>From: Susan Evoy <•••@••.•••> >To: "Multiple recipients of list •••@••.•••" >Subject: Community Space and Cyberspace --------------------------------------------------------------- Please forward to interested individuals and distribution lists --------------------------------------------------------------- Community Space and Cyberspace What's the Connection? Exploring the Directions and Implications of Computer Networking Technology on Society Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing (DIAC-97) http://www.scn.org/tech/diac-97 *** A Conference **** Sponsored by Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) Seattle, Washington, USA March 1-2, 1997 Visionaries, hucksters, social critics, politicians, and cyber-pundits of all stripes -- both amateur and professional -- have been more than generous with their theories and prognostications on what computer-mediated communication will mean for children, families, neighborhoods, civic life, and society. What's the reality? What's the hype? What do we hope for? What do we dread? What is the potential? What are the pitfalls? And what -- if anything -- can we do about it? Will new forms of cyberspace media usher in a new egalitarian age or will the distance between economic haves and have-nots grow ever larger? Perhaps -- and this may be the likeliest -- cyberspace will just carry on business as usual and nothing much will actually change shape as a result. The Community Space and Cyberspace conference will be an exciting mix of informative and provocative presentations. Howard Rheingold, author of the best-selling book on how people commune in cyberspace, "The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier", will give the keynote address on how "virtual" and geographical communities are related to one another. Also on the first day, numerous activists, practitioners, and thinkers will discuss the significance of the new communication technology on children, education, the economy and jobs, social action, civic and cultural values, and many other topics What will computer networking do *for* us and what will it do *to* us?? Help us answer this question! Please join the discussion in Seattle! DIAC-97 needs co-sponsors and supporters. If your organization endorses DIAC-97 (no charge!) your members can attend at the CPSR rate. We only ask that you help promote attendance at the conference. We are also looking for financial support for the conference and for our fundraiser the evening of March 2 at the fabulous Speakeasy Internet Cafe in Seattle. Please help us make this conference as successful as possible with your personal or company donation. If you or the organization or company you represent would like to be listed or linked as a co-sponsor or supporter, please contact Doug Schuler via e-mail (•••@••.•••) or by telephone (206-634-0752). Thanks for your support! On Sunday, March 2, participants will be able to attend many of the 20 - 40 workshops that we are planning. If you have skills, research, or ideas to share PLEASE consider proposing a workshop. The workshops in previous DIAC conferences have been outstanding thanks to the innovation, enthusiasm, and experience of the convenors. Workshops will feature work being done in the Puget Sound region as well as that from around the country, and possibly the world. If you are interested in convening a workshop, please fill out the workshop proposal form at our web site. Although any relevent workshop proposal is welcome we especially encourage those around the following themes. * Computer Basics and Cyberspace Survival Skills * Changing Lives: Community Projects and Programs * Organizing With and Around Technology * Critical Issues: Public Policy at Local, Regional, National and Global Levels We hope to collect relevant papers and workshop proposals into a proceedings that will be available to attendees and other interested people. Confernce Registration Form NAME: ___________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________ PHONE:___________________________________________________________ CITY: ______________________ STATE: ____ ZIP: _______________ COUNTRY: ________________________ E-mail:________________________ Registration Fees (Check one) CPSR member $50 __ Co-sponsoring org $50 __ Which Organization? _________________ Regular $75 __ Student/Low Income $25 __ Please print and complete this form and send it with your check to: CPSR/Seattle - Conference Registration P.O. Box 85481 Seattle, WA 98145-1481 USA