re: TWA 800 & commonplace nature of minor consipiracies. -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Sender: •••@••.••• (ACTIV-L) Date: Tue, 26 Nov 96 11:02:40 CST From: •••@••.••• (Ian Goddard) Subject: TWA 800: THE FACTS (11/25/96) Article: 1385 To: •••@••.••• (free 2 copy (*)-------------------(free 2 forward) T W A 8 0 0 C R A S H : J U S T T H E F A C T S By Ian Williams Goddard Contents: I. MILITARY CULPABILITY II. WITNESS REPORTS III. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE I. MILITARY CULPABILITY FACT 1: July 17th breaking news reports, rarely to resurface, stated that naval maneuvers were being conducted off-shore near the explosion of TWA flight 800, which killed 230 people around 8:48 PM, EDT. FACT 2: Confirming early reports, TWA 800 exploded near the naval warning zones W-105 and W-107, both of which were activated for military maneuvers on the night of the explosion. The professional avia- tion publication Aerospace Daily (08/28/96) reports: [ Area W-105 ] is designed to keep aircraft departing New York safely north of any military activity... FAA sources and the Navy acknowledged yesterday...that the area known as Whiskey 105, or W-105, was activated at the time of the TWA accident... The New American (10/14/96) reports that the FAAs "Warning and Restricted Areas Information Log" shows that nearby W-107 was also activated at the same time, reserving airspace for military use up to 10,000 feet. TWA 800 is reported to have exploded at 13,000 feet. FACT 3: The Airman's Information Manual (Section 3:43) defines a warning zone as follows: [Warning zones] denote the existence of unusual, often invisible, hazards to aircraft, such as artillery firing, aerial gunnery, or guided missiles. FACT 4: Some residents were not surprised by the massive explosion of TWA 800 because military oper- ations in the area are not unusual. As the East Hampton, New York paper The Independent (07/24/96) learned from a South Beach resident, John Bauman, "people continued fishing" after the blast think- ing it was probably "the Westhampton Air Force Base doing some kind of testing offshore." FACT 5: Only hours after the crash, investigative sources stated that "The leading theory is that the airliner was destroyed by a...anti-aircraft missile" (Reuters, 07/18/96). Yet White House spokesman Mike McCurry attacked those in-the-know, saying, "There's no American official with half a brain that ought to be speculating on anything of that nature." FACT 6: Radar detected an object merging into TWA flight 800 before the explosion. As the Associated Press (07/19/96) reported: Radar detected a blip merging with the jet shortly before the explo- sion, something that could indi- cate a missile hit. However, Pentagon officials, asking the AP not to re- veal their names, condemned the blip as "spurious." Radar and satellite-image evidence remains concealed. FACT 7: The Jerusalem Post (07/21/96) says French Defense Ministry agents believe that flight 800 was shot-down by a Navy missile. While many victims were from France, French investigators have been, in vio- lation of routine international protocol, prohibited from assisting the FBI-NAVY-NTSB secret investigation. FACT 8: The St. Louis Post Dispatch (11/09/96) inter- viewed TWA pilots who, based on inside knowledge, say that TWA 800 was hit by a U.S. Navy missile. Consistent with the AP (09/23/96), one TWA pilot of 20 years said investigators found a hole going in the plane believed to be caused by a Navy missile. They said "high level sources in the Pentagon" and crash investigators told them TWA 800 was hit by a Navy missile (UPI, 11/9/96). One pilot told the St. Louis Post Dsipatch: "At least nine out of 10 pilots will tell you they believe this was a missile. We know of military prac- tices where they will lock [missile systems] onto commercial aircraft for testing, but then do not deto- nate the missile." The Workers World News Service (09/19/96) reported that many TWA and airport workers blame the Navy. FACT 9: Former United Airlines pilot and crash invest- igator Richard Russell learned via inside connections that TWA 800 was hit by a Navy missile in the course of test firings. His report was widely condemned and anyone who even considers it, such as former reporter Pierre Salinger, has been viciously smeared and labl- ed as mentally imbalanced, even as key information in his report is consistent with known facts and with events