse anyway? In one sense we are, and in another sense we are not. That is, to any reasonable person, the world has long passed the point of acceptability, livability, etc. These are _already 'dire times'. But at the same time, the elite regime is in no danger of losing control due to their own contradictions. Population problem? - What problem? Millions shall die, as in Africa today, so what? All the more for those who remain. Stock market collapse and worldwide depression? So what? That just gives the fat cats a chance to advance their holdings in a bargain market. For example, in the Great Depression of the 1930s the banks took over vast agricultural lands and that established the dominance of corporate agribusiness. yours, rkm ============================================================================ From: •••@••.••• Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 23:24:03 EST Subject: Re: Announcing: new and improved cyberjournal website To: •••@••.••• very nice site richard- your world-view and your wisdom continue to enrich my life. ============================================================================ From: •••@••.••• Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 11:15:06 EST Subject: Re: Returning to the Garden, etc. To: •••@••.••• a good selection of comment an the right size posting to be willing to read it all. blessings Jim -- ============================================================================ Richard K Moore Wexford, Ireland Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance email: •••@••.••• URL: http://cyberjournal.org A community will evolve only when the people control their means of communication. - Frantz Fanon "One cannot separate economics, political science, and history. Politics is the control of the economy. History, when accurately and fully recorded, is that story. In most textbooks and classrooms, not only are these three fields of study separated, but they are further compartmentalized into separate subfields, obscuring the close interconnections between them" -- J.W. Smith, The World's Wasted Wealth 2, (Institute for Economic Democracy, 1994), p. 22. Permission for non-commercial republishing hereby granted - BUT include and observe all restrictions, copyrights, credits, and notices - including this one. ============================================================================ .