13 March – News roundup


Richard Moore

Today's most active topics:

* Debate on Economy Grows More Urgent


* Summary - Frances Moore Lappe's "World Hunger: Twelve Myths"

* Jonathan Cook: Israel plots another Palestinian exodus

* Warren Buffett: $516 trillion bubble is a disaster waiting to happen

Active Topics

Debate on Economy Grows More Urgent
Everything here is predicated on one unstated assumption: the only imperative
is that banks collect all their debts. Everything else must be determined
toward that end. If the nation falls apart, so be it, as long as the big banks
retain ownership of whatever's left. That's what we're living for, that's the
matrix we're in, that's - Sat, Mar 8 2008 3:09 am

"There are many police and law enforcement officials who are concerned with
the growing trend of using military-trained mercenaries to train and work with
local police officers in the United States." MERCENARIES TRAINING US
LOCAL POLICE OFFICERS By Jim Kouri - Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:08 am

Summary - Frances Moore Lappe's "World Hunger: Twelve Myths"
Frances Moore Lappé's World Hunger: Twelve Myths (a 1986 publication):
Summarized and Updated by Holly Poole-Kavana Myth One: There is not
enough food and not enough land. Untrue. Measured globally, there is enough to
feed everyone. For example there is enough grain being produced today to
provide everybody in the world with enough protein and about 3000 calories a
day, which is what the average American consumes. - Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:11 am

Jonathan Cook: Israel plots another Palestinian exodus
The meaning of Gaza's "shoah": Israel plots another Palestinian exodus
By Jonathan Cook Global Research, March 8, 2008 Israeli Deputy Defence
Minister Matan Vilnai1s much publicised remark last week about Gaza facing a
"shoah" -- the Hebrew word for the Holocaust -- was widely assumed to be
unpleasant hyperbole about the army1s plans for an imminent full-scale
invasion of the Strip. - Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:07 am

Warren Buffett: $516 trillion bubble is a disaster waiting to happen
PAUL B. FARRELL Derivatives the new 'ticking bomb' Buffett and Gross
warn: $516 trillion bubble is a disaster waiting to happen By Paul B. Farrell,
MarketWatch - Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:07 am

CSI undermining jury process
Jurors warned to avoid lure of 'CSI effect' Legal community concerned
phenomenon is influencing juries in Canada, police say March 10, 2008 BETSY
POWELL COURTS BUREAU PETER SMALL A Toronto jury took only four hours last week
to acquit Ivan Mendez-Romero of killing his gay lover, Janko Naglic, and some
on the losing side blame the "CSI effect." - Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:07 am

Fed preparing banks for financial crisis
The Fed Releases Crisis Peparedness Video Lee Rogers Rogue Government
March 3, 2008 The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta this past January released a
video on crisis preparedness. The timing of such a video being released is
suspicious considering the prospect of bank failures and an inflationary
collapse of the U.S. monetary system loom large. The U.S. Dollar is at all-
time lows and many top economists are predicting that we are entering a very
deep recession if not a depression. Although the video focuses in on a
potential disaster like a terrorist attack or a weather related event, a
financial disaster easily fits into the scope of this video. The focus of the
video is on how the Federal Reserve can immediately bring cash back into an
area affected by a disaster. During a financial calamity, this will be a key
concern because physical forms of money will reign supreme. Runs on the banks
occurred frequently at the start of the Great Depression and they could happen
here on a frequent basis if things get worse. The Federal Reserve chairman Ben
Bernanke even made the prediction that we could soon see bank failures, so
this is a concern not just coming from various economists and pundits but also
from the top of this criminal banking system. - Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:07 am

New Proposals To Fight Global Warming Would End Civilization, Kill Billions
New Proposals To Fight Global Warming Would End Civilization, Kill
Billions Washington Post pushes Carnegie document that encourages near-zero
carbon output within decades Paul Joseph Watson Prison Planet Monday, March 10,
  2008 The establishment press is affording sober gravitas to a Carnegie
Institution report that calls for carbon emissions to be reduced to near zero
in order to combat global warming, without mentioning the fact that such a
move would return man to the stone age if not end civilization as we know it
and kill billions. - Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:07 am

Fed's answer: you & I bail out the banks
March 12, 2008 Fed Hopes to Ease Strain on Economic Activity By EDMUND
L. ANDREWS WASHINGTON Ð Impelled to take extraordinary measures for the second
time in less than a week, the Federal Reserve moved on Tuesday to subdue the
deepening crisis in credit markets by stepping up as lender of last resort. -
Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:07 am

* Greg Palast: $300 Million From Chavez To Farc A Fake
$300 Mllion From Chavez To Farc A Fake Here1s the written evidence S
and - please say it ain1t so! - Obama and Hillary attack Ecuador By Greg
Palast Do you believe this? This past weekend, Colombia invaded Ecuador,
  killed a guerrilla chief in the jungle, opened his laptop - and what did the
Colombians find? A message to Hugo Chavez that he1s sent the FARC guerrillas $
300 million - which they1re using to obtain uranium to make a dirty bomb! -
Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:07 am

Dave Lindorff: It's the "Oh Shit!" Moment on Iran
It's the "Oh Shit!" Moment on Iran Wed, 12 Mar 2008 08:06:00 by
Dave Lindorff (This Can't Be Happening) -- Every horror movie has that "Oh
Shit!" moment, when the hero or heroes are huddled in some creepy hideout, and
suddenly something happens that tells you that the monster is just around the
corner, or just about to attack. In "Jurassic Park" it was the pulsing ripples
in a cup of water, heralding the arrival of a T-Rex. In "Jaws" it was the deep
base music, letting you know that a monstrous shark was about to attack. -
Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:07 am

New York: Sptizer forced out over trivial offense
March 13, 2008 Spitzer Resigns in Sex Scandal and Turns His Attention
to Healing His Family By DAVID KOCIENIEWSKI and DANNY HAKIM Gov. Eliot Spitzer,
  whose rise to political power as a fierce enforcer of ethics in public life
was undone by revelations of his own involvement with prostitutes, resigned on
Wednesday, becoming the first New York governor to leave office amid scandal
in nearly a century. - Thurs, Mar 13 2008 3:07 am


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