Dear cj, Readers have sent in a number of thoughtful comments regarding the TWA discussion thus far. The items are numbered (1 through 5) below -- feel free to look through those prior to my own commentary, or you may prefer to look at them when they're first mentioned. (Note: #3 isn't mentioned.) --- It seems that in every discussion of conspiracies, certain themes always recur. Primary among these is the notion that conspiracies, by and large, simply cannot occur: our society is too open; there are too many alternative sources of information, and too many sources for leaks. This was expressed in our previous cj issue by Frank Scott: >Can anyone here believe that more than one person saw this missile, and yet >all have been kept silent? This is beyond conspiracy fantasies and tripping >into the realm of serious social-psychological disorder. Given the numerous >scum-sleaze-scandal marketers in publishing and TV land, how could such >"stories" be kept quiet... One must observe that this is a theoretical argument, and like all theories it must be tested against actual experience. If there are in fact examples of verified conspiracies, which were uncovered only after-the-fact, then it makes no sense to maintain the theory that conspiracies, in general, are impossible. We may wonder how they are possible, but we can't claim they can't exist. In items #2 and #5 below Joe Ferguson and Elias Davidsson offer examples of what they consider to be verified conspiracies. Joe points to the Gulf-War-Syndrome cover-up, and Elias tells us of an episode involving him personally in Iceland. In fact, there are literally hundreds of well-documented examples of conspiracies in America which have occurred over the past few decades. Most recently we had the San Jose Mercury series re: Crack-Cocaine/Contra/Arms, discussed in "cj#572> Conspiracy Analysis". And there were the classic revelations in The Pentagon Papers, and a host of secret wars and destabilization programs, many of which have been even officially acknowledged long afterwards. A particularly notable example, which has been also mentioned on this list, regards U.S. involvement in the Angola civil war. From CyberLib's "Recommended Reading" list: >Stockwell, John, _In Search of Enemies - A CIA Story_ > One of the best of the many books by former CIA officers whose > consciences have forced them to go public. Anyone who thinks there > aren't major conspiracies going on should read this detailed case > study. On the very same day Stockman was importing arms into > Angola and recruiting ragtag militia forces for the CIA, Herr > Kissinger was testifying before the Church Committee that there was > no U.S. involvement in Angola... Allow me to repost my conclusion re: this "Conspiracies 'R Impossible" theory, from cj#572: >Well folks, the question is now answered, the facts are now in, and >we can stop debating it -- conspiracies ARE possible, they DO occur at the >highest level of government, they CAN involve hundreds of people, they CAN >succeed in achieving their objectives, the information CAN be successfully >suppressed until long ofter the damage is done, and the perps generally go >scott free. So let's quit talking about "whether" and get on with making >sense of reality, by asking the right questions. --- What, then, are the "right questions"? Among these we might include: (a) How are conspiracies and cover-ups carried out? (b) How are all the witnesses "kept silent"? (c) How do we distinguish actual revelations from fanciful conspiracy theories, of which there are so many? (d) How widespread/frequent are conspiracies & cover-ups? (e) How do we form an understanding of actual events, given that our sources of information can be distorted by cover-ups and disinformation? To continually re-debate the non-issue of whether conspiracies are possible prevents these more interesting and productive questions from being investigated. I'll discuss these five questions below, and your own answers are invited... ________________________________________________________________ --- --- (a) How are conspiracies and cover-ups carried out? First the context -- Government and Media. We have a government that operates, especially where issues of security or political sensitivity are concerned, under the twin cloaks of secrecy and public relations. There are very strict laws to enforce government secrecy, together with an elaborate apparatus to enforce them. This apparatus is highly evolved, and is made tighter and more sophisticated whenever leaks do occur. Those who are in the military, or who have security clearances, are fully aware that if they go public with restricted information they are highly vulnerable to criminal prosecution, civil penalties, military imprisonment, public ridicule, etc. In some very real sense, all "sensitive" government operations are routinely conspiratorial -- this is how our system is officially set up. Thus, in letter #4, Dave Erickson is asking for a kind of testimony that is very unlikely to be forthcoming, let alone publicised. If they could be found, military whistleblowers might well be the most convicing witnesses, but their absence attests more to the effectiveness of the security apparatus and chain-of-command than it casts doubt on the existence of