Chossudovsky: Welcome to World War III


Richard Moore


Our featured article is by an author I hold in the highest 
respect, Michel Chossudovsky.  Perhaps a few comments at the end...


From: "Brit Eckhart" <•••@••.•••>
To: <•••@••.•••>
Subject: RE Chossudovsky: India-Pakistan-DC Geopolitics
Date: Sun, 26 May 2002 07:56:23 -0400

Centre for Research on Globalisation

The outbreak of a war between India and Pakistan, not only
raises the spectre of a nuclear holocaust in a region which
encompasses almost a quarter of the World's population, it
also raises the possibility of a broader war which could
potentially engulf a much larger region, with far-reaching
implications for the future of humanity.

by Michel Chossudovsky

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG),, 23
May 2002
The URL of this article is:

India and Pakistan are currently at the brink of war.

Presented by the media as a conflict regarding the status of
Kashmir, the role of US foreign policy in feeding this
conflict is invariably overlooked. Since the end of the Cold
War, Washington has deliberately contributed --through
covert intelligence operations-- to fueling the
Indo-Pakistan conflict. In the wake of September 11, amidst
new terrorist attacks and ethnic riots in India, conditions
have developed which favour the outbreak of war between the
two countries.

The Indo-Pakistan conflict must also be seen in the broader
regional context. The US is presently involved in several
related war theatres extending from the Middle East to
Central Asia:
  1)  The war in Afghanistan is marked by the militarisation of
      the entire Central Asian region with US troops stationed in
      several of the former Soviet republics.
  2)  The Bush Administration has supported Israel in the
      invasion of Palestine under a Secret Plan dubbed "Operation
      Justified Vengeance". The latter seeks to destroy the
      Palestinian Authority.(1)
  3)  Washington has announced its intention to wage an all-out
      war against Iraq, which could potentially spill over into
      the entire Middle East region.(2}
The outbreak of a war between India and Pakistan, not only
raises the spectre of a nuclear holocaust in a region which
encompasses almost a quarter of the World's population, it
also raises the possibility of a broader war which could
potentially engulf a much larger region, with far-reaching
implications for the future of humanity.

Both countries have nuclear weapons and a sophisticated
missile delivery system. This week, Pakistan reportedly
deployed its Shaheen missiles , which have a range of 750
kilometres,... " (3) The Pakistani government has stated that
the "country would exercise the nuclear option if its
survival was at stake" (4) Pakistan's president General Pervez
Musharraf, had advised the United States government, "that
in case of any moves, Pakistan will use all options for
security of the land. In this case, it will be an unlimited
war."(5) India's nuclear arsenal is also on high alert.

US military and intelligence planners have no doubt analysed
the linkages between these various war theatres.
Intelligence operations in the broader region are carefully
coordinated. The evidence confirms that the same CIA
sponsored insurgencies --using Pakistan's ISI as a
go-between-- in support of Islamist groups are carried out
in a large number of countries.


It is important to understand the background of the
Indo-Pakistan conflict and the history of US sponsored
intelligence operations in the Indian subcontinent,
channelled through Pakistan's military intelligence
(ISI).(6) Backed by the CIA, the ISI has, since the 1980s,
provided support to several secessionist Islamic
insurgencies in India's Kashmir. Although officially
condemned by Washington, these covert ISI operations were
undertaken with the tacit approval of the US government.

Coinciding with the 1989 Geneva Peace Agreement and the
Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the ISI was instrumental
in the creation of the militant Jammu and Kashmir Hizbul
Mujahideen (JKHM).(7)

The December 2001 terrorist attacks on the Indian Parliament
--which contributed to pushing India and Pakistan to the
brink of war-- were conducted by two Pakistan-based rebel
groups, Lashkar-e-Taiba ("Army of the Pure") and
Jaish-e-Muhammad ("Army of Mohammed"), both of which are
covertly supported by Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence

The powerful Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which plays
a behind the scenes role in the formulation of US foreign
policy confirms (in a CFR background document) that the
Lashkar and Jaish rebel groups are supported by the ISI:

"through its Interservices Intelligence agency (ISI),
Pakistan has provided funding, arms, training facilities,
and aid in crossing borders to Lashkar and Jaish. This
assistance-an attempt to replicate in Kashmir the
international Islamist brigade's "holy war" against the
Soviet Union in Afghanistan-helped introduce radical Islam
into the long-standing conflict over the fate of Kashmir"

"Have these groups received funding from sources other than
the Pakistani government?

"Yes. Members of the Pakistani and Kashmiri communities in
England send millions of dollars a year, and Wahhabi
sympathizers in the Persian Gulf also provide support.

"Do Islamist terrorists in Kashmir have ties to al-Qaeda?

"Yes. In 1998, the leader of Harakat, Farooq Kashmiri
Khalil, signed Osama bin Laden's declaration calling for
attacks on Americans, including civilians, and their allies.
Bin Laden is also suspected of funding Jaish, U.S. and
Indian officials say. And Maulana Masood Azhar, who founded
Jaish, traveled to Afghanistan several times to meet bin

"Where were these Islamist militants trained?

