Strong Democracy, Societies, and Resonant Fields


Richard Moore


Every society has a resonant field, part of the culture, that keeps 
people aligned with the essential operations of that society. In the 
Middle Ages, the field was aligned with the structure-elements of the 
society...the nobility, the peasantry, the priesthood, the merchant 
class, the military, etc., and their various relationships. People 
were 'aligned with operations' by knowing what was expected of them 
in their role within these structures. The resonant field helped 
stabilize the structure-elements.

Today, in our capitalist societies, the resonant field is 'economic 
growth', and people at all levels are aligned out of their need to 
survive and compete in this particular economic game,  a game that 
has been set up to achieve that end. With growth as a resonant field, 
structure-elements themselves become subject to 'market forces', and 
subject to change, contrary to the stabilizing nature of the Middle 
Ages field.

Given my investigations into the possibility of real democracy, I 
find myself wondering about a particular kind of resonant field-- one 
that some of us think might be possible to achieve. Wisdom Councils, 
for example, envision the emergence of a 'We the People' 
consciousness, a sense of unanimous public understanding and 
intention. That is the kind of idea I'm thinking of, but some 
elaboration is required to get at the full depth of the resonant 
field I'm thinking of.

Let's consider a strong form of 'We the People'. Let's imagine a 
society has somehow gotten to the place where there is unanimous 
common understanding of 'societal direction' at each level of 
society, an understanding that each citizen 'owns'. In this case the 
'resonant field' would be 'our (multi-level) society agenda'. People 
would align because they own the agenda (at each level). The 'field' 
would be expressed not mainly as 'dialog processes', but in the way 
people work together; it would be expressed in collaboration and 
collaborative forms at all levels.

In considering how such a society might develop, I think the metaphor 
of an organism, a social organism, is useful. The cells of this 
organism are citizens -- intelligent beings -- and the nerve & muscle 
connections are the various relationships among the cells and 
clusters of cells. Such a society would strive to behave coherently 
in pursuit of its goals -- and it would evolve distributed, 
non-linear means of doing so. In holding ownership of the 'field', 
citizens would also own the prerogative to make changes to systems 
and seek new synergies for relationships.

One would expect 'neural connections' and 'body linkages' to optimize 
themselves by means of organic developmental processes. Each cell of 
our organism is intelligent, and the organism generates a universal 
resonant field, which provides a measure of 'success' and 'failure'. 
If results of initiatives disappoint, then everyone holographically 
takes that on board, as regards 'how we did things', and 'what we 
could do better', and 'what new linkages we need'. There's a positive 
feedback loop toward operational optimization and flexibility, and no 
way to tell how it might play out (as with neural nets). But as an 
end result, one would expect such a society to just 'know' how to 
respond to a given emergency or event, without much needing to be 
said. And if a new direction were adopted in the resonant field, 
everyone would go out and do what they knew needed to be done, by 
themselves and through relationships, to bring operations into 

When Republics came into existence, their armies proved to be 
formidable, in comparison to Royal troops. This was because the 
personal motivation of the soldiers was brought into resonance with 
the imperial project -- they fought with a will!  In a similar way, 
our liberated social organism would exhibit a 'new level' of 
coherence, resourcefulness, and resiliency, in comparison to other 
social forms. It would be able marshal its resources and 'get things 
done' in a way no other society accomplishes except perhaps in 

It seems to me that this is the kind of society that would have the 
capacity to guide our transition from today's systems and 
infrastructures, to a sustainable, peaceful, and healthy future.


