Re: new Cold War & the banking elite

2007-07-17 Richard Moore Rory Winter forwarded re/ “Joined at the Hip through Eternity”.. from: “Thus, all the indications point to the Anglo-Saxon Alliance deliberately heightening tension between itself and Russia. Whilst Bush might see an opportunity in doing so to create a new Arms Race (for the exclusive profit of US corporations and the … Read more…

newslog: 27 June – 16 July

2007-07-16 Richard Moore ____________________________ Featured articles: 09 Jul – Richard C. Cook: The Crashing U.S. Economy 13 Jul – Governments Express Strong Concerns About Biofuel 13 Jul – Jules Dufour: Worldwide Network of US Military Bases 16 Jul – Confessions from U.S. Soldiers in Iraq ____________________________ 27 Jun – New Zealand: … Read more…

Experimental documentary ready for comment…

2007-07-07 Richard Moore Experimental documentary — please view and comment: Friends, I’ve been making lots of progress on the documentary project. I learned how to use iMovie to extract clips from existing videos, and make QuickTime movies of them. I uploaded the clips to YouTube, and created a brief experimental video-documentary that makes use … Read more…

Zeitgeist the Movie

2007-07-06 Richard Moore Zeitgeist the Movie: Friends, I recommend taking a look at ‘Zeitgeist’. It’s like a video version of my chapter1 in ETM, seeking to expose the Matrix mythology. It’s presented in three segments…three layers of the Matrix onion. The first segment is about religion-as-myth, and it presents some very interesting historical material. … Read more…

Want to meet online?

2007-07-05 Richard Moore Friends, I’ve now got my webcam working and I can record sessions as QuickTime movies. I’ve got accounts with AOL Instant Messenger, Skype, and SightSpeed. So…I’m all set up to interview people for the documentary. But before launching into real interviews, I want to get more comfortable with the equipment, and learn … Read more…

re: the documentary & the blogsphere

2007-07-02 Richard Moore ____________________ Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2007 From: Bob Ocegueda <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: re/ documentary : “A Compelling Necessity” I think the idea for this documentary is excellent. We need many more examples of positive solutions to our problems. Visual production have a much greater impact in our consciousness than words … Read more…

* Second Victoria Wisdom Council *

2007-06-30 Richard Moore Friends, I’d like to extend my congratulations to George Sranko and all the folks in Victoria who have recently convened their second successful Wisdom Council. (George’s announcement message is below). Congratulations as well to Ian Dakers and the folks who have put together an excellent website describing the event, with several video … Read more…

newslog: 24 May – 26 June

2007-06-26 Richard Moore ____________________________ Featured articles: 04 Jun – Announcement: Jim Rough workshops and talks 15 Jun – (video) Wisdom Council presentation to Victoria City Council 15 Jun – * Sept. 14-16, 2007, Washington, DC: “Confronting the Triple Crisis” 30 May – LOWEST FOOD SUPPLIES IN 50 OR 100 YEARS 26 … Read more…

re: documentary

2007-06-25 Richard Moore ——————————————————– From: Jim Fadiman To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: re/ documentary : “A Compelling Necessity” Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2007 01:35:55 EDT rkm> I don’t see any reason why I couldn’t focus a pilot locally, here in Ireland, and more specifically in Wexford County excellent idea especially since Ireland is now seen as … Read more…

re/ documentary : “A Compelling Necessity”

2007-06-20 Richard Moore Friends, Thanks for your patience during our list migrations and wanderings. The lists are now dismantled, and I hope we haven’t left anyone behind. If you have any problems or questions re/your subscription(s), just let me know. Since these postings are being mirrored on google, I will no longer include your … Read more…

Migration: the final details…

2007-06-15 Richard Moore Friends, If you are receiving this message from riseup, you will see this line in the headers above: Reply-To: •••@••.••• In that case, you are subscribed to the primary cyberjournal list and all is well. * re: •••@••.••• – Unfortunately, some people are unable to receive messages from Rumor has it, … Read more…

* * * –> This list is going out of service <– * * *

2007-06-14 Richard Moore Friends, You should all be subscribed to our new riseup list, and you should have received the message below from that list. The old lists, by which you are receiving this message, will no longer be used. If you did not receive the message below, or if you have any questions or … Read more…