"Many were given ideological training in the same madrasas,
or Muslim seminaries, that taught the Taliban and foreign
fighters in Afghanistan. They received military training at
camps in Afghanistan or in villages in Pakistan-controlled
Kashmir. Extremist groups have recently opened several new
madrasas in Azad Kashmir." (9)

What the CFR fails to mention are the links between the ISI
and the CIA. Confirmed by the writings of Zbigniew
Brzezinski (who happens to be a member of the CFR) the
"international Islamic brigade" was a creation of the CIA.


The December 2001 attack on the Indian Parliament, followed
by the terrorist attacks and ethnic riots in Gujarat in
early 2002, were the culmination of a process initiated in
the 1980s, financed by drug money and abetted by Pakistan's
military intelligence. These ISI supported terrorist attacks
serve the geopolitical interests of the US. They not only
contribute to weakening and fracturing the Indian Union,
they also create conditions which favour the outbreak of a
regional war between Pakistan and India.


In late 1998, Russia signed a "long term military
cooperation agreement" with India, which was followed in
early 1999 by a defence agreement between India and France.
The agreement between Delhi and Paris included the transfer
of French military technology as well as investment of
French multinationals in India's defence industry. The
latter includes facilities for the production of ballistic
missiles and nuclear warheads in which the French companies
have an expertise.

This Franco-Indian agreement has a direct bearing on
Indo-Pakistani relations. It also impinges upon US strategic
interests in Central and South Asia. While Washington has
been pumping military aid into Pakistan, India is being
supported by France and Russia.

Barely a few weeks into the 2001 bombing of Afghanistan,
France and India conducted joint military exercises in the
Arabian Sea. Also in the immediate wake of September 11,
India took delivery of large quantities of Russian weapons
under the Indo-Russian military cooperation agreement.

While France and the US seem to be on opposite sides of the
India-Pakistan conflict, France also supplies military
equipment to Pakistan, in competition with US weapons
producers. More generally, this conflict means billions of
dollars of profit for Western and Russian arms suppliers. In
this regard, US foreign policy is geared towards securing a
market for the Big Five weapons producers, now allied with
British Aerospace systems, against their French and Russian

In early May, France rushed its defense minister Michele
Alliot-Marie to Pakistan following a terrorist attack which
led to the death of 11 Frenchmen of the Direction des
Constructions Navales (DCN) involved in the construction of
three Agosta submarines for the Pakistan navy. The attack,
which in all likelihood was politically motivated, could
lead to the suspension of weapons deliveries by France to
Pakistan. The suspension would serve the interests of US
weapons producers..


This week, Indian Prime Minister Vajpayee stated that India
is prepared to go to war in response to the terrorist
attacks. Delhi has warned Islamabad of a ``decisive battle''
against terrorism and "told its soldiers on the tense
Kashmir border to be ready for sacrifice". Pakistan retorted
"that any cross-border action by India would provoke
retaliation", which could predictably "trigger a wider
conflict between the nuclear-armed neighbours." (10)

Meanwhile Indian warships have positioned themselves in the
Arabian Sea, in proximity of the Pakistani coastline. A
report by Jane Defense Weekly confirms that India's
Strategic Nuclear Command (SNC) is expected to be in place
by June.(11) The SNC will be commanded by the Indian Air
Force (IAF). India is said to have some 60 nuclear warheads
compared with Pakistan's 25. The use of nuclear weapons
cannot be dismissed. Both countries have activated their
reserve forces.


General Pervez Musharraf is a US puppet. Since the beginning
of the bombing campaign of Afghanistan, the US Air Force
controls Pakistan's airspace as well several military
facilities in Pakistan. US military and intelligence
advisers are working closely with the Pakistanis:

The United States is now heavily engaged in the region. It
has full use of two Pakistani military air bases and since
the start of the war has taken control of about one- third
of Pakistan's air space to facilitate its military
operations over Afghanistan.

Up to 35,000 Pakistani troops have been assigned to protect
the US forces stationed inside Pakistan. In addition, 60,000
Pakistani troops have been dispatched to the Durand Line,
the 1400km Pakistani-Afghan border, to catch any al-Qa'ida
agents, including Osama bin Laden, who might be tempted to
cross over. (12)

Under these conditions, a war cannot in practice be waged by
Pakistan without Washington's green light. Deputy Secretary
of State Richard Armitage has been dispatched by Washington
to the region for consultations with both governments.
Armitage was one of the main architects during the Reagan
Administration behind US covert support to the Mujahedin and
the "militant Islamic base, both during the Afghan-Soviet
war as well as in its aftermath. US covert support was
financed by the Golden Crescent drug trade. "Armitage, who
was denied a 1989 appointment as Assistant Secretary of
State because of links to Iran-Contra and other scandals,
served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International
Security Affairs in the Reagan years. U.S. Government
stipulations in the Oliver North trial specifically named
Armitage as one of the DoD officials responsible for illegal
transfers of weapons to Iran and the Contras."(13)

In other words, is Richard Armitage on "a peace mission" or
is he part of an ongoing intelligence operation, which
ultimately consists in fostering political instability, by
pushing one country against the other?


