cj#1007> IRA strategy and the Northern Ireland peace process

1999-11-08 Richard Moore Dear cj, Even here in Ireland (or the UK) it is not easy to understand what’s going on behind-the-scenes in the peace process, nor to predict the outcome of that process – despite frequent ‘in depth’ reporting. Elsewhere the coverage is probably more spotty and is most likely spun for local consumption. … Read more…

cj#1006> “Patriot’s Network” re: Police State

1999-11-07 Richard Moore Dear cj, A point of view worth understanding. rkm ============================================================================ Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 23:21:38 -0800 From: APFN <•••@••.•••> Organization: APFN http://www.insidetheweb.com/mbs.cgi/mb77532 To: •••@••.•••, APFN ONELIST <•••@••.•••>, ChristianPatriot <•••@••.•••> Subject: The “police state” isn’t just philosophical chatter anymore . . . “In the beginning of a change, The Patriot is a … Read more…

cj#1005> A revolution in progress – another in the wings?

1999-11-04 Richard Moore ———————————————————————— Introduction A revolution in progress – another in the wings? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ – •••@••.••• ———————————————————————— Societies evolve continually. Sometimes they evolve through imperceptible minor changes – whose effects are only gradually noticed. In other cases, sudden shifts occur – changing the very structure and dynamics of society in fundamental ways. When the … Read more…

cj#1004> Must hierarchies always be with us?

1999-10-30 Richard Moore Dear cj, Perhaps you recall cj#996, ‘democracy & revolution – the means are the ends’. “M” and I had a chat about that, and I pointed out that in the model I presented, there were no positions of power, no delegation of power to leaders. It’s a non-hierarchical system. People in positions … Read more…

cj#1003> Synthesizing a revolutionary analysis – has the wheel already been invented?

1999-10-29 Richard Moore ============================================================================ From: “Richard K. Moore” <•••@••.•••> To: “Social Movements List” <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: the possibility of mass movement [Laurence] Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 02:35:12 +0000 Reply-to: •••@••.••• Dear Laurence, 10/27/1999, you wrote: if I tend to respond “well, activists know this” it’s because I have this sense sometimes that you want … Read more…

cj#1001> Jan Slakov: Revolution through web-weaving

1999-10-25 Richard Moore ============================================================================ Delivered-To: mailing list •••@••.••• Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 08:58:30 -0300 To: •••@••.••• From: •••@••.••• (Jan Slakov) Subject: rn: starting the revolution Dear RN, Richard’s posting to us, “rkm re: facing eco-collapse and preparing for it” [on cj it was called “Global Collapse and the Capitalist End-Game”] is classic rkm: not … Read more…

cj#1000> Global Collapse and the Capitalist End-Game

1999-10-24 Richard Moore Global Collapse and the Capitalist End-Game – a dialog about the collapse of the world sytem (c) rkm 1999 X: “Things ARE going to change. The current system is going to collapse catastrophically.” Dear X, The ‘capitalist system’ is our self-appointed ‘system governor’ – it makes the rules and governs the operation … Read more…

cj#999> facing eco-collapse and preparing for it

1999-10-22 Richard Moore Dear cj, I’d like to share with you this posting from the rn list. I’ll have some things to say about it tomorrow, but I’d like you to have a chance to think about it first. all the best, rkm BTW> notice that we are hereby ending our first millenium – of … Read more…

cj#998> Parveez Syed on Pakistan

1999-10-21 Richard Moore Dear cj, A good rule of thumb seems to be: if the US government is _for something, then then there must be something really wrong with it; if they’re _against something, then it probably has a lot to be said for it. rkm ============================================================================ To: •••@••.••• Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 12:42:08 … Read more…

cj#997> re: democracy & revolution – the means are the end

1999-10-20 Richard Moore ============================================================================ Date: Mon, 18 Oct 1999 14:42:20 -0400 To: •••@••.••• From: “Edward A. Plunkett” <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: democracy & revolution – the means are the ends Hello, Richard, John Lowry picked up your great article from CyberJournal and forwarded it to our (still existing) AfD discussion list. Another subscriber to the list, … Read more…

cj#996> democracy & revolution – the means are the ends

1999-10-15 Richard Moore Dear cj, Some interesting threads have been developing on the social-movements list. Here’s the latest contribution I sent in, in response to comments by Tom Cahill. yours, rkm ============================================================================ To: •••@••.••• From: “Richard K. Moore” <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: social movement theories [Tom Cahill] – electoral process 10/13/1999, Tom Cahill wrote: I tend … Read more…

cj#995> “Ode to Marxism” – the debate goes on

1999-10-12 Richard Moore Dear cj, Christopher has taken the time to respond to my previous words regarding marxism. I find the debate somewhat puzzling since he and I probably have little fundamental disagreement about the kind of economics and politics that the world is in need of. I suppose if I’d written about ‘Why I’m … Read more…

cj#994> re: radical mass movement

1999-10-11 Richard Moore ============================================================================ From: “Chris” <•••@••.•••> To: <•••@••.•••> Cc: Margaret Wyles <•••@••.•••> Sent: October 7, 1999 6:05 PM Mr. Moore, I have been following the exchanges on this discussion site and felt compelled to put in my two cents worth. You have mentioned several times that it’s unfortunate that the left and right don’t … Read more…

