You ask why I don't live here, Honey, I ask...why don't you leave? - Bob Dylan, Maggie's Farm Friends, What a strange & frightening place is the USA. LA freeways, TV designed for babies, cookie-cutter suburbia infinitum...I soon remembered what drove me away. But there's lots of good people there, and I visited as many as I could. Ditto scenic adventures, and opportunities to play music. I was struck by the pervasiveness of factionalism. I spent some time with Christian conservatives, and with California liberals. Neither side had any notion of the possibility or usefulness of dialog with the other. Each had caricature images of what 'the other' is about, and thinks in terms of 'winning'. I said this stuff in my book, but in person it seemed so stark, and such a contrast to Ireland. Among liberals, the only priority is "getting rid of Bush", which illustrates why he was such a good elite choice for President. He's the perfect lightening rod for blame and activism. He serves as a 'reason' for all wrongs. No need to look at the system. Thanks to all of you who sent condolences regarding my father. We were all with him at the end, and we did him proud at the service. The guy had 20 years of retirement in Hawaii, playing golf nearly every day, with his grandchildren nearby - we miss him dearly but we must acknowledge that he had a damn good life. May he rest in peace. While in California, I was reading the San Francisco Chronicle most days. I remember it as being a 'real newspaper', albeit mainstream. Not any more. It's become a small-town paper. I heard tell this is a trend, reflecting declining readership of papers generally. If you take those who think the TV gives them news, and those who realize they must go to the Internet for any real news, I suppose there aren't enough left in the middle who want to buy good newspapers. Everywhere the spiral downwards. In any case, from reading the minuscule Chronicle coverage, I became more convinced than ever that an attack on Iran is soon on the agenda. The Chronicle serves as a portal to Matrix reality. It doesn't have room for any breadth, so you get the straight Matrix line. So what do you read about Iran? ... a gradual but persistent demonization program. Day after day we see the 'international community' losing patience with Iran's stubbornness regarding it's 'nuclear program'. After a while, you can't help but think, "Why don't they do something about it?" Thus are the American people, and the rest of us as well, led to accept what elites have been long planning for their own purposes. Their purposes, following a long tradition, are to maintain their control over global finance, by means of dominating oil sources and controlling the currency in which oil is traded. Their current urgency arises from the fact that Iran is about to launch a Euro marketplace (bourse) for global oil sales. That would start a run on the dollar like you've never seen. "It's not nice to threaten Mighty Dollar...bad boy, Uncle Sam get mad, cut off head, you learn lesson." Just as Bush serves as a lightening rod for US policy generally, so Israel serves as a lightening rod for US policy in the Mideast. You've seen the reports: "Israel cannot tolerate a nuclear Iran; We will take steps to protect ourselves." So go the barkings of the attack dog, armed and fed by Uncle Sam. There are other scenarios, but they seem to be broadcasting this one rather clearly: Israel launches attack. US happens to have fleet nearby "on exercises" and intervenes to prevent "excessive Iranian response" to "understandable if regrettable" Israeli action of "self defense". Thus standeth The Dollar. --- Carol Brouillet wrote a terrific review of ETM (Escaping the Matrix...) and posted it to Amazon: I believe this URL serves now as a good "calling card" for the book. My next project will be to contact potential reviewers, people with popular websites or mailing lists, or people who do interviews on radio stations, or who write reviews for newspapers or magazines. I can refer them first to this URL, and then if they're interested I can send them a copy of the book. If anyone has suggestions - or better contacts - regarding potential reviewers, please let me know. bye for now, rkm -- -------------------------------------------------------- "Escaping the Matrix : How We the People can change the world": "Apocalypse Now and the Brave New World" Posting archives: Subscribe to low-traffic list: •••@••.••• ___________________________________________ In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.