posting plans


Richard Moore

Bcc: FYI


I’m going to be posting one chapter per week from my book, Escaping the Matrix. The book was published in 2005, ten years ago now. I’d say some things differently now, particularly in the first chapter, but most of the material I’d leave pretty much alone. 

I’m hoping these postings will generate some discussion. I can post any comments you send in as a second posting each week, and as usual I’ll respond to most of the comments I post. 


For now, I’d like to share a few thoughts on current events. There are several things going on that indicate we are nearing the final stages of implementing the bankers’ new world order.

The most obvious of these is the rise of Russian influence, and the rise of Putin’s stature on the world stage. In his UN speech he said quite clearly that he’s had enough of US unipolar hegemony, and in Syria we see him stepping in and proving he means what he says.

The US response is one of calculated weakness. Critical, but non-confrontational. Can you see how big a shift this is, re/ US policy? Basically backing down to Russia? This is not something that could happen in the old world order, based on national competition. This is a sign that we are already operating according to a new regime of dynamics.

In particular, I think these latest developments indicate the time has come for an orchestrated US economic collapse. In the face of such a collapse, the US military will be faced with a funding crisis, and that will create a vacuum in the area of global policing. Someone needs to carry on with policing interventions, and it seems that Russia has been tapped for that role – until a formal global policing agency can be established, under the auspices of a ‘reformed’ UN. 

Have you noticed, by the way, the physical resemblance between Putin and the latest James Bond star? Coincidence? Perhaps. 

Another ‘thing going on’ is the new Pope, his various speeches, along with an upsurge in ‘climate action’. The climate-change scam represents the part of the NWO related to ending personal freedom, while the Russian upsurge represents the part of the NWO related to global-government. The Pope’s critique of capitalism represents the part of the NWO related to the shift from capitalism to a resource-based economy.

Perhaps you could point a finger at some other NWO-indicating current events.

