* rkm declares a state of Global Emergency *


Richard Moore


President Obama has declared a state of National Emergency. He is thereby signaling an intent to undertake certain actions, and revealing an expectation that certain things are going to come to pass. I hereby declare a state of Global Emergency, and by that I am expressing an awareness of the actions implied by Obama’s declaration, and the events he anticipates, in the context of global events generally. 
A major part of this context was expressed in our previous posting, The Four Horsemen of the Manufactured Apocalypse (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cyberjournal/message/350). The main point of that posting was to present in stark summary the bold strokes that have been destroying our societies, and the dramatic rate at which this destruction has been proceeding. What I intended to convey, and let me be clear about it now, is that we are seeing The Shock Doctrine being unleashed in its full fury. 
That is to say, they are pulling out all the stops, making a dash for the goal, seeking to implement their grand agenda all at once. In what has already happened, with 9/11 and the economic collapse, the sustaining girders of our society have been demolished, and the whole system of society is starting to collapse, in a controlled demolition analogous to that of the Twin Towers. We’re in shock, off balance, and their plan is to keep up the pressure, keep us off balance and confused, and hammer home the remaining bold strokes, bringing the system all the way down, collapsing in its own footprint.
Obama’s National Emergency is what I would call the tipping point of the available signals, indicating that the final push is now imminent. The signals have been coming hot and heavy, and I think the time has come to take them seriously. To begin with, there have been public references to the Shock Doctrine itself, when we hear folks like Kissinger and Paulson (or was it Geithner, can’t recall) talking about our crisis being an opportunity to do what could not be done in normal circumstances. 
In particular, Obama’s declaration must be seen in the context of the military preparations that have been made to “provide assistance to law enforcement” in case they are needed to maintain public order. The declaration must also be seen in the context of the WHO declaration of Pandemic Level 6, which includes provisions for forced vaccinations, quarantining of populations, etc. We need also to take note of the items we’ve seen in the news telling us that unvaccinated people are a threat to the rest of the population. The ground has been prepared, and it would only take the right kind of incident, the right kind of circumstance, for Obama to call out the troops, put the nation under the command of Homeland Security, and announce that everyone must be vaccinated, in order to “protect public health”.
And the ‘right kind of circumstance’ is rapidly emerging in the Ukraine. The plague that is spreading in the Ukraine, which seems to be a reconstructed version of the 1918 Spanish Flu or else some kind of pneumonia, really is a deadly pandemic, living up to the hype we’ve been falsely given about the swine flu that’s on the loose elsewhere. The Ukraine has gone into what amounts to martial law mode, with forced vaccinations and quarantines, with the suppression of anyone opposing the government’s program, and this process is being overseen by the WHO.
The Ukraine Plague seems to be an engineered bioweapon that was intentionally introduced into the population by Baxter, who has a lab in the Ukraine. The evidence for this was a statement to that effect by an Israeli microbiologist whistle blower, who predicted that the outbreak would occur in the Ukraine, before he was whisked away to Israel by security forces and presumably rendered incommunicado. 
This whole scenario has been orchestrated, and what’s happening in the Ukraine is part and parcel of the whole WHO-CDC-sponsored global pandemic project. One of the many signals to this effect was the immediate announcement that the Ukraine Plague is the swine flu ‘mutation’ that they have been long predicting. From what we’ve learned about the Ukraine Plague, however, that is clearly not the case. They are saying this so that they can claim their vaccine can protect from the Ukraine ‘variant’, and use that as an excuse to compel vaccinations – given that we now have a truly deadly pandemic in existence. 
From what we’ve learned about that vaccine however, it will not protect against anything, but in fact has the effect of undermining the immune system so that people will be more likely to die from the real pandemic, which is not swine flu, but which is spreading even now, as commercial flights are continuing to and from the Ukraine. No better way to spread a virus exists than commercial air travel. 
This situation is clearly very volatile. The situation is getting more and more serious in the Ukraine, and yet I’ve seen no reports in the NY Times, the Wash Post, the BBC, or even truthout, referring to it yet. It seems the mainstream media is saving up to hit us with a big response all at once. They want the news to be dramatic enough that strong measures will obviously be justified. This could happen at any time.
It is the volatility of this pandemic situation, along with Obama’s declaration of emergency, that is the immediate cause of my own declaration of emergency. In this regard there is the imminent prospect of martial law, forced vaccinations, and the likelihood of quarantines, severe travel restrictions, and who knows what else, in terms of relocations, incarcerations, etc. In addition, of course, is the likelihood of mass deaths due to the real plague, accelerated by the vaccination program.
But there is more to my declaration than that.
The Internet is going to go down, at least as far as you and I are concerned, and as this kind of email list is concerned. Either you won’t be able to get on the Internet at all, or else the public content will be severely restricted, most likely by installing filters on gateway servers so that you can only get what they want you to see. I make this unfortunate prediction with a considerable degree of confidence, for two primary reasons.

