cj#658> re: “The Biology of Globalization”

1997-04-18 Richard Moore To: •••@••.••• (Elisabet Sahtouris) Cc: •••@••.••• Dear Elisabet, Enjoyed your article, which reached me via fwd’s: From: Charles Bell <•••@••.•••> To: “Richard K. Moore” <•••@••.•••> From: “S. Lerner” <•••@••.•••> To: FUTUREWORK – Moderated <•••@••.•••> Sender: The Other Economic Summit USA 1997 <•••@••.•••> From: Carol Brouillet <•••@••.•••> Is the following an accurate mini-bio? … Read more…

cj#657> TV mini-series on GLOBALIZATION

1997-04-16 Richard Moore Dear cj, I want to mention a major (as in: scary, formidable, beyond my experience) project whose feasibility I’m nontheless contemplating. It would be a documentary (tv mini-series) on GLOBALIZATION – what it is, what it means to you, who benefits, what they’re not telling you, etc. There would be six to … Read more…

cj#656> China; Propaganda; Elite designs

1997-04-13 Richard Moore @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 Sender: Richard Clark <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#655> China & KulturKampf: some predictions Mr. Moore, American corporations have far too much invested in China to allow our government, which they control, to go to war with China. Boeing has billions invested in China. Seagate, the company I … Read more…

cj#655> China & KulturKampf: some predictions

1997-04-11 Richard Moore @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ China & KulturKampf: some predictions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The G7 club: a quick review ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There is now a gentleman’s club of nations – essentially the G7 – which to a first approximation runs the world. Japan and Germany – like the rest – have accepted that collaboration via the club is more … Read more…

cj#654> Elias: an agenda for democracy

1997-04-08 Richard Moore Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 Sender: Elias Davidsson <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#645> TWA – Intentional Fire scenario I wish to comment on the ‘friendly fire scenario’. Although one can make such constructions, mentally, and show that a scenario could have been designed, the rationale for such actions – namely to push through … Read more…

cj#653> Hi-Tech Warfare with China?

1997-04-07 Richard Moore @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Hi-Tech Warfare with China? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6 April 1997 •••@••.••• Rapid development underway of hi-tech US arsenal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Elias Davidsson forwarded me an interesting article, “The Future of Warfare”, The Economist (March 8). It delves into the subject of hi-tech warfare, of which Desert Storm, we are told, was but a primitive … Read more…

cj#651> Ian Goddard’s latest on TWA (fwd)

1997-04-03 Richard Moore Dear cj, These two pieces are so concise and to-the-point that I’d like to share them, even though they keep us mired in the TWA 800 story… -rkm @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Sun, 30 Mar 97 From: Ian Goddard <•••@••.•••> Subject: TWA800: Foreign-Missile Theory, R.I.P. ACTIV-L Article: 8193 THREE NAVY SUBS WERE OFF LONG … Read more…

cj#651> The Police State Conspiracy; Lessons from Ghandi

1997-04-02 Richard Moore @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The Police State Conspiracy; Lessons from Ghandi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Conspiracy analysis considered pointless ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following personal note, I believe, fairly characterizes the reaction of many, perhaps the silent majority, to the kinds of discussion found in the recent series of postings on TWA 800, the media, and conspiracy analysis. Allow me … Read more…

cj#650> Decoding Media Propaganda

1997-03-29 Richard Moore Dear cj, Allow me to develop further the following line of thought, from cj#643: > I actually find the mass media very informative, but in spite of itself. > If you take the trouble to inform yourself (mostly outside the main media), > and put two and two together, it is possible … Read more…

cj#649.1> NWO history: Rhodes & riches [resend]

1997-03-27 Richard Moore [resent due to bad line-breaks] Dear cj, Here’s an article by “Joshua2” (the nom-de-plum of an American named William Schwartz) which provides a concise yet comprehensive primer to major conspiracy threads behind the New World Order, a kind of “Conspiracy 101” for students of the NWO. These aren’t mystical references to an … Read more…

cj#649.2> NWO history: Council on Foreign Relations

1997-03-27 Richard Moore ________________________________________________________________ Part 2 of 2 -> __________________________________ 2) UNDERSTANDING THE NEW WORLD ORDER by Joshua2 THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS WOODROW WILSON IN THE NEW WORLD — Wall Street, particularly the Morgan Banking interests insured that their choice for President, Woodrow Wilson would win the office by funding a third party candidate, … Read more…

cj#649.1> NWO history: Rhodes & riches

1997-03-27 Richard Moore Dear cj, Here’s an article by “Joshua2” (the nom-de-plum of an American named William Schwartz) which provides a concise yet comprehensive primer to major conspiracy threads behind the New World Order, a kind of “Conspiracy 101” for students of the NWO. These aren’t mystical referenc= es to an “Illuminati” or “Secret Masonry”, … Read more…

cj#648> TWA – catchup on reader comments

1997-03-25 Richard Moore Dear cj, My intention was never to turn cj into a “Solve the TWA mystery” project. As I introduced this series in cj#640: > What is useful in this case, it seems to me, is to observe and take >note of the process of cover-up and media control: How are these kinds … Read more…

cj#647> On armed resistance (a break from TWA)

