reader contributions 1 Oct 2022

Madeline Bruce wrote: The 1% need operatives to pull off their hideous agenda.  Important to wake up those lower class operatives.  In Nanaimo, B. C. the homeless are pushed out of sight, and away from services, toilets, water, and food, by by-law officers, on orders from Nanaimo City Council.  I read recently that when the Nazis took over Paris, … Read more…

Jan 6 & Fascism in America

On September 1, just a few weeks ago, in Philadelphia’s Independence Hall, President Biden delivered a chilling speech, where he accuses MAGA Republicans of being enemies of democracy. Here’s the speech on Youtube, in case you haven’t seen it yet: The setting is highly symbolic. Biden stands alone at the podium, and behind him to his left, are American … Read more…

Launch announcement: Greg Maybury’s weekly radio show

Greetings, I’m very much looking forward to this weekly live interview show, hosted by a member of our own cyberjournal community. I encourage you all to check it out and spread the word to everyone who yo think would be interested. rkm —— Greg writes: A heads up to tune into TNT RADIO LIVE this Saturday 10 September at AEST 6.00PM (Aussie Eastern … Read more…

Will Putin defeat the WEF’s Great Reset?

Previous article: The coming of the multipolar world order WEF: World Economic Forum —— Putin and the WEF Putin recently delivered a powerful speech to the widely attended 10th Moscow Conference on International Security. Representatives from all over the Global South were there, along with all the members and would-be members of BRICS. Here are a couple of excerpts from the speech: … Read more…

Dialog re/ recent postings

All postings: —— Jay Fenello wrote, re/ Tom Greco’s post: I can’t envision a single solution that the people of the world could coalesce around. We are just too divided, and too polluted in our thinking. An awakening I can envision is one of process, not destination. One where people understand what it means to be asleep, … Read more…

Sergio Lub: Putin vs WEF?

Greetings, Many years ago, Tom Greco suggested to Sergio that he invite me to speak at one of his roundtable sessions, at his house in Walnut Creek. In those days I was very much into facilitated  group process, as a means of finding creative solutions to problems, and as a means of building community. I talked about that, and … Read more…

Greg Maybury: Rockefeller and the medicl profession

Greg Maybury is a freelance writer based in Australia. His main areas of interest are American history and politics in general, with a special focus on economic, financial, national security, military, and geopolitical affairs. For 8 years he has regularly contributed to a diverse range of alternative, independent media (AIM), news and opinion sites, including Op Ed News, The Greanville Post, … Read more…

Thomas Greco: New world orders, ours and theirs

Tom and I have been exchanging emails for over 20 years, and have had many conversations about economics, money, world orders, and activism. We met through cyberjournal, to which he was an early subscriber. He introduced me to Sergio Lub, which led to many adventures – thanks Tom for that consequential intro. I’d have a hard time summarizing Tom’s … Read more…

Brian Hill: a new emerging world view

Greetings,   I’ve known Brian for over 20 years and we’ve been in frequent touch most of that time, sharing ideas and discussing activism. I’m in awe of the number and scope of projects Brian has contributed to. In this posting he tells us about his vision of a transformed world view, and the projects … Read more…

Re: The coming of the multipolar world order

Re: The coming of the multipolar world order   ——   Greetings,   I’ve gotten lots of positive responses to the article, and I thank you for that  I’m trying to bring it to the attention of a few widely-followed analysts, whose reports I’ve found illuminating, but who seem to be missing some of the developments … Read more…

The coming of the multipolar world order

  The rise and fall of America’s unipolar moment After the collapse of the Soviet Union, we found ourselves in a new era – the era of a unipolar world, dominated by the US and the West. America dominated militarily, and felt itself entitled to intervene unilaterally in the affairs of other nations, whenever it … Read more…

