Dear CJ, I sent an announcement of the cyberjournal list out to the NEW-LIST list (which has about 15,000 subscribers). As a result we got over 100 new subscribers to CJ overnight. I imagine these new folks are dipping their toes in the water to see if cyberjournal has something to offer them. In order to give them an "instant take" on the flavor of the list, I've put together a "cyberlib-TOC": a Table of Contents and brief summary of each of the articles stored in cyberlib. Please don't think you need to agree with these ideas in order to participate in CJ -- the point is to discuss these issues and educate each other as to the true situation and what we can do about it. Welcome to CJ, Richard @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ CYBER-LIB TOC - 30 December 1995 o About-CyberLib Informational file about cyberlib and the cyber-rights and cyberjournal lists. _________________ o Articles-by-RKM/ Folder containing articles I've written. o Common-Sense-&NWO -- "Common Sense and The New World Order" A perspective on the global situation focusing on the NWO: the campaign by the global corporate elite to turn the clock back on political history -- the undermining of national sovereignty, the establishment of a new age of feudalism, and a rollback on the progress humanity has made toward democracy since 1776. The NWO is analyzed in terms of its military, political, economic, social, ideological, and propaganda agendas. This article appeared in the Fall '95 issue of New Dawn magazine. o Cyber-Robber-Barons -- "Cyberspace Inc and the Robber Baron Age, an analysis of PFF's 'Magna Carta'" A detailed analysis of the Progress and Freedom Foundation's "Magna Carta". The covert funding of Newt Gingrich by telco/media conglomerates is described, with PFF acting as a money-laundering middleman. The propaganda techniques used in the MC are analyzed, and the proposed legislative agenda is exposed as a scheme to destroy the open Internet culture and replace it by a corporate owned, democratically sterile, marketing & propaganda medium (like TV.) o Doublespeak-&NWO -- "Doublespeak and The New World Order" A review of modern "vocabulary propaganda" in the NWO -- the deliberate abuse of words like "reform", "democracy", and "free" in order to channel people's thinking in a way that makes global corporate hegemony seem both desirable and inevitable. Orwell was right on target. o Human-Rights-&NWO -- "Human Rights and The New World Order" A review of the savaging of human rights by the various agendas of the NWO. Besides specific examples of humans rights abuses, four reasons are given why a corporate-dominated world must inevitably be detrimental to human rights. The article is scheduled to appear in the Jan-Feb '96 issue of New Dawn. o International-Fascism -- "Notes on International Fascism" A brief overview of the systematic establishment of fascist regimes in the Third World, as a means of external corporate domination. o New-Right-&Fascism -- "New Conservatism & Fascism" A brief perspective on the the American trend toward fascism -- the dismantling of democratic institutions and constitutional protections, under the protective umbrella of the media's "big lies". o U.S-&Nazism -- "Nazism, Militias, and the Abuse of History" Striking parallels are identified between the rise of Hitler, and America's own path toward fascism -- the ridiculing of liberalism, the establishment of a police state, an appeal to a mythologized version of "traditional values", the denigration of democratic institutions, etc. _________________ o CyberLib-TOC This file. _________________ o Recommended-Reading A list of books offering useful perspectives and information, including works by Buckminster Fuller, William Greider, William Manchester, H. G. Wells, Howard Zinn, and others. _________________ o reposted-Articles/ Folder holding articles people have forwarded which provide important perspectives. o GATT&NWO -- Kim Moody: "TRANSNATIONALS taking over world?" Moody looks at the real purposes behind GATT. The introductory paragraph: "If someone told you that the leaders of 125 nations had agreed to let 1000 or so transnational corporations take over the world and legitimize forced child labour, industrial home work, sweat shops and maybe even the `foreign regulation of America', you'd probably think they were some kind of conspiracy freak, or at the very least Ross Perot." o Govt-role-re-Corps -- D Shniad: "WITHOUT STRONG GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION WE FACE A BLEAK FUTURE" Shniad focuses on "market economy" mythology, exposing the shallowness of the arguments supporting that notion, and the harmful consequences resulting from its implementation. An excerpt: "So it's no wonder that we now hear endless propaganda from professors, columnists and announcers, all repeating the view that government should renounce any attempt to regulate the private sector; that because of globalization and free trade, economic activity is no longer susceptible to social control; and that government cannot play an active role in influencing economic outcomes even it wants to." o Guatemala-US-Coverup -- Greg Rosenberg: "Washington aims to cover Guatemala link" Rosenberg begins: "The White House, Congress, and U.S. secret police apparatus are circling the wagons to prevent further disclosures of Washington's collaboration with the Guatemalan regime. A bipartisan effort is underway to halt recent revelations from cascading into a broader review of the U.S. government's decades-long backing of the Guatemalan military, which has slaughtered some 110,000 people since 1978." o Nader-on-Corp-Welfare -- a letter from Ralph