* Migration – new plan -> *

2007-06-14 Richard Moore Friends, Due to continuing complaints about Yahoo & Google, and because the migration process is going slowly, I’ve decided to simplify the whole thing for everyone. I’ve moved everyone from the existing lists (•••@••.•••, •••@••.•••, •••@••.•••, •••@••.•••) over to •••@••.•••. Riseup is a non-commercial provider with a progressive social consciousness. You don’t … Read more…

* Migration – re/Yahoo & Google *

2007-06-13 Richard Moore Friends, Many of you responded on the issue of Yahoo & Google. Some said they had no preference, some definitely preferred one to the other, and some had strong objections to both. I can understand people’s objections to these commercial services. I’d prefer to use our own server, but we just can’t … Read more…

If you don’t like Yahoo, what about Google groups?

2007-06-12 Richard Moore Some people have said they object to Yahoo and don’t want to subscribe there. I’ve also set up lists on Google, and I could post messages to both Yahoo and Google. Would some of you prefer to subscribe on Google? rkm

* Please Migrate * This service going away soon *

2007-06-11 Richard Moore Greetings, We need to close down our old server, so your cooperation will be much appreciated. You are currently subscribed to the list: <•••@••.•••>. This list has been moved to: <•••@••.•••> Please subscribe to the new list by sending a message to: •••@••.••• Please unsubscribe from the old list by sending a … Read more…

* Request for suggestions re: Documentary *

2007-06-08 Richard Moore Friends, I’ve been developing a ‘treatment’ for the documentary, and I need to include a detailed description of what I’m going to be shooting at each location, who I’m going to be interviewing, and what I’m going to be discussing with them. I want to present a comprehensive overview of the global … Read more…

re: ANNOUNCEMENTS – documentary & migration

2007-05-30 Richard Moore Friends, Thanks so much for your encouraging responses re/ the documentary, “An Inconvenient Necessity”. My next task is to create the Treatment document, and find a way to bring it to the attention of an appropriate producer. This needs to be a first-rate production, with adequate funding for worldwide shooting sites, a … Read more…


2007-05-29 Richard Moore Friends, I’ve got two announcements. ____________________ * Server Migration We’re moving our lists over to Yahoo, because maintaining our own servers is becoming too burdensome. The websites will remain as they have been, with the same URLs. We won’t be using the web features of Yahoo, at least not at the beginning. … Read more…

newslog: 17 May – 23 May

2007-05-23 Richard Moore ____________________________ Featured articles: 23 May – Global Research on new dictatorial Bush powers 21 May – The Fourth Reich: American audience applauds torture 21 May – China pledges $20bn for Africa 21 May – China vs US: skirmishes on the trade front 21 May – US vs China: … Read more…

Ron Paul comments on New World Order (short video)

2007-05-22 Richard Moore Video URL (less than two minutes): Friends, I recommend taking a look at this video. Ron is not politically correct, as most of us would define that term. There are several things he says — eg. about ‘policing our borders’ — that might encourage some of you to dismiss him altogether … Read more…

newslog: 11 May – 14 May

2007-05-15 Richard Moore ____________________________ Featured articles: 14 May – The Secret Government 14 May – The globalization of electronic election theft 11 May – Army came up with 911 scenario in 1976 14 May – Bush orders contingency plans for attack on U.S. 14 May – US military begins planning for … Read more…

Arrighi: “The Long Twentieth Century”

2007-05-14 Richard Moore Giovanni Arrighi, “The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times”, Verso, UK, 1994, paperback. 10 May 2007 – “ARRIGHI: Hegemony Unravelling – 2” (written in 2005) Friends, If you want to understand capitalism, and how it has evolved historically, then I highly recommend Arrighi’s material. The article … Read more…

newslog: 28 Apr – 10 May

2007-05-10 Richard Moore ____________________________ Featured articles: 29 Apr – * Iraq: Letter from an Angry Soldier * — rated R 30 Apr – * CODEX- The Last Days Of Health Freedom (video) * 02 May – * US and EU agree ‘single market’ * 07 May – * GW Bush involvement in … Read more…

dialog to 3 May 2007

2007-05-04 Richard Moore ——————————————————– Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 10:49:07 -0700 (PDT) From: Diana Skipworth <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: newslog: 16 Apr – 22 Apr To: •••@••.••• Dear Richard, Re: 4/22/07 “Crisis…Radicalized Citizenry” ( To the question of why there is no rioting in the streets of America: go to <> when you have some time. … Read more…

