cj#1013> The Story of Money


Richard Moore

Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 10:09:52 -0800
From: APFN <•••@••.•••>
Organization: APFN http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb77532
To: APFN ONELIST <•••@••.•••>



-------- Original Message --------
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1999 08:58:25 -0700
From: spiker <•••@••.•••>
To: (Recipient list suppressed)


(Names and places have been changed to protect identity)

The process whereby banks create a nations money supply
through fake loans is perhaps the most astounding
sleight-of-hand ever developed.  It is clearly revealed in
the following fable, written by the late Robert Hemphill and
embellished slightly by L.E. Fleischer:


Once upon a time to the Temple of the Thirteen Suns came the
rich and powerful Chief Oomah the Third, who said to the
goldsmith of the temple, Hansen L. Roschab, "I have much
gold and am about the depart to a far country.  Wilt keep
this gold safely for me against my return a year hence?  I
will pay thee well."

The wily Hansen coughed loudly and covered his countenance
with a cloth lest the rich Oomah the Third observe his joy
to have this treasure in his possession.  When he was clam
and could look serious he said to Oomah, "It is a very great
responsibility and risk but I will undertake it for a tithe
which will be one shekel in every ten."

Then said the Chief Oomah, "It is a deal."  And forthwith
his slaves delivered many bags containing in all a thousand
shekels of gold for which Hansen L. Roschab, the goldsmith,
gave the chief a parchment deposit writing payable to
whomsoever, and thereupon Chief Oomah departed happily upon
his journey.

As soon as he was well out of the country, the shrewd Hansen
called his confidential scribe and bade him thus: "Go thee
to the merchants whom I tell thee of and secretly say to
each that thy master hath a little gold for hire upon good
security."  And the servant departed swiftly.

Soon there came to him a great merchant who said, "Hansen,
you old crook, I am in a jam for a few shekels of gold.
Wilt lend me?"  And Hansen replied, "Money is very tight
these days, but it might be arranged.  What is they need?
The merchant answered, "Two hundred shekels."

Then said Hansen, "It is much money.  What security couldst
thou pledge for so great a sum?" Then the merchant shewed
Hansen a writing of his possessions of merchandise to the
amount of a thousand shekels.  Hansen said, "It is not
enough.  Thou must also pledge they dwelling and they slaves
and they raiment."  Whereupon the merchant, after much
protest, pledged all his possessions, even unto his
innermost raiment

Then said he to Hansen, "I have no place to store so much
gold.  Keep it safe for me and give me a writing, give me a
deposit writing, which I may deliver to whomsoever I will."
And Hansen did even so.  (NOTE: Lender and borrower owe each
other equally, so NO DEBT EXIST BETWEEN THEM.)

The next day came another merchant, and another, and still
another.  And to each Hansen loaned a portion of the gold of
Chief Oomah the Third, taking from each a security his
entire possessions, including his innermost personal
raiment, and have to each a writing upon parchment showing
that each had on deposit the gold he had borrowed, until
upon the tenth day he had given parchment deposit writings
for the whole of the thousand shekels.  But he still had all
the gold.

Hansen reflected much upon this curious state of affairs,
and said to himself, "These birds know not how much gold I
possess.  They don't want the actual gold itself; what they
really want is credit, that is, a deposit writing which they
may pass from hand to hand as money. Actually, all they need
is the figure that appears on the gold - just a figure to
pass from buyer to seller.  I have a grand idea!"

On the next day came another merchant, and another, and
still another. And to each Hansen shewed the great store of
gold of Oomah the Third, and to each he pretended to loan a
portion, although he had previously loaned it all to the
first ones who came.

And it came to pass that at the end of another ten days
Hansen had pretended to loan to many more merchants and had
given writings of deposit for a second thousand shekels,
making 2,000 shekels in all, although he had only 1,000
shekels of Oomah the Third.

And still he had all the gold.

Whereupon Hansen reflected to himself, "What a cinch; what a
leaden pipe cinch!  I wonder I did not think of this before.
 I can collect just as much interest, just as much usury,
for the phony deposit writings as for the genuine.  Verily,
I am a financial wizard."

Thereupon Hansen caused to be noised about that he possessed
a vast store of gold for hire, and many more merchants came
to borrow.  And to each Hansen delivered writings of deposit
and collected generous usury and demanded pledges from each
of all his possessions, even unto his innermost raiment,
until he had issued writings of deposit for 10,000 shekels
and held mortgages on substantially the whole city.

Then went Hansen to the wise man of the city and said unto
him, "Verily, I have discovered the greatest of all time.  I
have learned the magic of making gold out of baloney through
fake loans and incidentally creating the nations money
supply.  The process is as follows:

"A man cometh unto me to borrow.  I give him a writing upon
parchment which sheweth how much money I owe unto him.  He
likewise giveth me a writing which sheweth how much money he
owes unto me.  My writings then passes from hand to hand as
money, gathering for me (through him) a perpetual ransom in
usury.  Meanwhile his writing lies in my strongbox,
gathering for him only dust.

"This is my fake-loan formula.  And if I can keep it secret
for a few years, I’ll collect a fortune that will make
Solomon’s treasury look like a second-hand store.  Now tell
me how I may keep secret this bonanza for mine own profit."

Then said the wise man, "Look wise and say little and only
upon little known matters afar off.  Obtain the ear of the
town crier.  Engage him to spread the impression that money
is a mysterious Subject which no one understands save thee
alone.  Be friendly with the king’s councilors and grant
their favors, that the king may smile upon thee."

And Hansen did as he was bid and collected much usury from
the phony loans and built for himself a mansion, collected
works of art, and clothed his wives and concubines in fine
linen and jewels.  And  when his fake-loan business had
grown to many times its humble beginnings, he took over the
entire temple and by way of a sly joke called it The First
International Bank, the same being from an obscure language
and meaning "place of imaginary money."

And that is the reason most banks have great marble pillars
and bronze doors, so they may resemble outside as well as
internally the "place of imaginary money" which Hansen L.
Roschab, the goldsmith, built with phony loans on the gold
of Oomah the Third in the Temple of the Thirteen Suns.


Hansen L. Roschab eventually discovered an even more potent
method of dispossessing the public on a grand scale; he
learned how to create the fleecing cycle known as the
"Business Cycle."  Here is how he explained it to his sons:

"By increasing or decreasing the flow of fake loans to the
public, I increase or decrease the volume of money and cause
a boom or a depression.  I buy up and foreclose on property
during the depression, then sell out later at high inflation
prices during the following boom which I create by rapidly
increasing the flow of fake loans, thus expanding the money
supply.  I repeat the cycle again and again, alternatively
granting and then withholding the phony loans.  The public
is like unto a great flock of sheep, which I thus
periodically fleece."


They who say all men are equal speak an undoubted truth, if
they mean that all have an equal right to liberty; to their
property, and to their protection of the laws.  But they are
mistaken if they think men are equal in their station and
employments, since they are not so by their talents.

For copies, please write

CPA Books
P.O. Box 596
Boring, Oregon 97009
(503) 668-4941: inquiries


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