Thomas Greco: New world orders, ours and theirs

Tom and I have been exchanging emails for over 20 years, and have had many conversations about economics, money, world orders, and activism. We met through cyberjournal, to which he was an early subscriber. He introduced me to Sergio Lub, which led to many adventures – thanks Tom for that consequential intro.

I’d have a hard time summarizing Tom’s impressive career, so I’ll borrow from his Wikipedia page. We read there:

Thomas Henry Greco Jr. is a community economist, who writes and consults on monetary exchange alternatives, including private credit clearing systems, complementary currencies and local currencies.

We also see publications:

The End of Money and the Future of Civilization,
Money: Understanding and Creating Alternatives to Legal Tender
New Money for Healthy Communities
Money and Debt: A Solution to the Global Crisis

So now let’s turn it over to Tom, who writes in response to the multipolar order posting:

Hi Richard,

I did not get around to responding to your article in a timely manner, but I have some motivation to respond now. What I have to say is somewhat along the lines of, and builds on, what Tasha and Jeff had to say.

I’ve been watching this New World Order emerge for almost half a century and it’s clear to me that what Jeff Wefferson calls “covidosis” and “climate changeology” are tactics in the current “Great Offensive” in the CLASS WAR.

Alvin Toffler in his book, The Third Wave, was both insightful and prescient in asserting that “…the Third Wave of Civilization is characterized by a decline of the Nation State. …it will be assailed “from within and without,” both from above and from below.”

“…at every level, from economics and politics to organization and ideology, we are witnessing a devastating attack, from within and without, on that pillar of Second Wave civilization: the nation state. We can expect the next decades to be torn by struggle over the creation of new global institutions capable of fairly representing the prenational as well as the postnational  peoples of the world. (p. 325)

That begins to define the battle lines and the combatants in the class war. “Above” are the forces of the global power elite who are making huge advances in concentrating ever more power and wealth in their own hands until the rest of us “will own nothing” (Klaus Schwab) and be controlled in every aspect of life in the neo-feudal global society. George Orwell gave us a pretty good glimpse of what that dystopia will look like in his novel, 1984.

“Big Brother” (or maybe it’s Big Sister, or Big? (Ambiguous gender)) already has us pretty well under surveillance and under control, and with the technologies available today it won’t be long before their control is total.

“Below” are the disparate and unorganized forces of humanity who have been working in their various “silos of change” to create a different kind of new world order, one that works for everyone and for the planet by devolving  power, building community, and restoring the environment, etc., while  preserving individual freedom and bodily sovereignty.

I think China, Russian and the other national governments in the prospective multipolar world order are quite on-board with the top-down control and domination of their populace so long as they themselves are not dominated by some global hegemonic power.

What can possibly turn the tide in this class war? In order to answer that question we must understand the way in which key systems and meta-structures operate to empower the elite, and find ways to change them or circumvent them. The one that I identified more than forty years as being the keystone in the “arch of power” is the global system of money, banking and finance. Take that one away and their entire control system crumbles into a pile of rubble.

We have replacement systems available that have been well tested over the past 50 years that can be improved, scaled up, and networked together. But lager segments of society need to overcome their fixation with and dependence on political fiat monies, and shift their energies, resources and trust back toward one another in their communities. The more quickly this can happen the less pain we will experience as we navigate what futurist Robert Theobald called “the rapids of change.”

Best wishes, and thanks for your good work,

Thomas H. Greco, Jr.
PO Box 42663, Tucson, AZ 85733
Mobile phone (USA): 520-820-0575
Beyond Money:
Skype/Twitter name: tomazgreco
My latest book, “The End of Money and the Future of Civilization”

The entire apparatus of government has now been taken over by the minions of Mammon that seek to exploit, dominate, and control. –T. H. Greco, Jr.

If the first half of the 20th century was the era of the technical engineers, the second half may well be the era of the social engineers, and the 21st century, I suppose, will be the era of world controllers, the scientific caste system and brave new world. –Aldus Huxley, Brave New World Revisited, 1958

Thanks Tom,

You tell us about the Class War, and I imagine that’s been going on since the dawn of civilization. You characterize today’s elites-cabal class, and you outline strategies by which the 99%, our class, might build our own new world, overcoming the dominance of the cabal. I’d say you’ve described our situation very well.

In order for our bottom-up initiatives to gain serious traction, we will need to see a certain shift in popular consciousness, that is, we need to see an understanding emerge that there is a class war, and that the struggle between political factions is only a distraction. I think that shift in popular consciousness is happening much more in the Global South, than it is in the West. The ClassWar is much easier to see, if your nation has experienced the harsh boot of imperialism. In the West, with its long experience of privilege, and the sophistication of the propaganda apparatus, the needed shift in consciousness is very difficult to awaken.

Toffler may have been able to anticipate the effect of new technologies better than anyone else in his day. But he was writing in times that are different than those of today, and he was writing mainly from a Western perspective. I think forces have emerged that he could not have anticipated, in particular the force of multipolarism with its emphasis on strong national sovereignty. The decline of national sovereignty in the West is clear; in the rest of the world not so much.

As regards multipolarism, you say:
I think China, Russian and the other national governments in the prospective multipolar world order are quite on-board with the top-down control and domination of their populace so long as they themselves are not dominated by some global hegemonic power.

We can see clear evidence for this in Russia’s and China’s obedient responses to the WHO’s diabolical covid program. But are Russia and China also to experience ‘owning nothing and being happy’? Are they to give up the emphasis on national sovereignty that is central to multipolarism? Will they be as devoted to the green agenda as the West seems to be? Are parts of the WEF agenda intended just for the West? Clearly thee is a link between the WEF and the multipolar movement, but it is one whose complexity needs to be unraveled.

If the controlling power of the cabal is as all pervasive as you suggest, then we must assume that the multipolar movement is an essential and intended part of the Great Reset agenda. And this does make sense from the perspective of global governance. Multipolarism promises geopolitical stability, which would mean that the cabal can focus on its technocratic projects, without needing to deal with international conflicts. Rumors of the demise of the nation state may have been exaggerated.

In the West it is easy to see the decline of the nation state, having watched the processes of globalization, de-industrialization, fiscal insanity, etc. Yet the nation state remains. What has really been lost in the West is a viable political process, one that can intelligently pursue national interests, and which is in touch with the needs of the people. The Western ‘democracies’ have lost their souls, but their zombie, obedient national shells remain.
Apparently, nation states are to remain, some with viable political processes, and some under more direct globalist control. But all are to accept technocratic interference in their affairs, to one extent or another. There could be considerable cultural and political  diversity in such a world. I think I should start learning an appropriate foreign language, so that I’ll be able to migrate to more promising realms.