Orthodoxy and the meaning of events

  When something dramatic happens, we want an explanation. We want answers to questions like: Why is it happening?  Who is responsible? Where is it heading?  What does it all mean?    Dramatic events and their orthodox meanings In the mainstream narrative, the orthodox narrative, a clear meaning is always provided, right along with the news of the dramatic event … Read more…

dialog: capitalism, elites, and the state

Bcc: FYI Previous posting: more dialog: capitalism | climate —— Howard Switzer wrote: I agree the problem is elite rule but capitalism is how they rule because it is the private control of the creation of money (capital) for profit, issuing all money as interest bearing debt and you cannot pay off debt with debt so … Read more…

more dialog: capitalism | climate

Bcc: FYI Previous posting: dialog re/ climate change —— Part 1: capitalism, elites, and democracy rkm posted: …I think it is a mistake to identify capitalism as ‘the’ enemy. Instead I suggest we need to identify elite rule as ‘the’ enemy… William Bowles responded: Richard, NOT capitalism? So who are the elites? Extraterrestrials? Come on Richard, there’s … Read more…

dialog re/ climate change

Bcc: FYI Greetings, I shared a temperature graph with my friend William Bowles, along with the claim that the past 200 years of warming has been entirely natural. He sent the following impassioned reply: Richard, your graph may or may not be correct but it completely misses the point that us socialists posit, namely environmental destruction … Read more…

Fools on the left fight a non-existent fascism and accept the market

Greetings, I highly recommend this article, and I’d be interested in your comments. rkm _______ Interview With Fusaro: Fools On The Left Fight A Non-Existent Fascism And Accept The Market The sovereign nation states, in modernity, have not only been the places of imperialism, nationalism and wars, as the order of the dominant discourse repeats, which wants … Read more…

re/ Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

Bcc: FYI Original article: The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order When I earlier posted a critiqueof the ‘Green New Deal’, I expected to receive mixed reviews from readers. On the one hand, I believe the article is well documented and presents convincing evidence. On the other hand, in this era of a climate-crisis … Read more…

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order

The Elite Plan for a New World Social Order Richard K. Moore – 1 February 2010Featured on other sites:   Global Research    New Dawn   Serendipity Visit my blog: The era of growth – capitalists vs. aristocracy When the Industrial Revolution began in Britain, in the late 1700s, there was lots of money to be made by investing in factories … Read more…

re/ Beware the Green New Deal!

Original article: Word to the Wise: Beware the Green New Deal! by Geraldine Perry / April 4th, 2019 Tasha wrote: Oh No! Not another conspiracy!!!>>>???? TashaMaria Tromer I’m guessing that your comment is meant ironically Tasha. From our past correspondence I’m sure you’re aware that the whole system we live under is conspiracy to its … Read more…

Word to the Wise: Beware the Green New Deal!

Word to the Wise: Beware the Green New Deal! by Geraldine Perry / April 4th, 2019 Seemingly overnight, the Green New Deal has arrived. Given the sorry state of our environment, what possible objections could there be? In this case, plenty – and they all trace back to the Green New Deal’s deeply complex and surreptitious … Read more…

rkm: Greetings from Ireland

Included in this posting: 1) West Coast tour this Fall 2) Some comments on current events 3) My Electric Universe videos 4) Feedback re/ Degeneracy and Fundamentalism of Western Media Control West Coast tour this Fall My home base will be in Palo Alto from 1 October to 18 November. But most of that time … Read more…

Degeneracy and Fundamentalism of Western Media Control Degeneracy and Fundamentalism of Western Media Control Dedicated to ‘my’ magazine, NEO By Andre Vltchek April 10, 2018 “Information Clearing House” – There is nothing sadder and more pathetic, than a notorious liar shouting, spitting saliva, insulting normal people left and right, while terrorizing those who are telling the truth. Lately, the West has gone clearly … Read more…

dialog re/ NWO & Shadow Government

Comments on: re/ The New World Order: the endgame has begun C Wrote: “No doubt money is power. I still prefer not to believe in any vast, coordinated plan to screw commoners, at least not until I personally meet the control group allegedly responsible and get convinced they are overpowering the many good and yet powerful … Read more…

Kevin Shipp: CIA Officer Exposes the Shadow Government

Greetings, The video is also available on YouTube. There are limits to how much Shipp reveals, but what he does reveal is important to know about. rkm ______ Exposes the Shadow Government High ranking CIA officer risks it all the expose the Shadow Government/Deep State – that manipulates the elected government behind the scenes. Posted … Read more…

re/ The New World Order: the endgame has begun

Tasha wrote: “Hi. RKM. I was just thinking how much I missed your missives. Hope you are well. How are you doing? Yes T. is an embarrassment to thinking people. I am often ashamed for my country. He’s not my president. t Tasha” Thanks for your concern Tasha. I’m doing fairly well for a 75-year … Read more…