The first reason is from general considerations of the situation. In a martial law scenario, the officials want to control your sources of information, so as to minimize resistance to their operations. They don’t necessarily want you to know, for example, if some city gets locked down, and house to house raids are being made by vaccination squads, or dissident elements are being hauled off to detention centers. They want to keep you as calm as possible, and believing that things are under control, and they want to contain panic to those places where they are the ones causing the panic by their local actions. That’s how martial law always works. No one knows a roundup of dissidents is happening, except for the dissidents themselves and those in the immediate vicinity. If they tell you about a roundup, it will be described as ‘the apprehension of terrorists who were plotting to kill you’. This kind of ‘control of information’ is not possible if the Internet is operating like it is now. The Internet is contraindicated in any well-planned martial law program.

The second reason are the signals we’ve been getting regarding the Internet. Obama has his new Cyber Security Center in the White House, and he has described the Internet as a Weapon of Mass Disruption, saying that we must fear not only suicide bombers with vests, but also cyber terrorists with keyboards. And then recently we got a news report saying that the access to the Internet might need to be restricted, because of all the traffic that is expected when the pandemic causes people to work from home. That’s clearly a lame excuse, which makes the signal all that more notable. It’s a signal of intent, not an expression of a legitimate concern. And then more recently, a more ominous signal, that ISPs will be required to enforce that no copyright infringements occur using their service, under the threat of severe penalties. Every blog, and the newslog archives, is full of copyrighted material, and no one can possibly police that. The only way to comply with the requirement of enforcement is to close down or filter out sites wholesale, perhaps leaving just commercial, corporate, and government sites in operation. 

For these reasons, and in the context of the Shock Doctrine regime, I am reasonably sure that we are going to be cut off from communication with our groups, and with our various sources of alternate information. And I say sooner rather than later, based on the rapidly unfolding events in the Ukraine, on Obama’s declaration of national emergency, and on the high level of hysteria that has been stirred up around the swine flu.

Assuming we wake up one day and there’s no more Internet as we know it, what are we to do? One thing we need to realize is that there is no way to keep up this modality of distributed communication by other means. I’ve seen people suggest that we all swap fax numbers, so that we can send bulletins to one another in place of email, and organize distribution trees, to spread things widely. That kind of thing is wishful thinking, an attempt to put grapes back on the vine. When the net goes down, we are forced back into our local environments, end of story. Our non-local communications will be reduced to the relative trickle of phone calls and letters. You’ll be lucky to ever re-establish contact with even one percent of those whose contact, postings, and websites, you now take for granted.
We must accept this state of affairs when it comes, we can to some degree prepare for it, and we can seize it as an opportunity. The opportunity is to abandon our then-useless keyboards, and do what we should have been doing all along, and that is to apply our energies in our local communities. We’ll have a lot more time on our hands, just add up how many hours you spend each week at your computer.
In terms of preparation, we can use our remaining time, while we still have the net, to gather and exchange ideas and information about what we can be doing in our communities when the net goes down. While a plane is still flying, but is failing, that is the time to make sure you how to use the parachute. Now is the time for us to all learn what we can about community activism and its potential.
In this regard, there is that essay I’ve mentioned a couple times, and which is nearing completion. It will perhaps be my ‘final public message’ regarding community and social transformation. In this essay, I’m exploring new ground, in an entirely new presentation, inspired by our recent thread about beliefs and their persistence. 
That will go out tomorrow, net willing.
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