ppi.021-South End Press: a friend who can use our support


Richard Moore

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    a public service of CADRE (Citizens for a Democratic Renaissance)
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        ppi.021-South End Press: a friend who can use our support

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Date: Tue, 19 May 1998
To: (Recipient list suppressed)
From: Anthony Arnove <•••@••.•••> (by way of Michael Eisenscher
Subject: News from South End Press

Dear Friend of South End Press,

Rather than mailing a twentieth-anniversary newsletter, we've decided to
email friends of the Press with an update about our current projects and our
new location. We also hope you'll read -- and pass on to others -- our
fundraising appeal from Michael Moore.

In this email, you'll find:

1. A letter from Michael Moore.
2. Information about our new offices.
3. Information about upcoming titles.

We hope to hear from you in the future.

In solidarity,
South End Press


Dear Friend,

Years ago, when I used to edit the Flint Voice, I would run free ads for the
books published by South End Press because it was one of the only
independent publishers writing about issues like the attack on unions and
working people.

Today, I am writing to ask you to help South End Press survive as a badly
needed dissenting voice in today's increasingly concentrated corporate
publishing world.

While a smaller number of mega-corporations gain more power over what we
hear, read, and see in today's media, non-profit publishers like South End
Press are being squeezed - especially as independent bookstores are
swallowed by the chains.

Without our support, South End Press will face serious limitations in its
ability to publish and distribute its books. That means less books like
Powers and Prospects by Noam Chomsky, Chaos or Community? by Holly Sklar,
Strike! by Jeremy Brecher, and Hard-Pressed in the Heartland by Peter Rachleff.

To help South End Press survive these difficult times and to thrive in the
future, I will match dollar for dollar any donation you and others make to
South End Press up to $10,000.

We need to make sure it is around to help the next generation as it fights
corporate downsizing, anti-immigrant hysteria, and welfare scapegoating.

In solidarity,

Michael Moore
Director, TV Nation and Roger & Me

Please mail checks or money orders payable to "South End Press" and mail to
South End Press, 7 Brookline Street #1, Cambridge MA 02139-4146.


South End Press has moved! Please update your records!

South End Press
7 Brookline Street #1
Cambridge MA 02139-4146

phone: 617-547-4002
fax: 617-547-1333
email: •••@••.•••
web: http://www.lbbs/org/sep/sep.htm

Individual orders: 1-800-533-8478
Trade/library orders: 1-800-243-0138 (LPC Group)

Our new offices look out on Central Square, above the Brookline Lunch,
facing the mural on the side of the Middle East Restaurant. And, no, we're
not changing our name to Central Square Press.


Forthcoming books from South End may be ordered by calling our individual
order line -- 1-800-533-8478 --, sending a check to South End Press (7
Brookline Street #1, Cambridge MA 02139-4146), going to your local
bookstore, or through our web page (www.lbbs.org/sep/sep.htm).

Postage: Please include $3.50 for the first title and $.50 for each
additional title.


Talking About a Revolution

Interviews with Noam Chomsky, bell hooks, Barbara Ehrenreich, Manning
Marable, Urvashi Vaid, Peter Kwong, Winona LaDuke, Michael Albert, and
Howard Zinn

Interviewed by South End Press

On its twenty-fifth anniversary, South End Press has gathered the Left's
most prominent intellectuals for a wide-ranging discussion of the past
twenty-five years and the next twenty-five years of progressive social
movements in the United States.

What are the Left's biggest hurdles? Its best accomplishments? How have
these incisive thinkers and activists seen the Left change over the last
twenty-five years? What does the future hold?

In these accessible, personal interviews, Zinn et al. let readers know their
hopes for the progressive movements they have led and nurtured over the last
two decades. Everyone who would like to see a revitalized, more effective
movement for social change in the United States will want to read Talking
About a Revolution.

About the Authors

Chomsky is the author of twelve books with South End. hooks is the author of
seven books with South End, most recently Sisters of the Yam. Ehrenreich is
a columnist for Z and Time and member of DSA. Marable is Director of the
Institute for Research in African-American Studies at Columbia. Vaid is the
first lesbian of color to head the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and
now leads its think tank. Kwong is Chair of Asian American Studies at Hunter
College. LaDuke is a renowned environmental and Native American activist.
Albert co-founded South End Press and co-edits Z Magazine. Zinn is the
author of A People's History of the United States.

Available June 1998
160 pages
0-89608-587-2 $14 paper
0-89608-588-0 $40 cloth


                  "Seeking an Effective Democratic
                      Response to Globalization
                        and Corporate Power"
           an international workshop for activist leaders
        June 25 <incl> July 2 - 1998 - Nova Scotia - Canada
                  Restore democratic sovereignty
                  Create a sane and livable world
             Bring corporate globalization under control.
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