re/ unifying model – take 2


Richard Moore

Bcc: FYI
rkm website


First a few words about facebook. Personally, I don’t care if they’re watching me, and I think being very open about what we’re doing is our best defense. That’s my gut feeling. And I use facebook a lot. If you’re worried about being watched, and you only use facebook to receive things from your cyberjournal ‘friend’, then Big Brother won’t know any more about you than he can tell now, by monitoring our servers’ email traffic. 

Unifying climate cycles with the plasma model – take 2

I’ve done more research. First thing I learned is that we don’t cross the plane of the galactic disk every 100,000 years. That ‘piece’ of the picture was way off base. What is true, is that we are always relatively near to the plane of the disk: the solar system exists within the main galactic energy grid.

Next I learned a lot more about the plasma model, and the results & verifications that have been achieved. It’s a very convenient model, from a research perspective, because plasma phenomena scale. You can produce in a laboratory, with magnetic fields & vacuum chambers, and with straightforward computer simulations, the same things that happen on galactic scales.

After reading and watching videos, I began to get a gestalt sense of the plasma model. From one perspective, stars are essentially writ-large examples of ball lightning, maintained by an ongoing influx of energy from the galactic grid. From another perspective, a galaxy is an ongoing electrical storm, and stars act essentially as lightning rods. 

Let’s imagine we were to make a graph of the current flowing through a lightning rod during a thunder storm. We’d see quick spikes of current when a lightning strike occurs, going from low energy levels to very high levels very quickly, staying high for a very short time, and then going back to low very quickly. There would be some spikes taller than others, and the time between spikes would vary. We might even see some kind of pattern in the spikes. The graph might look something like this:

This particular graph, however, is of long-term temperatures revealed by Antarctic ice cores. The three tall spikes, about 100,000 years apart, mark three recent inter-glacial periods. What I’m suggesting here, is that our climate is basically a response to galactic electrical discharges – writ-large lightning strikes – as moderated by our local lightning rod, the Sun. Remember, in the plasma model, everything scales. 

The surprising thing here is the regularity of the discharge/temperature pattern. It is anything but random. I’d like to do a Fourier analysis on the data, because what we’re seeing is clearly a sum of different discharge cycles, of differing amplitudes and frequencies.

We don’t need to look far for a candidate explanation for the regularity. The way you make a simple oscillator, something that generates a cyclical electromagnetic field, is by wiring together capacitors and resistors in the right kind of circuit, along with a voltage source. Depending on the rating-levels (capacitance, resistance, voltage) of the different components, you get a regular signal with a certain frequency and amplitude.

The capacitor is the key element re/ periodic discharge. It stores up more and more energy until all at once its capacity-to-store collapses, and all the energy flashes through the circuit. That’s just what happens with clouds and lightning, or with galactic discharges.

So we can explain the regularity in the discharge/temperature graph by assuming that some elements of the galactic grid act as oscillators. A pulsar would be one example of such an element, a very high frequency example. For our climate cycles, we’d be looking for objects/systems that store up energy for hundreds or thousands of years, and are wired into the grid circuits in such a that they discharge the energy on a more or less regular basis. 

Being also wired into the grid, our Sun would catch the pulses sent out by such oscillators, and the local effect would vary with the power of the oscillator, and how far away it is. If a source is strong enough, it might have a significant local effect even if it’s in another part of the galaxy (like a tsunami traveling across an ocean with little loss of energy along the way). I like that image, galaxy as ocean; it fits with the starship concept. 

By the way, thermonuclear reactions are not needed to explain the creation of heavy elements. Plasmas can do that, and even in lab-scale experiments, they’ve found elements present, after a plasma discharge, that weren’t present before the discharge. Alchemy realized.

back to work, on what i’ll be saying on the tour,
