–> about the Guidebook…


Richard Moore


I would very much like to get some feedback from you on the
later chapters of the Guidebook.  I didn't expect a lot of
disucssion on the first chapter, because that was largely a
refinement of ideas we've all discussed before. 
Noenetheless, a lot of good feedback did come in, and thank
you for that.

I believe you will find the second and third chapters more
challenging and 'on topic'.  They are about 'the solution',
rather than 'the problem'.  They deal with movement
organization, the prospects for success, architecture of a
post-capitalist world, and related themes.  I expect more
controversy, and I hope for some constructive discussions. 
These are the topics that should be of greatest concern to
us all.  Even if you think I'm on the wrong track, the
chapters could provide an opportunity for us to have a
general discussion on these important issues.

I've been working away and have the next section (2.b)
uploaded to the website.  But I will hold off posting more
of the Guidebook until everyone gets back from holidays and
we get some comments on 2.a, about 'crisis & opportunity'.

Happy holidays to all,