cj#993> Columbia: Vietnam revisited…

1999-10-09 Richard Moore Dear cj, Below we read that a Vietnam-style conflict seems to be developing in Columbia. With this kind of thing going on, it amazes me how so many of my liberal friends continue to scoff at any hint of the possibility of ‘conspiracy’ or ‘media censorship’. rkm ============================================================================ Date: Fri, 08 Oct … Read more…

cj#992> more dialog re: radical mass movement

1999-10-07 Richard Moore ============================================================================ From: •••@••.••• Date: Wed, 6 Oct 1999 12:59:16 EDT Subject: Re: cj#991> dialog re: radical mass movement To: •••@••.••• Dear cj, I enjoyed reading the dialog on a mass social-democratic movement. Many of the issues you have raised are ones which resonate deeply with me. I contributed several articles to activ-l … Read more…

cj#991> dialog re: radical mass movement

1999-10-04 Richard Moore ============================================================================ Date: Sat, 02 Oct 1999 20:10:16 -0400 To: •••@••.••• From: “David Langille, Centre for Social Justice” <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#990> why a ‘non socialist’ thinks we need a radical mass movement… Dear cj, This last debate caught my attention… While I applaud the emphasis that you put on politics and the … Read more…


1999-09-28 Richard Moore ============================================================================ From: •••@••.••• Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 22:03:44 EDT Subject: SPANISH FORENSIC EXPERTS SAY NO SERB GENOCIDE! To: •••@••.••• MIME-Version: 1.0 Spanish experts see no Serbian genocide in Kosovo by Pablo Ordaz commentary by Jared Israel (revised 9-27-99) [The website http://www.emperors-clothes.com encourages everyone to reproduce the following report in full including … Read more…

cj#988> Why I’m not a ‘socialist’…

1999-09-27 Richard Moore ============================================================================ From: “Wyles, Margaret” <•••@••.•••> To: “‘•••@••.•••'” <•••@••.•••> Subject: Jeff Gates’ Book Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 12:24:11 -0700 Richard: I reread with interest the intellectual sparring match you had with Mr. Gates. I haven’t read his book, nor would I. Just the list of people praising the work convinced me there … Read more…

cj#987> Two views on globalization: Znet; a Bulgarian activist

1999-09-24 Richard Moore ============================================================================ Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 03:45:04 -0500 To: •••@••.••• From: Mark Douglas Whitaker <•••@••.•••> Subject: [Fwd: ZNet commentary: “The State of the World” by Stephen Shalom based on1999 Human Development Report —<fwd>— Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 15:01:21 -0700 (PDT) From: walda katz fishman <•••@••.•••> Subject: ZNet commentary: “The State of … Read more…

cj#986> China & Taiwaan: the South China Morning Post article

1999-09-22 Richard Moore ============================================================================ To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#985> Randy Miller: CHINA MAKING CONCRETE PLANS TO INVADE TAIWAN Date: Tue, 21 Sep 1999 13:26:46 EDT From: “Arun A. Tharuvai” <•••@••.•••> The South China Morning Post is a Hong Kong based newspaper. Here’s the URL of the article mentioned for those who are interested. “Fight for … Read more…

cj#984> RACHEL’S on sustainability – “THE NATURAL STEP”

1999-09-18 Richard Moore ============================================================================ Date: Fri, 10 Sep 1999 21:15:44 -0400 (EDT) To: •••@••.••• Subject: Rachel #667: The Natural Step From: •••@••.••• Sender: •••@••.••• =======================Electronic Edition======================== . . . RACHEL’S ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH WEEKLY . . —September 9, 1999— . . HEADLINES: . . THE NATURAL STEP . . ========== . . Environmental Research Foundation … Read more…

cj#983, rn-> East Timor… Chomsky doesn’t get it

1999-09-16 Richard Moore Dear cj, Below are some interesting angles and background on the East Timor situation. In cj#982, Chomsky quoted the following NY Times piece as giving the ‘very clear’ reasons for US inaction: …the Clinton Administration “has made the calculation that the United States must put its relationship with Indonesia, a mineral-rich nation … Read more…

cj#982> East Timor: reports & discussion

1999-09-13 Richard Moore rkm to cj: Several subscribers have sent in thoughts about East Timor, and I’ve received some reports I’d like to share. First a couple brief reports… both refer us to websites, and the second refers to a radio broadcast that has already occurred… nonetheless the messages themselves summarize some important facts about … Read more…

cj#981> East Timor: ‘just another brick’ in the NWO wall

1999-09-08 Richard Moore Dear cj, I’m curious as to what kind of reactions you’ve been having to the East Timor situation, and the media coverage – comments invited. In particular, I’m curious as to whether our discussions about events in Yugoslavia have helped any of you to notice things about this latest episode, or to … Read more…

cj#980, rn-> M.V. Naidu: “Globalization: Threat or Promise?” (fwd)