a cover-up. Continuing with the context... besides elaborate government secrecy, our major news media are very tightly controlled by a handfull of mega corporations, as Joe points out in #2, below. It would miss the point to characterize these megacorps as "media businesses" -- they are much more than that. They are intimately integrated into the more general corporate-elite-establishment / military-industrial-complex that runs America. General Electric, for example, who owns NBC, also exports nuclear power plants, supplies jet engines and other major hardware to the U.S. military, sells expensive equipment to hospitals, etc. The corporate policies which in the end set the agenda of NBC are aimed at least as much at selling a pro-corporate party line, as they are at making a profit on direct media operations. This pattern is only made more pervasive by the recent merger-mania in media-land. Not owning a television, and living in Ireland for the past two years, I had a chance to view American TV with fresh eyes during my recent visit. Not that this will surprise you, but I was struck by how the whole medium, McCluhan style -- whether it be news, sitcoms, or commercials -- was one big advertisement for corporatization. So we have a government and a corporate-controlled media -- both of which have their own (somewhat interlocking) agendas which are mostly kept to themselves. Between them, government and megacorps control the information that most of us (that is, the majority of the population) bother to have access to. Only in a totalitarian state could the system be any more amenable to carrying out conspiracies and cover-ups. As the structure of the system suggests, and as experience with past cover-ups confirms, government pronouncements and media "news" are unreliable sources of information when politically sensitive issues are involved. ________________________________________________________________ --- --- (b) How are all the witnesses "kept silent"? Whether genuine or not, the Ojai letter (cj#640> TWA - Report #1 - EYEWITNESS) does colorfully describe one modality of "silencing" witnesses. While military and "cleared" personnel are silenced through fear and duty, as a routine part of their job, civilian witneses are also subject to intimidation of various kinds. But more to the point is this phrase "kept silent". What does it mean? Anyone who claims the TWA witnesses have indeed been "kept silent" must be discounting all the reports we've seen on this list, which include, as a matter of fact, reports from the major media themselves. (See for example, again, Joe's #2 below). It would seem that "silence" is only considered, by such people, to be broken, if the major media pick up a story and repeat it over a period of time. Anything less is only a "rumor" or an "isolated report". From such a perspective, no cover-up would ever be exposed until government and the corporate media decided to expose it themselves, for whatever reasons. One is reminded of the Phillipines scenario, vis a vis Marcos. There was never any real secret that Marcos was a corrupt dictator. That's in fact why he was put in power by the U.S. in the first place: to be our loyal client who suppresses liberation movements, promotes profitiable operations by foreign companies, and welcomes U.S. bases on his soil. Only when his unpopularity grew to universal proportions, and he thus became a political liability, did our valiant media suddenly "discover" that he was a "crony capitalist" whose wife buys lots of shoes. Amazing how thick and fast the stories came in once the lid was off. We cannot let demonstrably unreliable and intentionally deceitful mainstream media be our definition of reality, if we want to get at the truth behind important (ie. sensitive) events before they become ancient history. ________________________________________________________________ --- --- (c) How do we distinguish actual revelations from fanciful conspiracy theories, of which there are so many? Not, certainly, by lending credibility to every conspiracy rumor that comes up. As Peter Schachte observes in #1, below, "I think promoting a healthy skepticism is a fine idea, as long as one is skeptical toward both the official and alternative explanations." One has to look at fundamental credibility of the claims (Do they make sense in light of general knowledge?), the number and kind of witnesses/proponents, the kind of evidence offered, and the strength of the official line itself, including the kind of denials that are made or not made. Unless the "revelation" scores well in all these categories, I would tend to stay away from it, except perhaps in sessions at the local pub. In the case of the TWA disaster, we have a wide range of fairly credible reports, none of which, to my knowledge, has been specifically refuted. Instead we are simply given blanket denials, and told that the friendly-fire notion is "outrageous". Meanwhile, the official version of events is at least as consistent with a missile as with any other possibility (eg. no bomb evidence found). And, to repeat an earlier comment, if there were no missile, it would be so easy for the government to release tracking records and clear up the doubt. Such considerations do not establish friendly-fire as a fact, but