new cj site now live

2014-01-31 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, is now up and running on DreamHost. In order to access it, you may need to hit Reload in your browser. The old site is probably retained in your browser cache. If it says ‘updated February’ at the top, that’s the old site from your … Read more…

re/ Building the new in the shadow of the old…

2014-01-27 Richard Moore Bcc: folks who may want to support this project rkm website:    (temporary URL to new site) __________________________________________________ Greetings, Here’s the latest version of the article: Building the new in the shadow of the old Michael Bauens, of the p2pfoundation, is supporting this project, and has shared several inspiring links to … Read more…

re/ new website

2014-01-25 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: (currently an old version) ___________________________________ Greetings, The cyberjournal site is being moved to, a very convenient and low-cost website hosting service. They offer free online chat if you run into problems, available 24-7. They also make it very easy to use WordPress with their service, and you can … Read more…

cyberjournal website update!

2014-01-23 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, Finally, after two years of no changes, I’ve updated the cyberjournal website. It’s now better organized and includes my latest articles and audio interview. It has links to my articles on other websites: global research, New Dawn, News Beacon Ireland, and Serendipity. I’ve also updated the … Read more…

re/ problems with audio…

2014-01-19 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Several of you reported problems with the audio interview. Here are some helps… 1) The URL is: 2) When you hit the play button, it sits there about 10 seconds before beginning. 3) The glitch at around 47:00 has been fixed. 4) The audio is also … Read more…

rkm audio interview…

2014-01-16 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, A few weeks ago I was interviewed by Allan Balliett, and I we got into all my latest ideas. I think it was one of the best interviews I’ve done. It’s available for listening on the “Biodynamics Now!” website: Allan gives an introduction, and the interview … Read more…

FYI: recent newslog postings…

2014-01-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, Below are the subject lines of recent newslog postings. You can access them on either Google or riseup, via the links below. The Yahoo archives are useless, as only the title is shown for many of the postings.  rkm _____!forum/newslog  The Impending Collapse of … Read more…

Happy Winter Solstice!

2013-12-23 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Building the new in the shadow of the old ________ Greetings, I hope the holidays find you in good health and good spirits.  Speaking of health, I’d like to hear from you as regards how Obamacare is treating you. Have you been able to sign up? … Read more…

Stanley Diamond: In Search Of The Primitive

2013-12-17 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ The longing for a primitive mode of existence is no mere fantasy or sentimental whim; it is consonant with fundamental human needs, the fulfillment of which (although in different form) is precondition for our survival. In Search Of The Primitive Stanley Diamond (this essay is excerpted from Stanley … Read more…

Building the new in the shadow of the old

2013-11-17 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Community reconsidered – outcomes of Beau Sejour 2 In the previous posting I went into considerable detail with the ‘co-op commons’ model. After having had some time for consideration, and for conversations with some of you who responded, I now see the co-op idea as a bit … Read more…

Community reconsidered – outcomes of Beau Sejour 2

2013-11-04 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, Some of you may recall an event I reported on that was held last summer in St Imier Switzerland, organized by Chris Zumbrunn and myself. We used Dynamic Facilitation (DF) as the process, and the things we talked about are summarized in this slide show: This … Read more…

My New Dawn article – due out early December

2013-11-01 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, The article is titled ‘New World Order: The endgame has begun’. I was quite pleased with how it turned out. It took me several tries to figure out how to tell the story in a compelling way, to decide how wide to set the scope, and … Read more…

Obama’s UN speech, Israel, and the NWO Project

2013-10-01 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ When the Soviet Union collapsed, there was a brief period when some of us hoped for a ‘peace dividend’. With the ‘enemy’ gone, we thought global events might proceed on a more peaceful course. It was not to be, and instead Washington launched a broad new program … Read more…

dialog re/ NWO Project

2013-09-19 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ The NWO Project: my current case file      My favorite general news source; I recommend subscribing: Russia Today ___ Greetings, You folks have been sending in lots of comments, but events have been moving so quickly that all my time has been taken just trying to … Read more…

The NWO Project: my current case file

2013-09-12 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, We are indeed living in Interesting Times, an historical pivot point, on a par with the fall of Rome, the Treaty of Westphalia, or the Republican overthrow of monarchies. It’s been a full-time job over the past couple of weeks to track the fast-moving developments, and to read … Read more…

New World Order: running the installation script

2013-09-08 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Obama’s backdown & the NWO Project Obama’s backdown – the media spin emerges , and you saw it here first… — Greetings, The script continues to infold as I said it would, and so far no one else seems to have noticed that the world has changed. … Read more…

Obama’s backdown – the media spin emerges, and you saw it here first…

2013-09-04 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ My prediction, when Cameron and Obama backed down, was partly expressed this way: I suggest that these backdowns, these executives bowing to their legislatures, is intended to be seen a symbolic return to the rule of law. A return to deliberation and thoughtfulness, in contrast to cowboy recklessness. … Read more…

Obama’s backdown & the NWO Project

2013-09-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order. ” – David Rockefeller “Today Americans would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be … Read more…

update re/ Syria

2013-08-29 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Events are unfolding fast, and so is new information about what it all means.  This article appeared in The Telegraph, a major UK newspaper… In the article, Bandar of Arabia is obviously speaking with the full complicity of the US Administration and its owners. He is giving … Read more…

Syria & the NWO Project

2013-08-27 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ rkm, Global warming & the NWO Project As the debts can never be repaid, nations are now operating with whatever ad hoc funding the central bankers decide to provide – and those funds can only be spent on the programs specified by the banker’s agents. This is … Read more…