Escaping the Matrix

Originally published in Whole Earth Review and New Dawn Magazine, summer 2000. Are you ready for the red pill? The defining dramatic moment in the film The Matrix occurs just after Morpheus invites Neo to choose between a red pill and a blue pill. The red pill promises “the truth, nothing more.” Neo takes the … Read more…

New Order of Barbarians – transcript of tapes I-III Tape I IS THERE A POWER, A FORCE OR A GROUP OF MEN ORGANIZING AND REDIRECTING CHANGE? There has been much written, and much said, by some people who have looked at all the changes that have occurred in American society in the past 20 years or so, and who have looked retrospectively to … Read more…

Tim Ferriss interviews Jim Fadiman re/LSD

The Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide – Risks, Micro-Dosing, Ibogaine, and More DISCLAIMER: DO NOT USE ANY DRUGS OR SUBSTANCES WITHOUT CONSULTING A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. THIS IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. JAMES FADIMAN, Ph.D., did his undergraduate work at Harvard and his graduate work at Stanford, doing research with the Harvard Group, the West Coast Research Group in … Read more…

Greetings from Palo Alto

Hi all, I’m visiting in Palo Alto and next week will be heading up 101 all the way to Seattle, a road trip with my brother. If any of you are along that route perhaps I’d be able to say hello as we pass by. Let me know. Thanks to web-designer Susan Friedrich we now … Read more…

re/ Trump & the NWO

Greetings, Lot’s of people have commented on this latest post about the NWO and Trump’s role. I really want to encourage folks to look at the comments on postings, as that provides an opportunity for conversation in the cyberjournal community. So if there is a post that interests you, you might wait a couple of days and … Read more…

Donald Trump and The New World Order

For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicised incidents … to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and over economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests … Read more…

re/ who are you now? – thanks for your comments!

Greetings, I still don’t know much about ‘the 400’, but I was pleased to get about two-dozen responses, some from people I hadn’t heard from in years. Those who chose to respond were all quite positive in their comments. What they seemed to value most is my ongoing perspective on the ‘big picture’, and the fact that I don’t align … Read more…

rkm asks: who are you now?

Greetings, Currently cyberjournal has over 400 subscribers. I don’t know how many of those folks actually read the postings. I know in my case I subscribe to many sources, and often don’t open a posting if the headline doesn’t grab my attention. There are only a handful of you who typically respond to postings. I appreciate those responses, but … Read more…

Subscriptions now moved to riseup

Greetings, I’ve moved all the google and yahoo subscriptions over to riseup. riseup is very good about distributing postings without making any changes to the appearance, fonts, etc. If this presents problems for anyone, please let me know. I’ve also added links at the bottom of the emails to subscribe and to visit the blog. rkm

Vintage cj: Can an email list have a star sign?

I’m not saying I believe in astrology, but I found this fascinating, from a 1999 posting… From: Vadim Bondar Subject: Re: a posting from the past… Date: Sun, 14 Nov 1999 01:45:44 EST Hi Richard, It was lovely that you posted the first cj message. And since it had a date [22 Jan 1995], I’ve … Read more…

cyberjournal blog now live!

Greetings, Thanks to the hard work of Chris Thorman and Susanne Friedrich (RedPrincess Productions), the new blog is now up and running. If you click on the date at the top of a posting that will take you to the posting on the blog, where you can add comments. I encourage you to visit the blog, and any … Read more…

The Trump Era – what is it really about?

Trump – the most controversial of Presidents There have been highly controversial Presidents in the past. In Vietnam War days, for example, there was a growing controversy, finally reaching the point where an overwhelming majority was outraged at Nixon and the war, and was very happy to see him resign in disgrace over Watergate. Or there might be widespread outrage at the character … Read more…

Announcement: Escaping the Matrix now online

Greetings, I’ve made an online version of the book, that you can read on the web, perhaps on an iPad for convenience. Here it is: Escaping the Matrix.  This message, by the way, is being typed in our new cyberjournal blog, which is getting close to going live. I’ll post the message here, going out only to the … Read more…