they do indicate we're talking about a reasonable hypothesis, worthy of further investigation, rather than a fanciful paranoid daydream. ________________________________________________________________ --- --- (d) How widespread/frequent are conspiracies & cover-ups? Cover-ups, it seems to me, are a bit like fractals. Fractals, in case you've missed them, are structures that keep repeating at smaller and smaller sizes (or larger and larger, depending on your viewpoint), the more you look for them. They were discovered by a fellow trying to measure the length of coastlines (which exhibit the same kinds of irregularities at many different size scales) -- the closer you look, the longer the coastline becomes. If you look only at events like TWA 800 (or the JFK coup, or CIA drugs, or secret wars, etc.), where the media tells a Big Lie about a Major Identifiable Event, then you get a certain cover-up frequency, perhaps one every month or two. But one can also look for cover-ups with a wider lens. Consider the Bosnian civil war, where we were presented with daily reports of Demon Serbs. The point here is that the war was equally dirty on all sides, there were political/economic reasons to demonize the Serbs, and the atrocities of the Croats (who supported Hitler during WW II, and have been known even recently to give Nazi salutes at public gatherings) went largely unreported. Such reporting is called putting a "spin" on a story, but one could also call it a cover-up, even though no outright lies are involved. What is being covered up, in such a case, is a balanced interpretation of events. Instead an interpretation is presented that serves some establishment agenda. When I watch a U.S. national news broadcast, I find myself getting angry and muttering "what bullshit" to myself in response to almost everything the newscaster says. The absurd assumptions that are reinforced daily, the caricatures that are repeated, the "experts" who are presented as trustworthy, the stories that are selected, and those omitted -- it all adds up not to news but to a presentation, an orchestrated theatrical event, an episode from a fabricated virtual reality, an advertisement for a particular world view. For my money, the media industry itself is one huge conspiracy whose function is to make up an ongoing cover story that gives the illusion of explaining the world, while managing always to leave out the major points. The question isn't how to tell whether a given story is true or not, but rather how to get any sense of reality at all from systematically polluted information sources. "The conspiracy is the messenger", so to speak. ________________________________________________________________ --- --- (e) How do we form an understanding of actual events, given that our sources of information can be distorted by cover-ups and disinformation? When all is said and done, seeking out the truth, it seems obvious, is to proceed in the fashion of a detective solving a crime, by asking these kinds of questions to find the root cause behind any particular event: - Who had a motive? - Who had opportunity? - Whose modus operandi does it fit? - What are the possible scenarios? - Which of the scenarios can be ruled out by evidence? - Which scenarios are we left with? In the case of TWA, I wouldn't emphasize trying to "prove" one or the other scenario is true or false. Rather I'd look at all the scenarios, consider the available evidence, and then rate the scenarios in terms of how likely they seem to be. At this point, my personal ratings go something like this: Bomb 5% (evidence should have surfaced by now) Terrorist Missile 0% (can't go high enough) Spontaneous Combustion 5% (could be, I suppose) Other mechanical failure 3% (none seriously proposed as yet) Accidental Friendly Fire 60% (consistent with all known facts) Intentional Friendly Fire 5% (this would be a whole new topic) In all of this, we've been ignoring the "alternative media". Magazines such as The Nation, In These Times, Multinational Monitor, and many others, actually endeavor sincerely to present objective perspectives and reports. In fact, if one makes the effort, fairly good information is readily available. Contras & Drugs, for example, has not been a secret for many years, what's new is the New York Times finally deciding to run with a version of the story, for who-knows-what reason. I actually find the mass media very informative, but in spite of itself. If you take the trouble to inform yourself (mostly outside the main media), and put two and two together, it is possible to build a fairly good model of what's going on, and who's doing what to whom, via what proxies. Armed with such a perspective, then an interesting use of the media is to take careful note of what they choose to report and how they spin it. By noticing where the spotlight is cast, and what distortions are introduced, one can learn a lot about what the establishment is up to. To use the Bosnian example again, it was clear from all those years of biased coverage that the public was being prepared for a decisive U.S. intervention at some well-timed moment, an intervention that would be at the expense of the Serbs. And of course, that's exactly what happened -- Uncle Sam finally responded to overwhelming (media-induced) public pressure, and played on cue the expected cavalry scene, the climax of the virtual-reality morality play. -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # 1 ____ Date: Fri, 7 Mar 1997 Sender: Peter Schachte <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#642> TWA - Reader Comments Frank Scott <•••@••.