1997-03-19 Richard Moore Bcc: personal correspondent XX 3/12/97, XX wrote (in response to one my NWO articles): >…I too agree, a political solution is best, but many of my >compatriots realize that the lines of demarcation have been >clearly drawn by the ruling elite. Many of us are prepared to >break rather than bend. As … Read more…

cj#646> TWA news & sources

1997-03-17 Richard Moore @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Thu, 13 Mar 97 From: Ian Goddard <•••@••.•••> Subject: TWA 800: Paris-Match is OUT To: •••@••.••• If you can read French, here’s the latest TWA 800 report from Pierre Salinger, Dr. Mike Sommer, and yours truly: http://www.parismatch.tm.fr/actualite/twa800/framedepart.html The radar images the FBI has been working overtime to keep out of … Read more…

cj#645> TWA – Intentional Fire scenario

1997-03-16 Richard Moore Dear cj, Recall the list of possible scenarios from cj#643: Bomb 5% (evidence should have surfaced by now) Terrorist Missile 0% (can’t go high enough) Spontaneous Combustion 5% (could be, I suppose) Other mechanical failure 3% (none seriously proposed as yet) Accidental Friendly Fire 60% (consistent with all known facts) Intentional Friendly … Read more…

cj#644> TWA news update

1997-03-13 Richard Moore Dear cj, Below are the latest reports from Parveez Syed, who continues to provide the best information I’ve seen on TWA incident, and none of whose reports have been shown to be false, so far as I’ve seen. Please note that the names of most sources are included — eyewitnesses, investigators, laboratories, … Read more…

cj#643> TWA – Coverup Analysis

1997-03-12 Richard Moore Dear cj, Readers have sent in a number of thoughtful comments regarding the TWA discussion thus far. The items are numbered (1 through 5) below — feel free to look through those prior to my own commentary, or you may prefer to look at them when they’re first mentioned. (Note: #3 isn’t … Read more…

cj#642> TWA – Reader Comments

1997-03-07 Richard Moore @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 Sender: •••@••.••• (Kathleen Geathers) Subject: Re: cj#640> TWA – Report #1 – EYEWITNESS I can understand this couple who saw the crash of the jet in New York Harbor. What they’re describing is the military’s disrespect for anyone’s life, not even their own citizens. Look what … Read more…

cj#641> TWA – Report #2 – Friendly Fire Theory

1997-03-04 Richard Moore Cc: Joe Shea Dear cj readers, In Report #1 we saw a published (in Ojai) letter from a “county office worker” who claimed to have witnessed the TWA incident, and insisted that he saw “A very bright fiery light heading upward toward the jet. Then an explosion.” In previous cyberjournal issues, such … Read more…

cj#640> TWA – Report #1 – EYEWITNESS

1997-03-01 Richard Moore Dear cj, This is the first of a short series of reports I’d like to share, regarding the TWA 800 crash. My point in this series is not so much to “get to the bottom” of this particular incident, nor to express outrage at careless missile testing and government lying. One is … Read more…

cj#639> Cyberlib updates

1997-02-28 Richard Moore Dear cj, The following new or updated articles were posted today to Cyberlib. The two non-political articles at the end were completely re-written for their recent publication in Enneagram Monthly. -rkm ________________________________________________________________ o Articles-by-RKM/ Folder containing articles I’ve written. o America_&_NWO — “America and the New World Order” — published in New … Read more…

cj#638> Ferguson re: paradise plan

1997-02-27 Richard Moore Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 Sender: •••@••.••• (Joe Ferguson) Subject: Re: cj#633> re: Is there a paradise plan? Hi Susan, I’m sorry to hear of your mistreatment at the hands of insensitive, greedy corporate jerks. Reading your email, I am moved by your power as a writer and by your fire. Two … Read more…

cj#637> re: corporate culture et al

1997-02-23 Richard Moore Dear cj, Here’s another posting on the issue of corporte vs. non-corporate life styles. (Todd, in his quest, you will note, also rediscovers Bhudda’s insight about suffering and desire.) Please see my comment following Todd’s message. More TWA 800 information continues to arrive, however this posting seems like enough for a Saturday. … Read more…

cj#636> re: paradise plans & corporate culture

1997-02-21 Richard Moore Dear cj, Anyone have ideas for Susan? Please send to cj with copy to Susan, so she needn’t wait for my posting schedule. I’m back in Wexford, gradually unpacking, reorganizing space, and reentering local culture. The file on TWA 800 is ready for posting, as soon as I have time to boil … Read more…

cj#635> re: TWA 800 controversy

1997-02-14 Richard Moore Dear cj, Our last posting, “cj#634> Query re TWA 800”, led to quite a little flame war between Joe Shea and Parveez Syed, which I’ll summarize after the smoke clears a bit. In addition, Parveez has sent in more information about the TWA 800 case, and has promised to send in some … Read more…

cj#634> Query re TWA 800

1997-02-12 Richard Moore ________________________________________________________________ Date: Thu, 6 Feb 1997 Sender: Craig McLeod Frank Jones <•••@••.•••> Subject: TWA 800 What’s the latest on this little caper? Any recent news or leaks from the invesigation that we have not heard about in the mainstream media? Craig Jones ________________________________________________________________ Anyone got any info on this? I’ve seen no … Read more…

cj#633> re: Is there a paradise plan?