reported by dozens of witnesses. The only case against the report is: the Navy denies the charges. FACT 10: Exactly as Captain Russell's report stated, a P-3 Orion near TWA 800 and a guided-missile ship were working together. The Discovery Channel's pro- gram on the TWA 800 investigation (11/17/96) said: The Navy had a P-3 and a guided missile carrier in the area on some kind of exercise. It's hard to imagine how else a guided-missile ship would be relating to a far point in the sky--the P-3 near TWA 800--apart from some exercise involving the firing of missiles at or near that point, which is exactly what Captain Russell reported (08/22/96). FACT 11: WCBS-TV of New York reported (09/05/96) that information leaked from the top-secret crash invest- igation indicates that TWA 800 was shot-down by a Navy missile. Top officials condemned the idea as totally absurd and a sign of mental imbalance. FACT 12: When asked if the area TWA 800 exploded is used as a missile testing area, at a news conference (11/08/96), Navy Admiral Edward Kristensen said the area is "not typicality used for missile training." While also saying he is not aware of tests ever oc- curing in the area, he did not deny that they do. FACT 13: While the region was activated for maneuvers, a Navy spokesmen claimed Navy ships were too far away to have hit TWA 800 with a missile, but then in his next breath he makes a claim proven to be false re- garding naval weapons capabilities in the area. The Associated Press (11/08/96) reported this: Lt. Cmdr. Rob Newell, a Navy spokes- Aegis-type missile cruiser, was 185 miles to the south... [and that] the only aircraft in the area was a P-3 Orion anti-submarma- rine plane, which he said does not carry missiles. But the military reference, Janes All The World's Aircraft, states the P-3 is cap- able of carrying missiles. While witness accounts do not suggest the P-3 is a likely suspect, it would seem that the Navy is being less than forthright when a full accounting of missile capabilities in the area is necessary because in fact a missile was widely observed. II. WITNESS REPORTS FACT 14: Witnesses saw a missile-like object shoot up from the ocean, apparently from a boat, initi- ating the TWA explosion. According to eyewitness Lou Desyron (ABC World News Sunday, 07/21/96): We saw what appeared to be a flare going straight up. As a matter of fact, we thought it was from a boat. It was a bright reddish-orange color. ...once it went into flames, I knew that wasn't a flare. Another witness said (N.Y. Daily News, 11/09/96): It looked like a big skyrocket go- ing up, and it kept going up and up, and the next thing I knew there was an orange ball of fire. FACT 15: Over 100 eyewitness reported seeing this rocket streaking toward TWA 800 just before it ex- ploded. As The Washington Times (07/24/96) states: Several witnesses...saw a bright, flare-like object streaking toward the jumbo jet seconds before it blew up. ABC News said yesterday that the investigators had more then 100 eyewitness accounts sup- porting the [ missile ] theory. FACT 16: Missile witnesses were highly credible and gave uniform accounts. The New York Post (09/22/96): Law-enforcement sources said the hardest evidence gathered so far overwhelmingly suggests a surface -to-air missile... The FBI interviewed 154 "credible" witnesses -- including scientists, schoolteachers, Army personnel and business executives -- who described seeing a missile heading through the sky just before TWA 800 exploded. "Some of these people are extremely, extremely credible," a top federal official said. FBI technicians mapped the various paths -- points in the sky where the witnesses said they saw the rising "flare-like" object -- and determined that the "triangulated" convergence point was virtually where the jumbo jet initially exploded. FACT 17: The witnesses said the "streak of light" hit the plane. The New York Times (07/19/96): [ Witnesses reported ] a "streak of light" hitting the plane just before it blew up. FACT 18: Two National Guard pilots in the area also saw the streak. CNN News Interactive (11/08/96): ...the 106th Rescue Wing based at Gabfbreski Air National Guard Sta- tion at Westhampton, New York, said: "The two helicopter pilots...Major Frederick Meyer, the pilot, and Cap- tain Cristian Baur, the co-pilot, both saw a streak of light, moving from east to west prior to the ini- tial explosion." At a press conference a few days after the