•••> wrote (edited): > I'm certainly not against accepting the possibility that a missile was > responsible, but have heard or read nothing that would cause me to believe > that was the case. The alleged eyewitness account, with attendant stories of > bribery and silence, is about as believable as UFO/surgical visitations.... Richard K. Moore <•••@••.•••> replied (edited): > Frank's letter seems less an expression of > skepticism than an attempt promote skepticism in others. Is the eyewitness > report we saw really so unbelievable? The trouble is it's both believable and disbelievable. I have no trouble believing anything in that account. Nor do I have the slightest difficulty believing that someone just made it up. Without a name, there's no way to check it. I think promoting a healthy skepticism is a fine idea, as long as one is skeptical toward both the official and alternative explanations. I agree that beyond the first phrase, there wasn't much in Frank's posting is that urging skepticism toward the official line. > when the FBI chief demonize the friendly-fire theory ("outragous > accusation"), the signal goes out that any discussion of that theory is > "off topic" in the mass-media "concensus reality". It does seem to work that way. What ever happened to the Woodward and Bernstein school of journalism? On the other hand, the press has no trouble going after stories of the FBI leaking documents to the White House, or of White House travel improprieties, etc. Why is that? Is it really just that they're out to get Clinton? That seems too facile. Maybe it's the big lie/little lie effect. The press doesn't want to report anything that isn't easily believed; they have to maintain their credibility. For many people it's a lot easier to believe that the FBI slipped Clinton some information it shouldn't have (anyone remember Nixon?) than that the US Navy accidentally shot down a civilian airliner in US waters in peace time. > From someone like Frank, who, avowedly, believes national tv will > eventually uncover all lies ... Did he say that? [ --- [ rkm note: Frank said: [ >Given the numerous [ >scum-sleaze-scandal marketers in publishing and TV land, how could such [ >"stories" be kept quiet [ --- > the internet serves as a kind of > "people's wire service", taking stories which appear only in local venues > and redistributing them to a wider audience. This is an intenet function, > by the way, that is treatened by the global move toward stronger > copyrights. We're heading toward a situation where the forwarding of > stories will be very highly curtailed. I don't think this is such a worry. Stories like this are written to be widely distributed; it wouldn't be hard to include unrestricted permission to copy in them. I doubt any network would be able to claim a copyright on your postings, and anyway, people wouldn't put up with it. Even many stories written by the commercial press are widely distributed for free, e.g., the San Jose Mercury story about CIA drug running. I'm much more concerned about copyright on information that has a monopoly source, such as phone directories or court decisions. -Peter Schachte URL: •••@••.••• PGP: finger pets@ for key [A computer is] like an Old Testament god, with a lot of rules and no mercy. -- Joseph Campbell @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # 2 ____ Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 Sender: •••@••.••• (Joe Ferguson) Subject: Re: cj#642> TWA - Reader Comments > I'm certainly not against accepting the possibility that a missile was > responsible, but have heard or read nothing that would cause me to believe > that was the case. The initial CNN Headline News reports (which I saw) mentioned a "radar blip" appearing near the image of flight 800 immediately before the explosion, as well as mention of eyewitness reports of some kind of fiery object streaking up towards the plane. You just weren't watching at the right time. > Can anyone here believe that more than one person saw this missile, and yet > all have been kept silent? This is beyond conspiracy fantasies and tripping > into the realm of serious social-psychological disorder. I suppose it is in the realm of serious social-psychological disorder to think that the U.S. Federal government is semi-successfully covering up the Gulf War syndrome story too? Our government is capable of doing this with the help of the media which (don't forget) is almost totally controlled by four huge, greedy and unscrupulous corporations. - Joe @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # 3 - BLAME COMMERCIAL PILOTS; WE CONTROL THEM? ____ Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 Sender: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#642> TWA - Reader Comments What's truly amazing is how we all expend so much energy focusing on problems beyond our control. You portray the military as irresponsible; however, what you fail to realize is that civilian aircraft pilots are always aware when they are flying in or near military restricted airspace. If they do not realize the risks associated with that, you ought to expend some energy considering the qualifications of the pilots who fly those civilian airliners...they tend to carry more people than military jets. