-------------------------------------------------------- Delivered-To: •••@••.••• To: "mer" <•••@••.•••> Organization: Mid-East Realities From: "MER - Mid-East Realities" <•••@••.•••> Subject: Target IRAN - US and Israel Prepare Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 11:37:50 -0800 http://www.middleeast.org News, Views, and Analysis Governments, Lobbies, and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know 28 Oct 2003 TARGET IRAN It's a semi-secret joint US-Israel Operation MID-EAST REALITIES - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 28 October 2003: The US has now secretly cooperated more than ever with the Sharon regime in Israel to prepare for an attack which if successful will destroy Iranian facilities that could be used to produce nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them. The justification model is of course Israel's attack on Osirak near Baghdad 22 years ago. Possibly to take place at the same time the Americans are preparing to attack North Korean nuclear facilities. This is the real military pressure that is now being ratcheted up on both countries to quite literally attempt to force them to change course. This was the reason senior European Foreign Ministers recently rushed to Tehran. But after watching what the US has now done to Iraq -- a country that in fact did succumb and change course only to find itself 'regime changed' and occupied by the Americans -- this historic cat and mouse game may not work quite so easily as it has before for Washington. Moreover there are other players much more intimately involved now -- Pakistan, Syria, Saudi Arabia...with China as well as Russia watching every so closely and a whole world more skeptical of the Americans, as well as the Israelis, than ever. Moreover as well the Americans are already overextended -- both militarily and fiancially -- in Iraq which raises the spectre of American as well as Israeli threats, and possible use this time, of tactical nuclear weapons should the going get rough and any country attempt to fight back against the modern-day crusading Empire now armed with the doctrine of pre-emption and a Judeo-Christian zealotry. Oh yes, about National Security Adviser Condi Rice. Like her predecessor Henry Kissinger, she wants to become Secretary of State in a second term. Unlike Henry Kissinger, Rice was born in the USA and the notion of becoming the first woman as well as the first black President is irresistable; especially if she could run against Hillary in 2008! US MISSILES TARGETED AGAINST IRAN BY ISRAEL US Harpoon missiles armed with nuclear warheads are now aimed by Israeli's fleet of Dolphin-class submarines against Iran's nuclear facilities. Following September's exclusive report in American Free Press about Israel's submarine nuclear attack capability, over 100 Harpoon cruise missiles have been secretly flown to the remote island of Diego Garcia, a joint UK-US base in the Indian Ocean. The three Israeli submarines which arrived at the base early this month were each loaded with 24 Harpoon missiles. They then set sail for the Gulf of Oman - bringing Iran's nuclear facilities all within range of their submarines' multi-payloads. The decision to launch them is entirely in the hands of Israel's prime minister, Ariel Sharon. Just as he gave Washington only a short warning he was going to attack an alleged terrorist camp deep inside Syria, Sharon has made it clear to Washington that the same rule of engagement will apply if it comes to launching the Harpoon missiles. Sharon made his position clear in a telephone call to President Bush the day after the attack on Syria. According to one Israeli source, Bush said he "just wanted to be kept informed". Credible intelligence sources say the reality is that Sharon believes he would have the support of Bush if he did launch an attack. But an indication of the deepening concern that some members of the Bush Administration now feel, is that national security advisor Condoleezza Rice last weekend allowed one of her senior aides to confirm our September report to the Los Angeles Times and London's Guardian newspaper. Both drew heavily on the original American Free Press story. The senior Pentagon and State department sources for our first story, about Israel's Dolphin class submarines, have told us exclusively that, in the words of one high-level Pentagon source, "matters have now advanced considerably and for the first time Rice is sounding alarm bells in the Oval Office". Rice's decision to leak is also the first clear indication of her concerns over Israel - as well as her own direct challenge to the authority of Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld. She is now engaged in an internal power struggle with Rumsfeld - and has chosen to use what she sees as his failure in the Middle East to harness Sharon's behaviour as her launch pad to have the Secretary of State ousted. "Rice has a long-term strategy to become Secretary of State. While Rumsfeld is no supporter of Powell, he knows that having Rice in charge of State would give her more power than she even has now. And there is also the ultimate ambition for Condi, to be Bush's running mate, if not in this election, then in the one afterwards. Her own inner circle say that she would relish a face-off with Hillary Clinton in 2008. If Condi became vice-President, then she is but a step away from becoming the first Black woman in the White House. That is what is driving her," said a senior Washington analyst. Meantime, Rice's concerns have deepened following Sharon's stark warning last Sunday that "states harbouring terrorists are legitimate targets". Aides in Tel Aviv have confirmed to American Free Press that "Iran and Syria are top of that list - with Iran in the top spot". The revelation comes at a time of rapidly escalating tensions in the region. Israel's senior Foreign Ministry spokesman, Gideon Meir, insisted "any country that harbours a threat to Israel is a legitimate target for us out of self-defence". Today, American Free Press can reveal, again for the first time, that a team of US computer specialists flew to Diego Garcia to fit the latest version of the software known as "over the horizon". This would allow a Harpoon missile to hit any of Iran's nuclear establishments with pin-point accuracy. Originally developed by Inslaw, the Washington based specialist computer software company, the "over the horizon" capability has been enhanced to handle the sophisticated electronics of the Harpoon missiles. In the meantime, Sharon has ordered Mossad to put together a specialist team to prepare. by Gordon Thomas - 27 October 2003 P.S. MER exclusively reported nearly three years ago now that the Israelis had received new conventionally-powered submarines, made and financed in Germany in fact, which they were planning to fit with nuclear-tipped missiles despite earlier assurances given the Germans they would not do so; and that Israel also has an extensive super-secret biological and chemical weapons program. MER - IF you don't get it, you just don't get IT! 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