Global warming & the NWO Project

2013-08-19 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Peter Koenig wrote: I am probably one of the few whom you don’t have to convince that man-made global warming is but a horrendous neoliberal money-making racket. There is money being made from carbon credits and such, but AGW is not about making money, nor is it … Read more…

Co2 and sustainability

2013-08-12 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Earth climate & its galactic origins _____ Greetings, I’ve added a new section at the end of Part 1. Some people got the impression that I am recommending business as usual, by undermining belief in human-caused global warming. Nothing could be further from the truth.  rkm … Read more…

re/ Earth climate & its galactic origins

2013-08-10 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, Several of you reported problems accessing the paper on I’ve uploaded a copy (slightly updated) to Google Docs, where it will be easier & faster to access. Here’s the URL: Some of you might have gotten this message from your browser:      There is a … Read more…

moving forward

2013-07-30 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, I’ve been looking over your responses to the ‘core problem’ posting. You were offering your answers to the question, and your concerns about the question, and it was all helpful to me in getting a clearer perspective on the problem of engaging the 99%. I appreciate … Read more…

Grassroots coherence: a promising movement!

2013-07-19 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Lessons from the tour: a shift in consciousness The core problem re/ seeking coherence… If the local grassroots is to come into any kind of useful coherence, the inert majority must be engaged in the process.  A coherent choir, while the congregation remains inert, can do little beyond making … Read more…

The core problem re/ seeking coherence…

2013-07-13 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ West Coast tour: re/ consciousness & social transformation Lessons from the tour: a shift in consciousness dialog re/ recent postings ____ Greetings, Permit me to summarize and extend the main thread that has been weaving through our recent series of postings… • We are … Read more…

dialog re/ recent postings

2013-07-11 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ re – West Coast tour: re/ Thrive & ‘the commons’ Elisabet Sahtouris wrote: …Being an old fan of yours, Richard, I find myself again in agreement with all you say. Earth has become our Commons, despite the decree of powerful humans in the past that it … Read more…

Lessons from the tour: a shift in consciousness

2013-07-08 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ West Coast tour: re/ consciousness & social transformation!topic/cyberjournal/jYjfWoyAypU ____ Greetings, As usual with these tours, I seem to be the one who gained the most from it. For me, it led to a fundamental shift in perspective. I think people got something useful from our conversations … Read more…

resend: West Coast tour: re/ consciousness & social transformation

2013-07-02 Richard Moore (I never got a copy back from the servers, so I’m sending again)  Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ I’ll be sharing responses to the Thrive posting, but I’m hoping to include a reply from Foster. Meanwhile, let’s move on to the topic of consciousness, and its potential relationship to social transformation. One … Read more…

West Coast tour: re/ consciousness & social transformation

2013-07-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ I’ll be sharing responses to the Thrive posting, but I’m hoping to include a reply from Foster. Meanwhile, let’s move on to the topic of consciousness, and its potential relationship to social transformation. One of the people I met with is Amy Lansky, author of Active Consciousness: Awakening … Read more…

West Coast tour: re/ Thrive & ‘the commons’

2013-06-26 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, Too much happened on the tour to cover it all in one report. Today I’d like to reflect on my conversation with Foster & Kimberly Gamble re/ Thrive, a conversation that has been continuing via email. They graciously invited Jim Fadiman and myself to their palatial … Read more…

Hello from Ireland…

2013-06-13 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, There’s lots to report on from my tour. For openers let me share a video of the talk I gave at the Institute for Noetic Sciences, up near Petaluma. This was arranged by Sergio Lub, of Friendly Favors fame, who was also a co-organizer of the … Read more…

Lessons from the Basque Country

2013-05-09 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Lessons from the Basque Country In the 1950s Father José María Arizmendiarrieta, the village priest of Mondragón in the Basque region of Spain, inspired the development of a series of cooperatively owned industries to employ youth in his parish.  His vision was that, through ownership by … Read more…

from Kauai…

2013-05-08 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, Just a quick note to say I’ll probably be too busy to post anything until I get back to Ireland. So much to do here, lying on the beach and all. When I get back there will be reports on the tour, plus more installments re/ … Read more…

re/ the music of the spheres

2013-04-06 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Hi, This is a quick note about the plasma model & climate. Since the climate record is about overlapping cycles, I mentioned it would be interesting to do a Fourier analysis of the signal. On second thought, I think it would be even more interesting to hear … Read more…

Regime change & elite groups

2013-04-04 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Regime change – past, present, and future Regime change & cultural transformation _______ Regime change & elite groups In any society, some groups of people have more discretionary power over the affairs of society than do other groups. In our society, for example, factory owners have more discretionary power than … Read more…

the electric universe: understanding new paradigms

2013-04-02 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, Having completed that first section of the regime-change article, I’ll reward myself by exploring the plasma model a bit more.  I’ve found it very useful, whenever I learn about a new paradigm, to look for as many parallels as I can think of, in other domains … Read more…

* Regime change – past, present, and future *

2013-04-01 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Regime change – past, present, and future Regime change & cultural transformation A ‘regime change’ is when there are fundamental and relatively-sudden shifts in how a society operates. The American and Russian Revolutions are familiar examples of regime change.  Regime change brings shifts in which groups in … Read more…

re/ unifying model – take 2

2013-03-30 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, First a few words about facebook. Personally, I don’t care if they’re watching me, and I think being very open about what we’re doing is our best defense. That’s my gut feeling. And I use facebook a lot. If you’re worried about being watched, and you … Read more…

re/ cyberjournal and facebook

2013-03-29 Richard Moore Bcc: FYI rkm website: ___________________________________ Greetings, As you may have noticed, my cyberjournal postings have been getting less frequent. This is still where I post what I see as ‘significant essays’, but I’m now also using facebook a lot, to share ideas as they come up, and to engage in discussion threads … Read more…