William Engdahl: “Doomsday Seed Vault” in the Arctic
Bill Gates, Rockefeller and the GMO giants know something we don’t
Michael Barker: Bill Gates, Philanthropy, and Social Engineering
Seeds of Deception: summary by Author Jeffrey M. Smith
Current bills in Congress are considered threatening to organic farmers and those who refuse to use genetically modified seeds or organisms.
David Korten: Too Big to Fail is Too Big
Carolyn Baker reviews “When Giants Fall”
An Economic Roadmap for the End of The American Era (John Wiley & Sons), 2009
Obamazombies on the march
..Mr. Baker hits the nail on the head. It’s all about personality, a personality cult, in service of an unexamined agenda.
Stefan Steinberg: Growing rift between US and EU
NY Times whines about protectionism
Eliot Spitzer strikes back
New Earth Rising: excellent online newsletter
Climate change: warming or cooling?
More economic nonsense from Obama
Treasury Presses Ahead With Insane Plan For Toxic Assets
Obama & toxic assets: A windfall for Wall Street
Elite-controlled media lines up behind executive bonuses
As credit markets froze, banks loaned millions to insiders
Yet another police murder with tasers
Bay City, Michigan: Fifteen-year-old dies after Taser shooting
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