1997-02-05 Richard Moore Dear cj, Hope you all haven’t been missing cj too much. There are two weeks left in my holiday, and after getting settled back in Wexford, you’ll see some new threads on cj and some new articles (already written) on cyberlib. New versions of “Life Cycle of Creative Endeavors” and “America and … Read more…

cj#632> re: Is there a paradise plan?

1997-01-28 Richard Moore ________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 Sender: •••@••.••• Subject: Re: cj#631> Is there a paradise plan? I am interested…In fact, myresidence is in Concord, about 30 or so miles east of the Bay area… •••@••.••• ________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 25 Jan 1997 Sender: •••@••.••• (John Lowry) Subject: Re: cj#631> Is there a paradise … Read more…

cj#631> Is there a paradise plan?

1997-01-24 Richard Moore Dear cj, After having been in Ireland for two years (which has comparatively few financial resources) and then visiting New Hampshire for two weeks (which has comparatively few imagination resources), I arrived here in Bay Area. And a crazy idea occurred to me. Here we have an area with lots of money … Read more…

cj#630> re: Butrous Butrous Ghali

1997-01-11 Richard Moore Date: Fri, 20 Dec 1996 Sender: •••@••.••• (Kathleen Geathers) Subject: Re: cj#623> re: Butrous Butrous Ghali Thanks, Richard. There is so much polluted information which unudates the public, and we swallow it hook, line and sinker, which gives free reign to the government to do anything it wishes with no accountability. Maybe, … Read more…

cj#629> re: Global Policeman or Bully?

1997-01-11 Richard Moore Date: 17 Dec 96 From: Robert Ward <•••@••.•••> To: “Richard K. Moore” <•••@••.•••> Subject: cj#625> Global Policeman or Bully? >> the point is not whether there was provocation in those situations << The point I was trying to make was that it is over-simplistic to declare that wars are “started” by one … Read more…

cj#628> Crittenden on Optimism

1997-01-11 Richard Moore @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 From: Butler Crittenden <•••@••.•••> Dear Richard, ~–<snip>–~ I remain the optimist I’ve always been. Just a few days ago National Public Radio carried several segments as part of a larger story on the “psychology of happiness.” The first segment struck me as pretty bad, as some … Read more…

cj#627> latest Consortium issue

1997-01-11 Richard Moore Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 From: •••@••.••• (Robert Parry) Subject: CIA-Contra Plan: ‘Killing Cubans’ The new issue of The Consortium is on the Internet. The lead story describes how the CIA’s architect of the Nicaraguan contra war listed one of the covert operation’s goals in 1981 as “killing Cubans,” who were in … Read more…

cj#626> Hello from California

1997-01-05 Richard Moore Dear cj, Finally got hooked up to the net from the road… Now in California (Palo Alto) until Jan 24. Send me a message with phone # if you live in Bay Area and want to get together. Some postings will follow. -rkm

cj#625> Global Policeman or Bully?

1996-12-17 Richard Moore Date: Mon, 16 Dec 1996 Sender: Yves Leclerc <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#624> re: America & NWO & credibility Richard, In your answer to Robert Ward, you could have answered his whole argument much more simply: the point is not whether there was provocation in those situations, but that throughout history, the systematic … Read more…

cj#624> re: America & NWO & credibility

1996-12-16 Richard Moore ________________________________________________________________ Date: 09 Dec 96 From: Robert Ward <•••@••.•••> To: “Richard K. Moore” <•••@••.•••> Subject: cj#622> re: America & NWO & credibility While I agree that US militarism has a lot to answer for, some of your instances are open to debate. For example : 1780 : The first shot may have … Read more…

cj#623> re: Butrous Butrous Ghali

1996-12-16 Richard Moore ________________________________________________________________ Date: Mon, 9 Dec 1996 Sender: •••@••.••• (Kathleen Geathers) Subject: Re: cj#618> John Stockwell, NOT David Stockman, sought enemies The selection of Butrous Butrous Ghali was to avoid the appointment of a black African; however, Butrous would not be manipulated by the U.S., a dead-beat nation. I often wonder why we … Read more…

cj#622> re: America & NWO & credibility

1996-12-09 Richard Moore ________________________________________________________________ Date: Sun, 8 Dec 1996 From: [XXX] To: “Richard K. Moore” <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#620> re: America & NWO thread > Mr. Moore states, “There has been a significant war approximately > every thirty years, usually initiated (overtly or covertly) by America and > always achieving a new stage in the … Read more…

cj#621> re: TWA 800: Satellite PROVES Missile

1996-12-09 Richard Moore ________________________________________________________________ Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 Sender: Frank Scott <•••@••.•••> Subject: Re: cj#617> TWA 800: Satellite PROVES Missile (short & solid) I hardly see any of these allegations as “proving” anything. They simply use stories that are not anything more than “it is saids” and “a source told” without further proof. This … Read more…