newslog 29 April


Richard Moore

* Africa and the post-capitalist global regime *
This is exactly what I predicted back in 2007, in my article, The Post- Bush Regime: a Prognosis. A land grab in Africa by northern powers, in conjunction with an ongoing genocide program to get rid of the natives. This is the nature of the post-capitalist regime, oriented around access to resources instead of growth.

Behind the US Banks’ Profit Reports
The recent spate of better- than-expected earnings reports by major US banks is a testament, not to a strengthening of the basic economy as a result of the bailouts

Washington Post announces New Economic Order
A Bigger, Bolder Role Is Imagined For the IMF Changes Suggest Shift in How Global Economy Is Run

Moyers interviews Bill Black (video)
…regarding the fraudulent nature of the banking crisis.

What Do The Globalists Want?
Some interesting viewpoints. Includes some videos on population reduction 
programs. rkm 

Gerald Celente: America lives in a fascist state
The merger of corporate and government powers in modern America is plain and simple fascism, believes Gerald Celente, the founder of the …

EP Heidner: Collateral Damage – U.S. Covert Operations and 9/11

It Is Time to Dissolve All Central Banks

Castro re/ Summit of Port of Spain

Richard Cook: Our Monetary System – State of Permanent Siege

Fwd: extra bombs in OKC bombing

Tea parties: a liberal view (Bill Berkowitz)

Ulrich Rippert: The significance of the EU elections
A few days ago, the European parliament in Strasbourg started a large- scale advertising campaign under the slogan: “The European election— your decision”. The aim of this expensive campaign …

Americas Summit ends with no agreement

Mike Whitney: Housing Bust, Worse Than Ever


ALBA: Capitalism is putting an end to humanity and the planet

school strip search: Supreme Court review

Ralph Nader: Bailout Indignation

FYI: Committees of Safety
Committees of Safety Public Policy Statement and Disclaimer Committees of Safety is an organization dedicated to the individual and collective exercise of Americans’ freedoms of speech, association, and petition under the First Amendment to the Constitution

Tons of released drugs taint US water
interesting news report on chemtrails (video)
