re-3: escaping the matrix

2009-12-30 Richard Moore Greetings, We now have 674 subscribers on cyberjournal, which is only about 6 less than we had last summer. So despite those who unsubscribed dramatically in anger, we don’t seem to have lost very many due to our climate discussion. I hate to see anyone leave, but this isn’t a place for … Read more…

re-2: escaping the matrix

2009-12-28 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors _______ From: “Claudia Woodward-Rice”  Date: 25 December 2009 19:55:54 GMT To: “‘Richard Moore’” <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: escaping the matrix Hi Richard- thanks for the thoughtful response. And I hope you’re not too discouraged since I’ve found people who begin questioning conventional ‘wisdom’ do so in fits and starts. I admire … Read more…

re-1: escaping the matrix

2009-12-26 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ______ Greetings, I hope all of you had a good family Christmas. With the help of Skype, I was able to be virtually present with my two family gatherings in California and on Kauai. It really is nice to be able to see people, particularly the little kids who aren’t … Read more…

re: escaping the matrix

2009-12-25 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors _______ From: “Claudia Woodward-Rice”  Date: 24 December 2009 19:46:26 GMT To: “‘Richard Moore’” <•••@••.•••> Richard- I have been a little concerned that your current preoccupation with global warming may have detoured you from your primary goal of encouraging people “escapingthematrix.”  Social justice, simplifying life, and confronting cognitive dissonance are all … Read more…

a Christmas message

2009-12-24 Richard Moore Greetings, A very merry Christmas to all, and may all your preconceptions be little ones. all the best, richard _______ Who Am I?by Prof. Charles Tart “Who am I? If you think life is a meaningless accident, your perceptions of the complex world around you will likely be biased toward seeing … Read more…

re-9: global warming – Copenhagen

2009-12-22 Richard Moore Greetings, Here are two very revealing reports on the Copenhagen conference: Fidel Castro: The truth about what happened at Copenhagen      — Globalist version of what happened in Copenhagen Castro gives a blow-by-blow journalistic account of what actually happened. He reports: From the evening of December 17 and the early morning … Read more…

re-9: global warming – dialog

2009-12-19 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ______ Greetings, Thank you for bearing with me during this dip into climate science. I’ve now got a thesis. Doesn’t mean it’s final, but until you have a thesis you never make progress in understanding anything. The thesis regarding climate change is that there isn’t anything to worry about, unless … Read more…

re-8: global warming – temperatures 4,000 BC – 2010

2009-12-17 Richard Moore Greetings, As I mentioned earlier, I downloaded the Greenland ice-core data directly from the official NOAA site, and put it in Excel. I then shifted the readings, all by the same amount, so that 1909 would be zero, making the charts easier to read. I then generated this chart:   4,000 BC … Read more…

re-7: global warming – status of investigation

2009-12-17 Richard Moore Bill Blum asked: I’m not trying to have an argument, just trying to understand where you’re coming from.  You say: “current temperatures and trends are nothing to be alarmed about”.  By “trends” I understand islands submerged by the ocean, glaciers melting rapidly, severe long drouts, and much more.  Why no alarm?  Also, … Read more…

re-6: global warming – ice-core graphs visible in archives

2009-12-15 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ______ Greetings, Several folks wrote in and said the graphs didn’t come through in their email. This is a problem with your computer software, not with the list, as all three copies came back to me with the graphs OK. The posting with graphs can be seen on the riseup … Read more…

re-5: global warming – The official NOAA ice core data

2009-12-15 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors Corresponding newslog article: The NOAA website: ______ Greetings, In the above newslog article there are some charts, allegedly derived from Greenland ice cores. Not wanting to trust the source, I went to the official NOAA government site, and downloaded the raw data from the ice cores into Excel. … Read more…

re-4: global warming – science & sources

2009-12-14 Richard Moore Greetings, I continue to receive lots of comments on this global-warming thread. About half are supportive of what I’ve been posting, and half are not. If I started posting all the comments, we would drift back into our discussions about beliefs, philosophical perspectives, etc. I want to stick to the scientific subject … Read more…

re-2-retry: global warming – temperature records

2009-12-12 Richard Moore Greetings, Thanks, a lot more of you have sent in comments. I will be responding to a number of you, but I’m behind so please be patient. On the list, I want to stick to the topic: what does science really tell us about climate. Only a few of the comments I’ve received … Read more…

re-3: global warming – posting problems

2009-12-12 Richard Moore The re-2 posting included diagrams. Riseup couldn’t post it at all, Yahoo stripped off the diagrams, and Google put the diagrams at the bottom. So please see the posting on Google, and you need to click on the small diagrams at the bottom, in order to enlarge them: rkm

re-1: There is no global warming problem

2009-12-11 Richard Moore      There is no global warming problem Greetings, I’ve heard from about two dozen folks regarding the global warming posting. None of them looked at any of the reports that I provided. The majority opinion seems to be that “everyone knows” Co2 is over-heating the globe, and there’s no point in discussing … Read more…