Amazing words from Sen. Gravel – video

2007-05-01 Richard Moore Sen. Mike Gravel at SC Debates April/26/07 You may have already seen the debates, but I had to wait for youtube. I was blown away by what he had to say. How rare to hear real sense from a politician in the mainstream media. I wonder how his campaign will develop. … Read more…

rkm: some thoughts re/ ‘Beliefs and Learning’

2007-04-29 Richard Moore Friends, Our dialog on climate change, which has gone on long enough, has I think been worthwhile. I don’t know if anyone else has shifted their position, but at least people were expressing themselves more fully than usual. My own views shifted considerably. The dialog led me to think about the learning … Read more…

getting on riseup not quite that easy…

2007-04-28 Richard Moore It turns out that invite codes can only be used once. Also, riseup may not be a good choice. Their website says that they’re way behind on their email deliveries, and AOL is blocking mail from riseup. In addition, riseup has a ‘politically correct’ usage policy that you may or may not … Read more…

newslog: 23 Apr – 28 Apr

2007-04-28 Richard Moore ____________________________ Featured articles: 24 Apr – VIRGINA TECH SHOOTING: considered highly suspicious 28 Apr – The Secrets of Mind Control 28 Apr – Naomi Wolf: Fascist America, in 10 easy steps 28 Apr – “The President” On Global Warming (humor) 28 Apr – Greg Palast: New Orleans & … Read more…

How to get onto riseup mail…

2007-04-27 Richard Moore What you do is go to and press “Request a mail account”. There are forms to fill out and they ask you to supply two “invite codes”. You can use these two: ahquohlo oosaiqui Thanks to you folks who supplied these! best wishes, richard

Is anybody on

2007-04-23 Richard Moore Does anyone have an account on I’d like to get an account, and it is much easier if someone who already has an account invites me. cheers, rkm

re: Wexford Documentary Society

2007-04-23 Richard Moore Friends, We had our first showing of a documentary last Wednesday, “The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil”. We had a good turnout and people seem motivated to return for more showings. I’d like to make a request. If you have DVDs you can copy and send, or if you … Read more…

newslog: 16 Apr – 22 Apr

2007-04-22 Richard Moore ____________________________ Featured articles: 22 Apr – * US Northern Command: major exercise in May * 22 Apr – * Crisis and the Crossroads of History: The Need for a Radicalized Citizenry * 22 Apr – Interview w/Arundhati Roy re/ armed struggle 22 Apr – * Paul Levy: THE WAR … Read more…

dialog re: What are the lessons?

2007-04-21 Richard Moore ——————————————————– From: “Jim Macgregor” <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: The global-warming discussion: what are the lessons? Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 08:24:45 +0100 Brilliant stuff, Richard. jim ——————————————————– From: •••@••.••• Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 21:49:06 EDT Subject: Re: The global-warming discussion: what are the lessons? To: •••@••.••• thanks richard for once … Read more…

The global-warming discussion: what are the lessons?

2007-04-18 Richard Moore Friends, I’ve found this whole discussion to be very educational. Thanks to all of you who sent in material for our consideration, and who shared your concerns about the issues. From our discussion, and from that material, I’ve noticed that people tend to fall into one of three camps as regards global … Read more…

newslog: 13 Apr – 15 Apr

2007-04-15 Richard Moore ____________________________ Featured articles: 15 Apr – * Collaborative San Francisco * City-wide dialog initiative * 15 Apr – * Civilization and Madness: An Interview w/Derrick Jensen * 15 Apr – Pilger: Iran: the war ahead 15 Apr – Richard S. Lindzen: “Global Warming Fears Overblown” ____________________________ 13 Apr … Read more…

Reader dialog to 13 April

2007-04-13 Richard Moore ——————————————————– Date: Sat, 07 Apr 2007 12:46:48 +0200 From: Earl <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: rkm report on Manchester conference Hi Richard, I’ve also not been visible to you lately, really the last many months. Not for lack of will, but that my activities have morphed a bit into action on the … Read more…