Bcc: FYI
rkm website: http://cyberjournal.org
rkm responds to Foster
Foster Gamble wrote:
My apologies for being so out of touch. I have been on a whirlwind tour of energy labs and am now in Australia on a Solutions Summit Tour. I have a day off today and am catching up on an avalanche of overdue communications.I very much appreciate your specific suggestion and it intrigues me. I will keep it in mind for next year, as I am fully booked into February, and I will be watching for the right issue. Some big projects are in flux right now with THRIVE and I need to see how they unfold in order to know better about what kind of time and funding would be available.I know it would be a fruitful experience and I would enjoy prolonged explorations with you without having to type them!In the meantime, If you get a chance and are open to it, I highly recommend you explore the writings or podcasts of Stefan Molyneux at www.freedomainradio.comIn the Palo Alto Utilities example, what does a “municipally owned” actually mean? Was the money that bought ownership voluntary or mandatory?Best wishes,Foster
Hi Foster,
I feel a bit like David to your Goliath, given your public prominence – but you’re a friendly Goliath, which leaves me a little off balance. I will however continue to sling stones when I feel that’s the right thing to do, as that seems to be my fate 🙂
I’m glad you have a positive response to my suggestion, re/ a DF session. With an open calendar myself, it’s hard for me to imagine being fully booked months in advance. As regards a ‘right issue’, there are of course many, and my suggestion would be something along the lines of ‘governance and freedom’.
What I gather from your past statements, and from your reference to Molyneux, is that your patron saint is Ayn Rand. I too was a Rand fan, when I was a teenager. My Christian upbringing had left me with the feeling that virtue was selflessness, and pursuing ones own interests was somehow wrong. She liberated me from that narrow viewpoint. But I eventually discarded her overall philosophy, because she fails to acknowledge the debt creative people owe to the collective accomplishments of humanity down through the ages. The Howard Roarks of the world do not create everything from scratch; ordinary people are not valueless.
The NWO and the end of the family
Peter Koenig wrote:
Richard – agree largely with what you say about the test cases – fits with what i know about ‘money’ the Fed and the Bank of England stories – and how since the beginning of the 1900’s have gradually dominated world finance – and who controls money — as we know from Kissinger – controls the world.As I write – CNN is blaring out the American ‘election’ (sic) results, intermediary or final — it doesn’t really matter. Every four years the world is going through this circus – and what’s most amazing to me, is that people still believe in it – still hope for a better America – for a more just president, as if a president had anything to say – and wouldn’t be at the mercy, handcuffed to the powers of finance and the military industrial/security complex – they go hand in hand.It is a sad-sad state of affairs. Indeed – a downward spiral. – And a bunch o sheeple are supporting it.About Naomi Wolf’s video – and Amy Goodman —- Naomi Wolf’s book and video date back to the Bush era (2007) – and has since been largely surpassed by events – by Obama doings, the total abolition of US civil rights, the ‘drone state’ – killing as a computer game and joking about it (yes, Obama made jokes about his drone power and those who better be careful).What Naomi says in 2007 is of course right – but seen today it’s almost an understatement.As to Amy Goodman – she is the typical spokeswomen for the system – the system needs someone like her, who is critical, attracts the intellectuals and gradually converts them into working and talking unwittingly for the elite. I have noticed this some three or four years ago, when I still was living in the Washington area, and ‘Democracy Now’ and the station that broadcast it, was my default radio station. –I was also a great fan of Noam Chomsky, until I realized that he falls in Amy’s group – an excellent critique for the establishment. The system-establishment needs people who criticize them – thus, enhancing their credibility – but not the core of the system, not the basic premises on which it is based, the lies — one of the basic premises is the lie about 9/11. I have never ever heard anything questioning saying or doubting about the veracity of the official story of 9/11 either by Goodman or Chomsky — Every critique follows as if 9/11 was the truth – or as if ‘too big to fail’ was the ‘only’ way – i.e. not letting these banks die, but rescuing them was a must. The only question was ‘how much’ – and there of course, one was allowed to be critical – but not on the basic premise – not world renown thinkers like Chomsky — or Stieglitz for that matter – who also fits perfectly the pattern for the ‘perfect critique’ for the elite.If they weren’t given some strict rules – these intellectual critics – as to what they have to adhere to, they would have been shut up a long time ago.cheers,peter
Susie J. wrote:
This Memorandum on Ireland’s Children’s Rights Referendum is bad and scary.Wow how can a county let this happen.Susie in Kona
Hi Susie,
Like everywhere else, people are confused by state propaganda. Rather than giving a balanced view of the referendum, as the constitution requires, the government uses its full powers to sell the referendum.
Brian Hill wrote:
All states replace family based culture with hierarchies of very specialized social classes, and this transformation is accompanied by the world view shift from reciprocal to exploitative.
Vera Gottlieb wrote:
Too bad that children can’t vote. No circumcisions without permission…Argentina just lowered the voting age to 16. Perhaps the youngsters can set an example from which adults could learn.And somehow, the Catholic Church and their paedophile priests is contributing to all this. Why does the Vatican keep looking the other way? Why does the Vatican keep protecting the perpetrators?vg
science: generalism -> practice | why Switzerland?
Madeline Bruce wrote:
Some of the ways that we are being disempowered are #1. There is no public dialogue, free exchange between members of the general public, at a street level, a neighborhood or small group level, certainly not within political parties, or anywhere now? How about churches??? Our own ideas could get solidified, and our own energies get mobilized in this way, (also our outrage) and theydon’t want us thinking, or banding together to accomplish projects.. People are beginning to twig to this, and so we are seeing mass gatherings of protest. #2. Space has been usurped from the public. from small family farms, to squares in the cities, where overnight occupiers are swept away by the bureaucracy, or worse, the police. Why is any citizen, including the homeless, not allowed to BE anywhere, in the city in which he or she resides? This is backfiring now, and tens of thousands of people are taking to the streets at the same time. The actions at the top are beginning to have some reaction at the bottom. There are a lot more of us than there are of them. We could go on strike, and bring everything to a screeching halt. All we would have to do would be tostop using cash registers for one day. Don’t buy anything for a day, or even 2 days. We could do it. Regards, – Madeline Bruce, Nanaimo, B. C.