There is no global warming problem

2009-12-09 Richard Moore In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.      – Galileo Galilei Whenever you find that you are on the  side of the majority, it is time to pause  and reflect.      – Mark Twain Greetings, You’ve all heard of Occam’s Razor: the simplest … Read more…

more re: The myth of over-population

2009-12-06 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ___ The myth of over-population: re: The myth of over-population: ___ From: Ray Songtree Date: 4 December 2009 06:08:07 GMT To: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: The myth of over-population I read all your comments. as usual you are right on. You are right, all these activisms within the present system are … Read more…

newslog 4 Dec 09

2009-12-04 Richard Moore This posting was too long for riseup to handle. You can see it on Yahoo: ___________________________ subscribe mailto: •••@••.••• websites: archives: Moderator: •••@••.•••  (comments welcome)

re: The myth of over-population

2009-12-04 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ______ From: “Peter Hollings” Date: 2 December 2009 19:16:58 GMT To: “‘Richard Moore’” <•••@••.•••> Subject: FW: FW: The myth of over-population Richard –  Some comments from an astute environmentalist on the article you sent.  Peter Hollings   From: Emily Spence Sent: Wednesday, December 02, 2009 1:35 PM To: Peter Hollings Subject: … Read more…

The myth of over-population

2009-12-02 Richard Moore I’ve been looking quite a while for a good article on the ‘over-population problem’. This one is very good. The URL, and excerpts from the article, are below. This is not to say population can keep growing indefinitely, but it is not over-population that is causing mass starvation today. If we were … Read more…

newslog 26 Nov 09

2009-11-27 Richard Moore Greetings, As the multi-dimensional global crisis moves toward it’s planned climax, news items are coming in fast and furious. I don’t have time to annotate every article as I have done in the past. I’ll send out these summaries as I can, but if you want to keep up with the latest, … Read more…

re: Psy-ops and the fascist takeover

2009-11-23 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ____ ________ From: “Sabine Kurjo McNeill”  Date: 21 November 2009 10:45:56 GMT To: “‘Richard Moore’” <•••@••.•••> Subject: RE: Psy-ops and the fascist takeover Your analysis is, once again, ON THE BUTTON, dear Richard!!!  SUPERB, EXCELLENT, REMARKABLY WONDER-FUL!!!   Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out a way in which to make … Read more…

Psy-ops and the fascist takeover

2009-11-21 Richard Moore The fascist takeover is being facilitated by a particular psy-ops strategy.  The right-wing is being hyped up with all sorts of nonsense about Obama being a socialist, along with other disinformation, and so we have one segment of society that hates Obama, and opposes his programs, for all the wrong reasons. Simultaneously, … Read more…

Harmonization circles & cultural transformation

2009-11-20 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ______ Greetings, Our recent discussions about beliefs served to reconfirm, from another angle, the basic conclusions that I reached when I wrote my book, Escaping the Matrix. That is, social transformation can only be achieved via cultural transformation. We cannot fix the existing system – it is dysfunctional in its very … Read more…

Emergency bulletin #1: New World Order update

2009-11-19 Richard Moore The rapidly-weaving threads of the New World Order Consolidation of military dominance Pentagon rapidly pursuing global dominance via space weapons This is an excellent documentary, narrated by Bruce Gagnon, with interviews with Noam Chomsky and others. It covers the whole history of the space program, its origin with Nazi scientists, the … Read more…

newslog, miscellaneous, 12 Nov 09

2009-11-13 Richard Moore Hooray! Mondragon comes to USA! By Carl Davidson  Oct. 27, 2009–The United Steel Workers Union, North America’s largest industrial trade union, announced a new collaboration with the world’s largest worker-owned cooperative, Mondragon International, based in the Basque region of Spain.  News of the announcement spread rapidly throughout the communities of global … Read more…

newslog – comprehensive overview of Project Pandemic

2009-11-13 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors _______ Alex Jones interviews Dr. Blaylock (YouTube) Blaylock explains that the long-term neurological damage from vaccines is firmly established in peer-reviewed medical journals. The CDC and most of the medical establishment are ignoring this evidence, much of which is in the CDC’s own studies. -rkm * William Engdahl: Nano … Read more…

rkm update

2009-11-11 Richard Moore Greetings, Because of various glitches, you may have received one or two unusual postings yesterday that were not intended to go out on the list. The last intended posting was the article on beliefs, cultures, and human brotherhood.  *** I realize the article was long, also a bit complex, and I know … Read more…