event, Major Meyer said he did not think it was a missile but suggested that it could have been a meteor. FACT 19: Not unlike a guided heat-seeking missile, witnesses reported that the missile curved across space prior to the hit, leaving a trail of smoke along its path. The New York Times (07/19/96): Paul Angelides, who lives in West Hampton Beach...saw what he describ- ed as a "red meteor with a smoke tail" that followed the course like the outline of "a parabola" [curve]. [ Major ] Meyer...told reporters that he saw an arch of light mov- ing moving toward the plane. He said, "Almost immediately there- after I saw in rapid succession a small explosion and then a larger explosion." Such curving should rule-out the meteor theory, for such curving, in the case of a meteor, would violate Newton's first law. The fact that some witnesses re- ported seeing the missile fly straight up and some saw it curve, is a logical consequence of viewing the event from different angles. It's impossible to fathom why it is that the missile theory is said publicly by the FBI to be on an equal footing with the bomb and mechanical-failure theories, both of which, unlike the missile theory, are said to have "no supporting evidence." How is the witness of over 100 people and radar equal to no evidence ??!! III. PHYSICAL EVIDENCE FACT 20: While investigators claim that there is no evidence that a missile or bomb exploded inside the plane, information was leaked to the AP that a prac- tice guided missile with no warhead that locks onto the center-of-mass may have passed through the plane without exploding. Such a missile would leave two big clues: (a) the missile would strike "the center fuel tank, touching off the explosion," and it (b) "would only leave a small hole." Associated Press(09/22/96). FACT 21: (a) "The explosion that brought down TWA Flight 800 occurred in the center fuel tank area, the lead investigator [said]." Reuter (08/22/96). FACT 22: (b) Investigators reconstructing the debris say there is a hole going into the plane and a hole going out of the plane. Associated Press (09/23/96): ...a source...said on condition of anonymity.... ``There's metal bent in, metal bent out. Metal you can't tell. I see a hole going in and a hole going out...'' Or the missile could have even exploded outside the plane, thereby requiring no in-out holes: FACT 23: An aviation disaster expert speaking live on CNN (07/17/96) shortly after the TWA explosion, said he believed that it was a missile-hit and that the eyewitness reports of two explosions, one small then one large, was consistent with a heat-seeking missile exploding near the plane's heat-radiating exhaust. Armed with a "proximity fuse," such a mis- sile would first explode outside the plane, leading to the subsequent eruption of the fuel tanks, caus- ing precisely the sequence of explosions observed. FACT 24: While the official story is that there was no significant damage to any of the jet's engines- exhausts, The New American (10/14/96) quotes a re- liable private investigator who said: "I watched the television coverage when they brought up the fourth en- gine and half of the engine was gone, as if it had been hit by a missile, even as they were announcing that it was entirely intact." A federal air crash investigator who also observed the engine recovery told The New American that the fourth en- gine did indeed look as if it could have been hit by a missile. MY CONCLUSION, based upon the current knowledge, is expressed in the statements of reporter Hillel Cohen: FACT 25: At a press conference (11/08/96), moments before the FBI's Assistant Director James Kallstrom ordered him removed from the room, reporter Hillel Cohen asked, "Why is the Navy not a suspect?" In response, Kallstrom said, "Remove that man." As about 10 security guards surrounded him, swiftly removing him from the room, he could be heard to say: "We want an independent investigation." Recommended TWA 800 web site: ************************************************************************ IAN GODDARD (•••@••.•••) Q U E S T I O N A U T H O R I T Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------ VISIT Ian Goddard's Universe -----> ________________________________________________________________________ (c) 1996 Ian Williams Goddard - (*) free to copy nonprofit w/ attribute. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: www | ftp --> ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~