The US has military cooperation agreements with both India
and Pakistan. America sells weapons to both countries (as
does France). At the same time, Washington controls the
types of advanced systems made available to each country.

Ironically, while America is Pakistan's closest ally,
US-India military cooperation has been stepped since
September 11. In November, US Defence Sec retary Donald
Rumsfeld on an official visit to India, stated the need "to
strengthen the military and defence ties between our two
countries" in the context of the war on terrorism.(14) An
Indian defence delegation led by India's Defence Secretary
Yogendra Narain was at the Pentagon this week, "to discuss
prospective military cooperation, including expanding the
scope, size and frequency of joint exercises between their
armed forces"(15)

Meanwhile, Washington was beefing up it military support to
Pakistan. The Bush Administration, through the CIA, also
oversees the ISI sponsored covert intelligence operations in
support of Islamic insurgents inside India.

In country after country, these insurgencies are used by
Washington to destabilize national societies. The underlying
pattern is very similar that used recently in Macedonia,
where the KLA sponsored insurgencies were being supported by
NATO and US military aid. Meanwhile, the US had an ongoing
military cooperation agreement with the Macedonian Ministry
of Defense in the context of the Partnership for Peace

While Washington is arming Pakistan, it also has a military
cooperation agreement with India, which is intended to deter
armed aggression and defend Indian territory. Moreover,
behind the scenes --using Pakistan's ISI as a "go-between"--
the CIA is funnelling support (money and weapons) to the
Kashmiri separatist forces. In a cruel irony, Washington is
arming and advising both sides under military and
intelligence authorization acts approved by the US Congress.

"Divide and Rule": Advise both sides on the conduct of war.
Arm both sides in the conflict, fuelling America's
military-industrial complex. Develop joint military and
intelligence cooperation with both countries, enabling the
US to oversee the theatre of an eventual war. Fracture and
impoverish both countries. Restore the Empire.

The hidden agenda is to eventually extend America's sphere
of influence not only in Central Asian but also in the
Indian sub-continent.


1. See by Ellis Shuman, Is Israel preparing to dismantle the
Palestinian Authority? , Centre
for Research on Globalisation (CRG), 7
April 2002

2. See Ian Bruce, Military planners at the Pentagon have
drawn up a blueprint for a two-pronged invasion of Iraq, CRG
1 February 2002) .

3 India Daily, 21 May 2002.

4. Quoted in Hindustan Times, 23 May 2002

5. India Daily, 22 May 2002

6. Michel Chossudovsky, Coverup and Complicity, The Role of
Pakistan's Military Intelligence, CRG, , 2
November 2002.

7 See K. Subrahmanyam, Pakistan is Pursuing Asian Goals,
India Abroad, 3 November 1995.

8 Council on Foreign Relations, Terrorism: Questions and
Answers, Harakat ul-Mujahedeen, Lashkar-e-Taiba,
Washington 2002.

9. Ibid.

10. Dawn, 22 May 2002

11 Jane Defence Weekly quoted in India Daily, 22 May 2002

12 The Independent, 29 December 2001

10 See Murali Ranganathan, Human Rights Report Draws Flak,
News India, 16 September 1994.

13. Michael Ruppert, Richard Armitage Quietly confirmed as
Deputy Secretary of State, From the Wilderness, 25 March

14. The New York Times, 5 November 2001

15. The Hindustan Times, 22 May 2002.

16. For further details see Michel Chossudovsky, NATO
Invades Macedonia, CRG, , August

Copyright © CRG 2002. Permission is granted to post this
text on non-commercial community internet sites, provided
the source and the URL are indicated, the essay remains
intact and the copyright note is displayed. To publish this
text in printed and/or other forms, including commercial
internet sites and excerpts, contact the Centre for Research
on Globalisation (CRG) at •••@••.•••

The URL of this article is:


Dear Michel,

You say:
  > The outbreak of a war between India and Pakistan, not only
  raises the spectre of a nuclear holocaust in a region which
  encompasses almost a quarter of the World's population, it
  also raises the possibility of a broader war which could
  potentially engulf a much larger region, with far-reaching
  implications for the future of humanity.

I wonder how broad and what region you anticipate?  Could China 
be brought in?  What statements has China made?

  > The hidden agenda is to eventually extend America's sphere
  of influence not only in Central Asian but also in the
  Indian sub-continent.

A bit understated, I think.  How about "...hidden agenda is to 
consolidate global hegemonic control on behalf of global capitalism,
while shedding the biosphere of excess populations"?

keep up the good work,


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