1999-09-04 Richard Moore Thanks Dave, for passing on this article, rkm ============================================================================ Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 22:10:57 -0700 (PDT) To: •••@••.••• From: Erik Haines <•••@••.•••> (by way of David Lewit <•••@••.•••>) Subject: from India: “Globalization: Threat or Promise?” From Gandhi Marg (Quarterly Journal of the Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi), April-June, 1999. Globalization: Threat … Read more…

cj#979, rn-> Readers comment on Ownership debate…

1999-09-02 Richard Moore Dear cj & rn, There have been a flurry of thoughtful contributions to the ‘ownership solution’ debate. Boudewijn Wegerif took part of the thread and forwarded it to another list (Boudewign – please let us know of responses from that quarter). Jeff has sent some more insulting comments, which I won’t bother … Read more…

cj#978, rn-> Dialog w/Jeff Gates re: Ownership Solution

1999-08-31 Richard Moore Dear friends, In cj#973 I published some comments from Jeff Gates about his book, “The Ownership Solution”, along with my own critique of ‘broadening capitalist ownership’, as a strategy for societal transformation. I stand by the substance of my critique, but I do apologize to Jeff for its unecessarily dismissive style. Jeff … Read more…

cj#977> personal message from rkm…

1999-08-30 Richard Moore Dear cj, I haven’t had a lot of energy to devote to cj recently, as you can tell by the posting infrequency. The programming contract I was pursuing fell through, and so now I’m sending out resumes and cover letters to all kinds of websites and folks who’ve listed jobs. I like … Read more…

cj#976> Whitaker & Leclerc re: strategy, democracy, media.

1999-08-25 Richard Moore ============================================================================ Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 05:12:17 -0500 To: •••@••.••• From: Mark Douglas Whitaker <•••@••.•••> Subject: re: movement strategy I fail to see anyone ever ‘getting rid of capitalism,’ because capitalism is more of a process of commodification where there are markets to be found, instead of something engineered. Capitalism is a … Read more…

cj#975> Paul Hellyer: Global Finance: Dismantle or Reform?

1999-08-21 Richard Moore ============================================================================ Date: Tue, 03 Aug 1999 19:55:24 +0800 To: •••@••.••• From: Betty Daly-King <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#974,rn-> Frank Scott – COASTAL POST – “Summer of Scam” Hi, You may like to put the article by Hon. Paul Hellyer, former Deputy Prime Minister of Canada, now Canadian Action Party, out on cyberjournal. His … Read more…

cj#974,rn-> Frank Scott – COASTAL POST – “Summer of Scam”

1999-08-16 Richard Moore ============================================================================ Date: Wed, 04 Aug 1999 16:13:24 +0000 From: frank scott <•••@••.•••> To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#971> Thomas Kocherry: GLOBALISATION NEEDS A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING There needs to be a combined, democratic force that comes from both the west and the rest. An either one or the other type resistance won’t work. I … Read more…

cj#973,rn-> re-2: movement strategy

1999-08-15 Richard Moore Dear friends, If we want a better world, we can’t think in terms of minor perturbations on what we have now. We’ve been living according to a paradigm, and that paradigm has outlived its sell-by date. The whole paradigm has to change. Changing paradigms is quite a different proposition than ‘reform’. You … Read more…

cj#972> re: movement strategy

1999-08-13 Richard Moore Dear cj, My apologies for the gap in postings. I’ve been finishing up some web development in preparation for bidding on a contract. It’s taken all of this year to acquire the skills, and now it’s time to start making some income(!). Ironically, I expect to have more time for writing – … Read more…


1999-08-04 Richard Moore Dear cj, I recommend the piece below for a number of reasons. Kocherry writes well, and speaks, I believe, from a broad and well-informed perspective. After a brief but cogent description of the globalization process, he focuses in on the plight of the fishing industry and on traditional fishing communities. These two … Read more…

cj#970!> NWO / Dept of Benevolent Silence

1999-07-30 Richard Moore Dear cj, For some reason, the cj#’s jumped down from #969 to #770 back on the 4th of July. I guess they were declaring their digital independence. With this post, I’ve persuaded them to be more cooperative. Below are four items about censorship, one about KPFA, another from Pakistan, one involving the … Read more…

cj#776> NWO / Dept of Final Solutions / The China Card

1999-07-27 Richard Moore Dear cj, This NWO series started out with the following statement: The subject for today is the dramatic and rapid consolidation of the new global regime. That posting also contained: Now all at once, in the space of a few short months, the NWO hammer has come down – the final implementation … Read more…

cj#775> NWO / Dept. of child slavery (ZNet fwd)

1999-07-22 Richard Moore ============================================================================ From: “viviane lerner” <•••@••.•••> To: “Women Organizing for Change” <•••@••.•••>, “Spencer Fitz-Gibbon” <•••@••.•••>, “Richard K Moore” <•••@••.•••>, “Network of East West Women” <•••@••.•••>, “Michel Chossudovsky” <•••@••.•••>, “Jan Slakov” <•••@••.•••>, “Diverse Women for Diveristy” <•••@••.•••>, Subject: Fw: Robin Hahnel on Child Labor & Globalization Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 09:38:14 -0700 —–Original … Read more…