Nader to Bob Dole Nader enumerates ten instances of government giveaways to corporations, amounting to many billions of dollars. He concludes his letter: "Unfortunately, many members of Congress are unwilling to look beyond social programs to the corporate welfare programs when evaluating possible budget cuts. I hope you will expand your horizons in this holiday season and consider budget cuts for the not-so-needy corporations." o Norman&Quin-CIA&Drugs -- James Norman: radio interview with Jim Quinn. Quinn describes the scope of the CIA's involvement in the drug trade, and how that relates to the arms trade. He also talks about the Inslaw case, and the CIA's ability to monitor worldwide financial transactions by means of a trapdoor embedded in a widely used piece of banking software. He explains how the Whitewater investigation is being carefully limited, so as to not expose the major perps, Clinton being only a small fry in all this. Being an interview, this piece does not include substantiation of its claims, but does have the flavor of someone talking about events they are intimately familiar with. Judge for yourself. o OIL-Behind-Balkans-Strife -- Victor Perlo: "Imperialism - spell it O-I-L" Perlo examines the oil angle in the big powers adventures in Yugoslavia. Excerpts: "In what may prove to have been his final political action, Boris Yeltsin, in a four-hour meeting with President Clinton, agreed, in essence, to a path that subjects Russia to colonial rule by the United States." "The immediate target is the oil under and around the Caspian Sea, in Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, which have weak, pliable governments. For hundreds of years the Caspian Sea was primarily a Russian lake, except for a small southern border on Iran. But now Clinton's aim is to abolish all Russian influence from the Caspian, claiming the United States' 'vital interest' to be the dominant power there." o PFF-Magna-Carta -- PFF: "Cyberspace and the American Dream: A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age" The text of PFF's Magna Carta, which is reviewed in the article "Cyber-Robber-Barons", above. A seemingly rambling report, the MC is actually a piece of artfully crafted propaganda. What is primarily a manifesto praising corporate monopolies _seems_ to be a libertarian rallying cry for individual freedom. Unfortunately, the agenda propsed by the MC is precisely what is being implemented in Washington. o The-Corporate-Machines -- Jay Hanson: "The Corporate Machines" Hanson suggests the perspective that corporations are robots (machines) that have escaped control of their human masters. He traces some interesting history of the corporate form. Excerpts: "Early Americans feared corporations as a threat to democracy and freedom. They feared that the owners (shareholders) would amass great wealth, control jobs and production, buy the newspapers, dominate the courts and control elections. (one-dollar-one-vote)" "...Congress had written the 14th Amendment to protect the rights of freed slaves, but in 1886 this was expanded when the courts declared that no state shall deprive a corporation '. . . of life, liberty or property without due process of law.'" "There was no history, logic or reason given to support that view," U. S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas was to write 60 years later. But it was done anyway. By applying the 14th Amendment to corporations, the court struck down hundreds of local, state and federal laws that were enacted to protect people from corporate harm. o USA&War-on-Kurds -- Ali Azad: "PENTAGON'S HIDDEN HAND IN WAR ON KURDS" Azad offers a historical perspective on the Kurds, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and the U.S. An excerpt: "In 1945-46, the Kurdish people established their first modern and democratically elected government in Mahabad, Iran. Ghazi Mohammad was elected the president of the republic. "After Mohammad had been in office not even a year, the shah's army unleashed a murderous attack against the Kurdish region and occupied Mahabad. Ghazi Mohammad was hanged. "The shah's army was trained and supervised by U.S. Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf Sr. In 1953 Schwarzkopf helped the CIA carry out a coup against the government of Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran. "His son, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., commanded the coalition forces in the 1991 Gulf war." o USA-supported-Hitler -- Bill Doares: "THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF WORLD WAR II, PART I: CORPORATE AMERICA AND THE RISE OF HITLER" Doares traces how Hitler's rise was planned and financed by Germany's wealthiest capitalists, and how other Western powers actively supported and funded him as well. Anti-fascism didn't become U.S. policy until Germany became a threat from a real-politik perspective. An excerpt: "Germany and Italy weren't the only countries where big corporations financed fascist and racist movements during the Depression. In the United States half a dozen corporate magnates sat on the board of the pro-Hitler America First Committee. "The Du Pont dynasty that controlled General Motors and U.S. Rubber subsidized the fascist American Liberty League. It also funded the black-hooded, Klan-like Black Legion, which bombed union halls and murdered dozens of Black people, immigrants and pro-union auto workers in the Midwest." @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore (•••@••.•••) Wexford, Ireland •••@••.••• | Cyberlib= Materials may be reposted in their entirety for non-commercial use. ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~