cj#695> “Please, help us to stop cold war against Islam”


Richard Moore

Dear cj,

Just received this impassioned plea for relief from the anti-muslim
sentiment that seems to be increasingly prevalent in the West.

The first Crusades were by Euro invaders, who, among other things,
demolished cities and massacred their citizens - all in the name of the
invaders' religion, but perhaps more motivated by the appeal of loot,
glory, and plunder.

Today's constant media demonization of the Arab world, in news, commentary,
and feature films, smacks of a Second Crusade, and the rhetoric today is
hardly on a higher plane than the bygone cry of "Kill the Infidel!"  The US
sacking of Iraq (an atrocity worthy of war-crimes prosecution) and the
continuing starvation-terrorism aimed at Iraqi citizens reveal that the
same bloodthirsty mentality reigns in Washington today that possessed the
Norman Knights of the twelfth century.  So much history, so little

Fr. Kobti's prose is not easy to follow - English is clearly not his first
tongue.  And his perspective is quite at odds with our normal media fare,
and may therefore seem extreme.  Nonetheless his is a voice desparately
trying to reach across a chasm, and it is, I believe, worthy of the effort
to try to understand his perspective.

I'd be glad to post responses, which would at least demonstrate to him that
someone somewhere at least heard what he said.

In Solidarity,

BTW> I'll be out of town for a week - much-needed holiday in France.

Date: Fri, 11 Jul 1997
Sender: •••@••.•••
Subject: Please, help us to stop cold war against Islam

My Dear Friends,

Just those two last months.

We heard about Muslims in Jerusalem taking a room from the Orthodox Chruch in
the Holy Sepulchre. We heard and/or some of us saw the Anti-Muslim, and
ant-Arab film worked by HBO "Path to Paradise. We read on many American and
Israeli News papers about Persecutions (Muslim, Christian, Jews or about
fundamentalism etc). Mainly they were accusing our Brothers and sisters the
MUSLIMS!! A lot of us tried to send E amils and chat about those things...

Then we had that thing in Hebron depicting the Founder of Islam, the Virgin
Mary with things that we did not like and we all condamned. Then the Koran
was desecrated, then the question of the Orthodox Church in Hebron, and in
every time the Israelis seem to help and try to intervene to put peace and/or
sometimes the P.A are blamed, the Muslim Palestinians are feared etc...etc.
AND EVERYBODY as always is speaking about it; SOMBODY is trying to PREPARE
THE PUBLIC OPPINON FOR SOMETHING, when the main issue is our RIGHTS is
JERUSALEM, our People there are loosing their ID's, their homes and lands and
what remains of their FUTURE...

Do you see, with me, that someone intelligently is preparing something?

Please, try to look on your hearts. We Christians and Muslims, we love each

We  lived for centuries in Harmony everywhere. We build together our national
aspirations and countries: Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, Jordan
etc. Muslims and Christian martyres offered together their lives for the
future of our sons and daughters in our home countries.

Muslim and Christians refuse and refused fundamentalism that was  feeded from

Muslims and Christians want to live in peace with Jews, they have already
lived in peace with them; Muslim and Jews: in Egypt, Syria, Marocco, Tunisia,
Palestine before and after the creation of Israel etc. Christian and Jews: in
the West, Asia and the Americas.

We are all innocent of what Extremisms and Fundamentalism (religious or  as
ideology)  did in the past against Jews, Christians and Muslims and is trying
to do today.

Please let us stop that SOMEONE for that SOMETHING that he is intelligently
preparing. We cannot accept to build that NEW COLD WAR AGINST ISLAM. They are
our BROTHERS AND SISTERS. We cannot condamn the mass for some fanatic
individuals. We should be fair in condaming at the same time and the same way
the JEWISH, CHRISTIAN fundamentalism and name them the way were are labelling
sometimes the Muslim fundamentalists: Terrorism. Some Jewish and Christian
fundamentalism acting as terrorists as well. Just look around you and read
facts on the ground you will find it not only in the Holy Land but also in
the USA and Europe.

We shoud stand with the TRUTH.

Please stop feeding the Public Opinion with things that speak to that SOMEONE
who is tring to build in us hatred and violence, and build  in stead love,
cooperation and sharing.

The  Moderate Head of Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities in the Holy
Land  (They are the Majority there)  are tring to build bridges. The
Catholic, the Orthdox, some Protestant and  some Christian Communities are
trying build trust.

Please, STAND against that COLD WAR against our Brothers and Sisters the
MUSLIMS. Stand with the TRUTH.

Fr. Labib Kobti, A roman Catholic Priest from the Latin Patriarchate of

