Editor: As I said earlier, I'd be uncomfortable with burdening cyberjournal with this thread as an ongoing diet. This kind of mud-slinging across ideological divides seems inevitably to tend towards sterile repitition and increased polarization. My initial judgement would be to only publish new threadlets if they have something new or interesting to say. Feel free to drop me a note about this policy if you're concerned about it. -rkm <•••@••.•••> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 Sender: Francisco Lopez <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#395> re: a right wing viewpoint You've read nothing yet. Just subscribe to the elitism list at "•••@••.•••" and you'll see the biggest and may be more fanatical ideological soup ever written. And these guys serioulsy want to gain power. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 Sender: •••@••.••• (John Lowry) Subject: Re: cj#397> an exit interview >Long live the Republican Revolution! > >Bob Knauer > > GUN CONTROL IS A TROJAN HORSE HIDING TYRANNY IMHO, the "Republican Revolution" will be over by the next election and long forgotten by 2000. This is because Newt Gingrich and his followers are half-wits who are only half-right. Since they are half-right, their message resonates in the political vacuum, and it seems the space is empty but for their words. But they are half-wits. They are "academics" from the era of specialization, an era characterized by Marshall McLuhan, who said, "a specialist is someone who never makes small mistakes while moving toward the grand fallacy." They were born when "political economy" was separated into the disciplines of "economics," and "political science," creating a time in which politics was emptied of substance and the economy went out of control. These academic men, who would lead us in their "revolution," come from a world that is topsy-turvy, so we are skeptical of their orientation and intentions. In their world, science is "hard" and social studies are "soft" or "easy." Yet if you look at the facts, we are enourmously successful at the "hard" stuff and glaringly unsuccessful at what they think of as "soft," or "easy." How can that be? How can we be good at what's hard and lousy at what's easy? Are we quite sure these definitions are accurate. And, if they cannot tell what's hard and what's easy, why should we trust them at all? But they do present the facade of self-assurance, and in the vacuum created by the crisis in our system of authority, they have gained some following -- the '94 election gave them a slim majority of 38% of the electorate, which was good enough in an off-year. But '96 is another matter, and the symbolism of 2000 is irresistible. We are a progressive people. The promise of opportunity, which is America, is egalitarian in nature, and our politics has always been consistent with that promise. On the one hand the contest we now face with the forces of fascism seems momumental and earth-shattering, on the other hand it is no contest at all, for we have faced it many times before, and we always win. John Lowry @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Earth to John: Can you offer any evidence for such grandiose optimism? How can you say fascism is "no contest at all" and "we always win"? Fascism gave us more than a trivial contest in WWII, and it wasn't even defeated -- look at how it's been employed systematically in the Third World ever since. And what evidence do you have that the era of specialization is in any way under challenge? Do you count Tofflerisms as evidence? What about the enshrinement of specialist financial "experts" in supra-national institutions such as the WTO and IMF? -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 Sender: •••@••.••• (El Tiburon) Subject: Re: cj#397> an exit interview >Now with a simple majority, things are finally going our way. Next year, >when we have a supermajority in both houses, things will finally change for >the better, after 60 years of Socialism. You certainly must not realize that the obvious point your missing is that the R-party (where R=Republican Reich or Regime) has failed to successfully live up to their Contract on America. They put their head on the chopping block in order to gain some seats and it will most definitely cause backlash. I strongly advise against ever hoping to seriously [hope] that they will have the power to override a veto on strict party lines. R's have proven they are as much rhetoric and PANDERING (like a mutha) like D-clones (where D=Dem). Your style of politics is to merely perpetuate the most minute forms of change tolerable within a system that vehemently resists change. So far rhetoric can lure the shallower thinkers, but to really stimulate the thoughts of the nation it will require MORE than a majority of 37% of America for this 'R-Mandate'. Neither party want significant change or significant freedom. When you're in power, you don't want to make major changes that could disrupt the power balance that keeps you on top. Think about it. R=D. They are exactly the same (With the obvious exception of the Reps being controlled by the Christian 'Nazi' Coalition). Other than that, I think change isn't going to happen unless people get direct control over ALL allocations of money. Not simply lawmakers that dissociate from us all. It requires direct approval of departmental budgets and their very existence. Without that-congress (regardless of who controls it) is as helpless as we are against some of these departments. To eliminate and trim them. They need to turn the power over to the American people. Then watch the budget mess decrease. >The Far Left Wing has been trying to pin the run up on Reagan for years now, >but it does not wash - the facts speak otherwise. Want proof - who is doing >what right now to bring the deficit under control? More rhetoric. >Long live the Republican Revolution! They said that about Hitler too. But after WW2, everyone wondered what the hell they were thinking. M ______________________________________________________ Activism - Isnt it just participation? Internet Users Consortium 7031 E. Camelback Suite 102-515 Scottsdale, AZ 85251 IUC URL: http://www.iuc.org/www/molsen/ NorthStar URL: http://www.iuc.org/www/proteios/northstar.html Proteios URL: http://www.iuc.org/www/proteios/ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ From: •••@••.••• Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 Subject: Re: cj#397> an exit interview >Long live the Republican Revolution.... Not to worry, it won't last much longer. It's the insidious Democrats that we need to fear. They do the same things, only they do it at a slow and unrecognizable pace. We need some real alternatives here. WS @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland •••@••.••• | Cyberlib=http://www.internet-eireann.ie/cyberlib Materials may be reposted in their entirety for non-commercial use. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~