Beliefs, cultures, and human brotherhood

2009-11-10 Richard Moore Bcc: a few friends and colleagues _______ Background article:      Gregory W. Lester: Why Bad Beliefs Don’t Die ______ Beliefs, cultures, and human brotherhood r•••@••.••• In his article, Lester presents us with a psychological explanation for why people hold onto beliefs, even when there is clear evidence contradicting those beliefs. Lester’s central thesis … Read more…

* rkm declares a state of Global Emergency *

2009-11-09 Richard Moore Friends, President Obama has declared a state of National Emergency. He is thereby signaling an intent to undertake certain actions, and revealing an expectation that certain things are going to come to pass. I hereby declare a state of Global Emergency, and by that I am expressing an awareness of the actions … Read more…

The Four Horsemen of the Manufactured Apocalypse

2009-11-07 Richard Moore These are the End Times of legend and lore, when horses of apocalypse strut to the fore. Each stomp shakes the Earth with a tremble of dread, as civilization crumbles around all our heads. Horse 1 downed the Towers, so tall and so strong, and with them all law, and freedom’s sweet song. Horse … Read more…

Film review: The Fall of the Republic

2009-11-05 Richard Moore Film review Alex Jones, The Fall of the Republic       YouTube:      DVD purchase: suitable for viewing with a circle of friends making additional copies is encouraged by Alex Alex Jones latest film is a quantum leap better than his previous efforts. The production qualities are quite professional, the folks being interviewed have very good … Read more…

newslog 3 Nov 09

2009-11-04 Richard Moore Obama: A Case Study In Social Engineering This 2009 Ebook-lite, naturally titled “Obama: Manufacturing A Savior – A Case Study In Social Engineering”, is a unique look at social engineering. We hope that one can use it to straightforwardly glean principles that are diabolically manipulating one in these cataclysmic times. Principles … Read more…

re: progressive beliefs & status report

2009-11-03 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors _____ Greetings, Here’s the next batch of responses on our belief thread. In the whole history of cyberjournal (about 15 years) no thread has received as much participation.  I’ve just come across a very good report on vaccines, from Dr. Russell Blaylock. His sources are all mainstream, and what he says … Read more…

re: some thoughts on beliefs, progressives, and conservatives

2009-11-02 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors _____ Greetings, These are all responses to our posting of 10 Oct, which has been nicely formatted and reposted to the serendipity site, thanks to Peter Meyer:       You’ve sent in many other comments on later postings, but I’ll delay those so we don’t get overwhelmed with material. all … Read more…

quick note: new documentary on LSD research – Nov 3

2009-11-02 Richard Moore Greetings, The message below is from one of our long-term subscribers, and one of my favorite teachers, Jim Fadiman.  rkm _______________ Hello friends,  There is a new documentary on LSD airing November 3rd (and on subsequent  dates) on the National Geographic Channel. I will appear various times during the  program.  I hope … Read more…

rkm: brief status report

2009-11-01 Richard Moore Bcc: interested parties ______ Greetings, Last week I attended a conference on “Creating Resilient Communities” at the Tipperary Institute. The week before that I was working on an important essay, which I kept thinking was ‘just about done’, but still requires more work. As a result, I’m way behind on email, particularly … Read more…

newslog 30 Oct 2009

2009-10-31 Richard Moore      “Whenever you find that you are on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”       – Mark Twain.      “When the Fuhrer says march, I sit down and think.”      – rkm Friends, There are a few people who are very angry at me for my newslog postings that question … Read more…

re: progressive beliefs

2009-10-18 Richard Moore Bcc: contributors ______ Greetings, You folks have sent in a number of interesting contributions to this thread, and I’ll be publishing those in the next few days. But today I want to focus on material from one of our subscribers whose comments illustrate what we’ve been talking about.  rkm _________ From: Ralph … Read more…

newslog 14 Oct 09

2009-10-16 Richard Moore Essays Howard Switzer: materialism vs. consciousness Every culture has its story of the beginning many having similarities.  Ours begins in Garden of Eden, back when we, our most ancient ancestors, were animists living in harmony with nature, in a balance between the spiritual and material worlds. Richard Cook reviews Greco’s The End … Read more…