Conference on Cuban Revolution — Havana


Richard Moore

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             Conference on Cuban Revolution  -- Havana
                  fwd from List for World History

Date: Tue, 02 Jun 1998
To: •••@••.•••
From: Mark Douglas Whitaker <•••@••.•••
Subject: Conference on Cuban Revolution  -- Havana

Thought it might interest you.

Mark Whitaker

Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998
Sender: H-NET List for World History <•••@••.•••
From: Ken Pomeranz <•••@••.•••
Subject:      Conference on Cuban Revolution  -- Havana
To: •••@••.•••

   Conference Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution

     The conclusion of the year 1998 will mark the 40th anniversary of the
triumph of the Cuban Revolution.  La Casa de Altos Estudios "Don Fernando
Ortiz" of the University of Havana will convene a conference commemorating
this important event.  The conference is intended for academics, writers,
artists and students.  Cubans and foreigners are invited to participate in
the discussions, round tables and cultural activities planned for the
conference.  The conference will be held at the University of Havana from
November 18 through November 21, 1998.

      The themes for discussion will include the following:  the historic
dynamic of the Cuban Revolution; groups, sectors and social classes in the
process of the Cuban Revolution; the women's revolution; revolution,
economy and social development; community and revolution; revolution,
democracy and human rights; ideology and revolution; education and health;
cultural revolution; the conflict between Cuba and the United States;
revolution and emigration; the Cuban Revolution in the popular
imagination; and international relations and activities of the Cuban
revolution.  The program will include presentations by actors in the Cuban
process during the course of the last 40 years.  In addition, during the
program, a sample of the most well-known expressions of Cuban culture will
be presented, along with conferences and discussions concerning these
expressions of art.

     La Casa de Altos Estudios "Don Fernando Ortiz" has asked the Center
for Development Studies to organize a delegation from the United States to
participate in the conference.  U.S. participants wishing to make
presentations can do so in English or Spanish.  Translators will be
available to translate presentations made in English and to provide
interpretations for those not understanding or needing assistance with

       The cost for the program is $540 for a package that includes hotel
accommodation in double room, breakfast, transportation between airport
and hotel and to all conference events, conference registration,
translator services, visa from Cuban government, license to travel to Cuba
from U.S. government, and fees to the Center for Development Studies.  Or
an alternate package is available for $615 consisting of the same
accommodations and services, except that daily dinner also is included.
Participants must make their own arrangements for air travel to Havana.
For flight information, contact Marazul Tours, 201-319-9670, fax

     U.S. citizens wishing to participate should send the following
information:  full name, position (full title, e.g., professor of
sociology), institution, work address, home address, work telephone, home
telephone, fax number, e-mail address, passport information (passport
number, date of issue, country and place of issue, expiration date), place
of birth and date of birth.  Those wishing to give a presentation should
provide a title and one-page abstract of their presentation.  (Please
submit the title and the abstract in the language in which you intend to
present).   Send the information by U.S. mail, e-mail, or fax by September
1 to Charles McKelvey, Center for Development Studies, 210 Belmont Stakes,
Clinton, South Carolina 29325; e-mail <•••@••.•••; fax
864-833-8481.  The Center for Development Studies will make consolidated
applications for travel licenses from the U.S. government and visas from
the Cuban government.

     The Center for Development Studies is a non-profit organization
incorporated in the state of South Carolina on September 23, 1996.  Its
objectives include increasing understanding of Central America and the
Caribbean by conducting travel seminars.  In June 1997, the Center for
Development Studies conducted its inaugural project, when a group of eight
faculty and graduate students in the fields of sociology and political
science from various colleges and universities in the United States
participated in a three-week travel seminar and research project in Cuba,
conducted jointly by the Center for Development Studies and la Facultad
Latinoamericana de Ciences Sociales (FLACSO), Programa Cuba.   In July
1998, the Center for Development Studies,  again in cooperation with
FLACSO Cuba, is sponsoring an experiential research seminar in Cuba.
Entitled "The Cuban Revolution:  Surviving into the 21st Century," the
participants are eight university and college professors and graduate
students in the social sciences, Romance languages and literature from
various universities and colleges in the United States.  The Center for
Development Studies intends to conduct a similar seminar in Cuba in 1999.


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