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # 4 ____ Date: Sat, 8 Mar 1997 Sender: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#642> TWA - Reader Comments If this really was a friendly fire shootdown, what about testimony from the only actual witnesses there would be, the military personnel who actually fired the missle, and were present in the area when it struck the TWA jet? It seems implausible to me that ALL of the crews of the missle cruiser, the AWACS planes and ground personnel and land support crews who would know about such an event could all be kept quiet. We would be talking about literally hundreds of people who would probably either have direct knowledge or would be privy to hard evidence that would all have to be kept silent. These people would be at all levels, too, not just the command levels. It would seem that the lower in the military hierarchy a potential witness would be, the more likely they would be to come forward. What about the families of all these potential witnesses? It is difficult to believe that, say, a sailor on board the missle cruiser that was supposedly the source of the missle would not step forward or that someones husband or wife would not know of an event of such magnitude. I would find the eyewitness story of someone who was on board the AWACS plane that tracked the missile to be a lot more believable than the sources that have been cited thus far. Dave Erickson @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # 5 ____ Date: Sun, 9 Mar 1997 Sender: Elias Davidsson <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#642> TWA - Reader Comments dear cj, There was a time when I did not believe that it was possible in our 'free' world to keep from public awareness serious cover-ups or crimes. I am living in Iceland for over 30 years. The population of Iceland is only 250.000 people. One might almost think that everyone knows everyone and that nothing can be hidden from public. The apparent familiarity of many people with those in 'power' is deceiving. While you may stand naked in the showers of a public swimming-pool next to the Prime Minister and there is no history of political violence, while you can easily have a talk to any member of parliament or minister, there are many facts effectively hidden from the public eye. I will mention just one example that shows that even in small Iceland facts can be effectively hidden from the public domain. In 1995 I staged a sit-in in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Iceland, protesting Iceland's participation in the deadly sanctions against the Iraqi people. It was a totally peaceful sit-in. I sat on a chair in the hall of the Ministry on the fourth floor, reading a book and bothering nobody. Nonetheless, the director of the Ministry (now Iceland's ambassador in Denmark), called the police to remove me forcefully. They transferred me forcefully to the waiting room on the first floor. The sit-in lasted four days (working hours). Every day I sent faxes to all media in Iceland to report the days' events and the demands. Except for the state's radio station, no media reported the event. The largest newspaper, Morgunbladid, sent a photograph, but eventually they did not publish a line about the sit-in. Thus, although this sit-in was a quite unusual action in this country, probably the first in its kind, the gate-keepers decided (either intuitvely or by consultation) that the evidence should be silenced. Thus I keep meeting people that did not know a thing about this event, although I reported it on the web. Another fact that is hidden from the public eye and even from the knowledge of MPs is everything relating to Iceland's relationship to the International Monetary Fund. While IMF representatives visit Iceland every year to discuss (and comment) on Iceland's economic and financial policies, the memorandum issued by the IMF is not distributed even to the members of parliament, who are not allowed to read it. This fact is not even known to most MPs. So, in spite of a relatively free press and a very closed-knit, small society, it is possible to silence facts very easily through a combination of conspiracy, self-censure of journalists and the general attitude of people to believe 'authority'. Thus, I would give credence to the theory according to which eye-witnesses of the TWA downing were just dismissed and that there is indeed a conspiracy of silence about the event. Elias Davidsson ICELAND ------------------------------------------------------------------- Elias Davidsson - Oldugata 50 - 101 Reykjavik - Iceland Tel. (354)-552-6444 Fax: (354)-552-6579 Email: •••@••.••• URL: ------------------------------------------------------------------ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~ Posted by Richard K. Moore - •••@••.••• - PO Box 26 - Wexford, Ireland Cyberlib: (USA Citizen) ~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~--~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=~